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Well-known member
And there lies the cultural chasm in America. I won't say anything about your woman, Cappy, like how many teeth or toes she has.

Keep it classy, "Captain". :laughing:

We both have all our teeth, toes and fingers not even any rotten teeth. :biggrin:

We actually eat good food, wild game free of hormones, GMO fed grain and antibiotics, we also have fresh spring water straight from the tap. :biggrin:


Well-known member
I think you are over estimating your knowledge of the 'majority of our military men' and what exactly they would do. As a matter of fact, after making that statement, how can anyone possibly take your opinion on anything seriously? That is how ridiculous an argument you are making. I am at least hoping you are a veteran, as you seem to know us so well.

Are you saying our veterans are Communists and Fascists?? Somehow I don't believe that...


Well-known member
Are you saying our veterans are Communists and Fascists?? Somehow I don't believe that...

Not trying to be nasty, but you may want try reading up on the history between the two world wars. Because it has Always been about money, labor relations is what you want to keep in mind.
You will find a very significant period of when 'those commies' were our best friends and the savior of our society as we know it today.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
haha, I'll put on my tinfoil hat with you and say there are likely militia groups that might take every bit of the gov't's power to disarm. Now with my tinfoil hat OFF, I look at your scenario and say, 'well, when the tanks come rolling down main street, everybody's screwed.'

Somebody on another thread pointed out that Australia took all its civilian guns away (supposedly), But the USA has 325 million people, and Australia only has 24 million. So I don't think it's happening any time soon.
While part of me agrees with you, another part says, "Look what the Afghans did the Russians and now us. Not to mention Vietnam."

There is something definitely to be said about asymmetrical warfare against a superior fighting force.

I don't think it'll happen either. But the thought still lingers in the back of my mind.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That's true, but the way I see it if Communists or Fascists tried taking over we would definitely have some bad asses like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. While the Confederate army did lose more Union men died in the Civil War.

Also if it was Communists and/or Fascists they will be vastly outnumbered by Patriots.
If communists or fascists tried taking over, we wouldn't need people to do a thing. No one would "rise up"....ha...the U.S. military needs no help from traitorous Americans to defend our shores. Comical. Your observation regarding the number of deaths in the civil war shines a light on your lack of understanding conflict, or what is in the hearts and minds of people who have stood to post. A veteran, and not a 'civilian patriot' might understand the depths and layers that statistic may have. I won't bother pointing it out, because it's really not important to us that you understand it. As far as being outnumbered by patriots...well, I don't speak for others', but nowadays the word 'patriot' is thrown around so much by alt right nutjobs and conservatives, that your statement is about as intimidating as saying "they will be outnumbered by librarians".

Are you saying our veterans are Communists and Fascists?? Somehow I don't believe that...
First, they are not my 'veterans', they are my brothers and sisters. So please, don't put words in my mouth. My point was this: you know nothing about what the majority of military men AND women, would do. Period. I can promise you this, in all the circumstances discussed here, and all the other scenarios I'm guessing you like to dream about, someone who is or has been in the US military, would put alot more thought and consideration into the actions they would take than you give them credit for. And believe it or not, I believe you and every other Joe average would too.
I really didn't want to add that last sentence. I get so angry, every single solitary day. Every day . I see someone talking about what side "most" veterans would take. If you're interested in the social conflict going on in the US, you can't escape the daily "usage" of vets. Fuck this. I'm out of here


Invertebrata Inebriata


Well-known member
Subrob if the government goes crazy the military soldiers will most certainly fight on the side of the people because the people are their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, wives, girlfriends and lovers. And just because you might have been in the military doesn't make you any more knowledgeable than people that have sons, daughters, friends, etc and has a pretty good feel for what they will do.

Your so called brothers and sister didn't do a god damn thing when 25,000+ fellow service members were raped by fellow service members in the last 3 years. Did you know they would do that?

Mic drop!!!!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Subrob if the government goes crazy the military soldiers will most certainly fight on the side of the people because the people are their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, wives, girlfriends and lovers. And just because you might have been in the military doesn't make you any more knowledgeable than people that have sons, daughters, friends, etc and has a pretty good feel for what they will do.

Your so called brothers and sister didn't do a god damn thing when 25,000+ fellow service members were raped by fellow service members in the last 3 years. Did you know they would do that?

Mic drop!!!!!

If the government goes crazy? The only way the government could "go crazy" is if the military was part of the "go crazy". Your point about me not knowing better than him? That WAS my point. He stated most would do one thing: rise up. I stated most would put more thought into the actions they would take than he was giving them credit for. You wanna pick which statement is a reasonable one?
So, your argument supporting the military participating in an armed revolt against the US govt (in case they "go crazy") is that they knowingly sat on their collective hands while 25,000+ of fellow service members were raped the last 3 years? Way to not only show the amount of thought put into that post, particular nice touch you would use the military in a completely unrelated point, after my last rant.
Btw, you dropped your mic


ICMag Donor
Cohen will go down in history as the guy who saved the country instead of trumps dirtbag lawyer.


Well-known member
I didn't say the government would go crazy. You and Captain were discussing that. I said if they would.

Also what if the Russians start beating out military. You know the Russians many of you are so scared of. When they come to the shores of the USA we will still have our guns.



Well-known member
Cohen will go down in history as the guy who saved the country instead of trumps dirtbag lawyer.

Everyday you wake up Trump is POTUS. It will be the same for the next 6.5 years. However, everyday you wake up, you and your ilk, keep trying to find another thing to cling to in the hopes Trump's presidency will end.

The most that can happen with Cohen against Trump would be an illegal campaign contribution due to Stormy Daniels. It is a fine. There will be no impeachment. His base doesn't care he slept around. Stormy and Cohen will not get you what you want. Looks like safe room and coloring books for you.


Well-known member
Not trying to be nasty, but you may want try reading up on the history between the two world wars. Because it has Always been about money, labor relations is what you want to keep in mind.
You will find a very significant period of when 'those commies' were our best friends and the savior of our society as we know it today.

Those communists were only our friends because the enemy of our enemy is a friend. Just after the Nazis and Japanese were taken out the Cold War began.

We fucked Russia on Germany and then we dropped nuclear weapons on Japanese civilians to end the War before Stalin could get his troops into Japan. Stalin was never a friend of the West we just had a common enemy and rightfully so the Soviet Union was a shit hole, today Russia ain't too bad but they did drop communism.


Well-known member
Got to love how a thread about legalizing medical marijuana in Tennessee just turns into yet another Trump hater thread.

Seems like Trump can legalize marijuana on the federal level and he will still be hated because people will get rich off it and closet growers won't be able to sell their weed for $20 a gram.


Well-known member
Got to love how a thread about legalizing medical marijuana in Tennessee just turns into yet another Trump hater thread.

Seems like Trump can legalize marijuana on the federal level and he will still be hated because people will get rich off it and closet growers won't be able to sell their weed for $20 a gram.

it's not legalization
more of a formal recognition of the Holder(actually Cole) memorandum
which leaves it to the states to be legal/illegal or whatever


Invertebrata Inebriata
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Originally Posted by CaptainDankness
Got to love how a thread about legalizing medical marijuana in Tennessee just turns into yet another Trump hater thread.

Seems like Trump can legalize marijuana on the federal level and he will still be hated because people will get rich off it and closet growers won't be able to sell their weed for $20 a gram.

That is not the reason I hate trump. I hate him because he's a lying piece of shit con man.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I didn't say the government would go crazy. You and Captain were discussing that. I said if they would.

Also what if the Russians start beating out military. You know the Russians many of you are so scared of. When they come to the shores of the USA we will still have our guns.


What? Are you seriously fukn asking if I think the US military would need help from uneducated white trash if the Russians invaded our country and started beating us? What world do you live in? Stop fantasizing kid. Not gonna happen. Just admit, that even on a website for potheads, you cannot keep up your end of political discussion and stop talking.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I mean dude...I'm sorry...but this vision that alot of people have of badass public revolution where white kids who think they understand how the world works, rise up and conquer is laughable. If any of you ass kickers had any balls or ability at fighting, you would be a veteran, not a rabble rousing shit talker on an anonymous website. Those that can, do. Those that can't, talk shit on websites.
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