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The True Economic Horror of USA


Active member
money owed doesn't really matter if it came to any kind of world war, debt wouldn't really be an issue. your not gonna pay up to a country your at war with.
plus you keep speaking about the usa as a nation which would have to stand alone, im from the uk and I know we are pretty tight allies with the usa as well as the united nations as a whole.

so china vs usa, uk, Germany, france +rest of the united nations... whos gonna be the more powerful force?
plus how do you know they are hacking into the usa computers? you can only hack a system that's connected to the web. do you not think that this information would be stored on computers that are not networked? seems pretty simple to me.

finally how can you actually know this information you have found is legit? how can you be sure that the info you have researched, is not actually placed there to lead people away from the real truth?? I mean your information was easily found online- a little too easily I reckon!... the possibilities are endless if you use your imagination

on a serious note, sometimes it takes the collapse of a system for it to evolve into something better, like hash said there will always be trade of some kind even if there was any kind of collapse. it really isn't worth upsetting yourself over..
Yo bud you mentioned china vs UK and rest of nato lol if i remember you live on that little island of england lol is it not true if USA didn;t come in and save you you all be speaking german today ??? cause i thnk Germans really took it to you guys Churchill was ready to throw in the flag then
but lets looks at china;s allies again looks pretty nasty
China's allies=
Russia (Nuclear and world Power)
SCO (Strategic ally in Central Asia)
Burma (strategic Asian ally)
Venezuela (Latin American strategic ally)
Zimbabwe (Strategic African ally)
Pakistan (Major partner and Nuclear power)
Iran (Middle eastern ally and regional power)
Cuba (Latin American strategic ally)
North Korea (Traditional cold war ally with nuclear weapons)
Sudan (Strategic African ally)
Syria (Strategic middle eastern ally)
Serbia (Possible future ally now that America has pissed them off with Kosovo)

And lets look at top ten Nuke tests russia 50 mt that is nuts
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Active member
Does it seem too strong to call the way America deals with its debt “madness?” If not madness, then what? Denial? An addiction? However you phrase it, we’re a country that’s in deep trouble, but so many of us seem unable to deal with it.

Liberals in this country, for the most part, will admit that we’re running up “unsustainable” deficits. Yet, these same liberals adamantly oppose any and all serious efforts to do anything about it. If you move out from liberals to the general public, once again you’ll find plenty of people who admit that this nation has a huge problem. Yet, when you leave generalities, get down to specifics, and start looking for programs to cut, then suddenly everyone gets nervous and says, “never mind.” It’s like the old saying, “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.”

Sadly, this is a natural outgrowth of ladling out public funds to special interests. There is so much collective money that few people feel or appreciate it even when billions are saved. Yet, if we yank even a few million away from special interest groups like PBS, Planned Parenthood, or the unions, they squeal like pigs that are about to accidentally be put in the wolves’ pen at the zoo.

In the face of that, people have to realize that this country is on pace to go bankrupt — and it could happen relatively soon if we don’t start taking serious steps to control our spending. Mike Pence thinks we could be just ten to fifteen years away. Tom Coburn is less optimistic and thinks it could happen in as little as five years. If that happens, we’re not a tiny country like Greece — we’re the biggest economy in the world. That means there’s no cavalry coming to pay our bills for us because we ARE the cavalry.


Active member
What happens then? Well, we don’t know for sure, but we can make some educated guesses about what COULD happen and how it will impact YOUR life.

1) Your life savings could be reduced to nothing almost overnight. Inflation is a fact of life. Thomas Sowell has noted, “As of 1998, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the 1960′s.” That’s under normal circumstances.

However, the thing governments have traditionally done when they simply can’t pay their debts is print more money. The problem with this is the further you expand the money supply, the less the money you already have on hand is worth. This can wipe out the savings of a lifetime in a relatively short period. Imagine spending billions of dollars just to buy a loaf of bread. Sound far-fetched? Well, guess what? That has happened in the Weimar Republic, which was crushed under debts from WWI and decided to pay it off by printing more money. It could happen here, too, and all the money you’ve scrimped and saved could become worthless in a short order.

2) Your taxes will skyrocket. We’ve been conned into thinking that we can fund a massive government on the backs of the rich. This is simply not so. It’s not working today and it’s not going to happen in the future. We cannot tax the rich enough to pay off our debt or even enough to keep the government going long-term. Even if we could, the rich have the resources to flee the country for greener pastures if they’re being taxed into oblivion. The middle class? Not so much.

What that means is the more desperate the government gets, the more the average American is going to be hammered with new taxes. How much more of your income can you afford to send overseas to pay China for the money they’ve loaned us to keep PBS, Planned Parenthood, and the National Endowment of the Arts going? What about if the country goes bankrupt and your income tax rate shoots up to fifty percent? How are you going to pay your mortgage? How are you going to feed your kids? When the government runs out of cash and it can’t borrow any more money, then it will start leveling massive taxes on the American people.

3) Your life could be in danger. If the government goes bankrupt, you’ll have an extremely angry, confused, and frustrated populace that has little faith in its leaders — combined with a horrific economy and a reduced ability of the government to keep order. Under those circumstances, widespread rioting and violent crime seem entirely plausible.


Active member
4) Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether. Contrary to what some people believe, Medicare and Social Security are paid out of the same fund that pays for everything else. In other words, if the government goes bankrupt, there is no money set aside to pay for these programs. So, if you’re receiving Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, or any other similar programs, those checks could stop or be slashed down to nothing. That seems unthinkable to people, but if the government doesn’t have any money, then it can’t pay it out to people. As they say, “You can’t get blood out of a turnip.”

5) You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living. If taxes and inflation escalate dramatically, both of which are very likely if we go bankrupt, economic activity will slow to a crawl and we’ll go into a depression. We’re not talking about a “This is the worst economy since the Depression” situation that we hear every time there’s a mild downturn in the economy; we’re talking about a REAL depression. Businesses will close left and right, the stock market will tank, unemployment will soar to heights not seen since the thirties, and the government won’t be in a position to help very much.

If that happens in a country like America, where people have been so prosperous for so long, it’s going to produce utter misery. It’s not a lot of fun to be poor under the best of circumstances, but it’s much worse to go from having a comfortable life with a bright future to growing vegetables to eat in the backyard and wondering how you’re going to keep warm in the winter.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
4) Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether. Contrary to what some people believe, Medicare and Social Security are paid out of the same fund that pays for everything else. In other words, if the government goes bankrupt, there is no money set aside to pay for these programs. So, if you’re receiving Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, or any other similar programs, those checks could stop or be slashed down to nothing. That seems unthinkable to people, but if the government doesn’t have any money, then it can’t pay it out to people. As they say, “You can’t get blood out of a turnip.”

5) You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living. If taxes and inflation escalate dramatically, both of which are very likely if we go bankrupt, economic activity will slow to a crawl and we’ll go into a depression. We’re not talking about a “This is the worst economy since the Depression” situation that we hear every time there’s a mild downturn in the economy; we’re talking about a REAL depression. Businesses will close left and right, the stock market will tank, unemployment will soar to heights not seen since the thirties, and the government won’t be in a position to help very much.

If that happens in a country like America, where people have been so prosperous for so long, it’s going to produce utter misery. It’s not a lot of fun to be poor under the best of circumstances, but it’s much worse to go from having a comfortable life with a bright future to growing vegetables to eat in the backyard and wondering how you’re going to keep warm in the winter.

This premise along with global warming can or will be a one two punch so to speak.

How many more hurricanes along the east coast of the U.S. of A will the government be able to handle?

Shit,I should get food stamps and social security now while the getting is good.



New member
DR.Fever come on! you make it sound like our country would lock down an entire city looking for a kid. Go door to door with armored vehicles and bullet proof clad police physically taking citizens out of their own homes and then search the homes. That's crazy.

Next what're gonna tell me? That there's a super secret agency listening in on every phone call, email,txt msg? that's just nuts

The sheople will just return their heads to the sand.


Active member
DR.Fever come on! you make it sound like our country would lock down an entire city looking for a kid. Go door to door with armored vehicles and bullet proof clad police physically taking citizens out of their own homes and then search the homes. That's crazy.

Next what're gonna tell me? That there's a super secret agency listening in on every phone call, email,txt msg? that's just nuts

The sheople will just return their heads to the sand.

Well lets look here when looking at these vids why are tanks painted for suburban ware fare and going into many cities in the states could the government be getting ready for a out of control taxation policy and gearing up to attack there own ppl one word my friend MARTIAL LAW MEANS that YES they can kick you out of your home and shoot you like a dog in the street




cant re Member
Yo bud you mentioned china vs UK and rest of nato lol if i remember you live on that little island of england lol is it not true if USA didn;t come in and save you you all be speaking german today ??? cause i thnk Germans really took it to you guys Churchill was ready to throw in the flag then
but lets looks at china;s allies again looks pretty nasty
China's allies=
Russia (Nuclear and world Power)
SCO (Strategic ally in Central Asia)
Burma (strategic Asian ally)
Venezuela (Latin American strategic ally)
Zimbabwe (Strategic African ally)
Pakistan (Major partner and Nuclear power)
Iran (Middle eastern ally and regional power)
Cuba (Latin American strategic ally)
North Korea (Traditional cold war ally with nuclear weapons)
Sudan (Strategic African ally)
Syria (Strategic middle eastern ally)
Serbia (Possible future ally now that America has pissed them off with Kosovo)

And lets look at top ten Nuke tests russia 50 mt that is nuts

our little island of England once had a massive empire spanning most of the world.
we needed help after years of fighting, but ultimately it was the Russians and the usa which turned things round as you know. not the usa alone, although... we appreciate our relationship with the usa, we have been at war with many countries in our history, most of them several times our size. we have earned the right to be proud of our history.
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Active member
Well lets look here when looking at these vids why are tanks painted for suburban ware fare and going into many cities in the states could the government be getting ready for a out of control taxation policy and gearing up to attack there own ppl one word my friend MARTIAL LAW MEANS that YES they can kick you out of your home and shoot you like a dog in the street




putting tanks on a train means that the military is going to start taking over cities ??????

are you fucking serious? did you know that when military units train at NTC they bring their own equipment with them? do you realize that it make no fucking sense whatsoever to drive a battalion of tanks from lets say Fort Bliss or Hood or Bragg overland to NTC? do you know how bad you would be freaking the fuck out if you saw tanks driving from point A to B if seeing them on a train is making you lose your mind? FWIW i personally loaded tracked vehicles onto trains a couple dozen times while i was in the military. back then we were heading out to different training areas instead of going to take over cities ......... but back then Reagan and then the first Bush were in office and nobody was spending time on the net letting Alex Jones melt their fucking brains.

calm down a little doc. sometimes what someone tells you you should be seeing is not exactly what is happening.

and by the way that camo pattern on those tanks is NOT designed for urban warfare. it looks a lot like the pattern on every fucking tank that i ever saw in Europe, and those were painted so you could hide in the woods FWIW

and yes like any sane american i DO fear my government ....... but not so much that i am going to stop thinking


cant re Member
I think every government is corrupt to some degree. you should feel happy that they are not as bad as Africa or Korea or whatever.. in some of those countries the everyday man really is worthless. look at how women are treated in some of the eastern countries.

tbh we have a lot to be thankful for. yes keep your eyes open.. but a lot of this stuff is scaremongering. much like the whole Mayan calendar apocalypse bullshit spread around online. complete nonsense spread for youtube hits.
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Kiss My Ring
yes, take for instance global warming...

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists
A cold Arctic summer has led to a record increase in the ice cap, leading experts to predict a period of global cooling.

There has been a 60 per cent increase in the amount of ocean covered with ice compared to this time last year, the equivalent of almost a million square miles.

In a rebound from 2012's record low an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia's northern shores, days before the annual re-freeze is even set to begin.

The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year, forcing some ships to change their routes.

A leaked report to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seen by the Mail on Sunday, has led some scientists to claim that the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century.

If correct, it would contradict computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming. The news comes several years after the BBC predicted that the arctic would be ice-free by 2013.

we all know the goobermint will say anything it's told to...


See the world through a puff of smoke
I think ever government is corrupt to some degree. you should feel happy that they are not as bad as Africa or Korea or whatever.. in some of those countries the everyday man really is worthless. look at how women are treated in some of the eastern countries.

tbh we have a lot to be thankful for. yes keep your eyes open.. but a lot of this stuff is scaremongering. much like the whole Mayan calendar apocalypse bullshit spread around online. complete nonsense spread for youtube hits.

LMAOF take a look to your own UK.In some parts sharia law is in practice.click

For patients no acces for mmj.:blowbubbles:

Keep on growing :)


Active member
yes, take for instance global warming...

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists
A cold Arctic summer has led to a record increase in the ice cap, leading experts to predict a period of global cooling.

There has been a 60 per cent increase in the amount of ocean covered with ice compared to this time last year, the equivalent of almost a million square miles.

In a rebound from 2012's record low an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia's northern shores, days before the annual re-freeze is even set to begin.

The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year, forcing some ships to change their routes.

A leaked report to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seen by the Mail on Sunday, has led some scientists to claim that the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century.

If correct, it would contradict computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming. The news comes several years after the BBC predicted that the arctic would be ice-free by 2013.

we all know the goobermint will say anything it's told to...

wow really! OMG now i don't know what to think! maybe it is possible to find data to support ANY AND EVERY opinion out there on the net and instead of reading through some stuff it is easier to read 5 paragraphs in the newspaper and call it good.

here is a short one that says you are being mislead .......but they could be full of shit too http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/

by the way when did you start believing what the UN has to say about anything? cherry picking ?


Kiss My Ring
even they, after being proven wrong, must bow to the truth.

i suggest everyone cherrypicks evidence supporting their views. care to show yours?

but that is the point...

we believe what evidence we're provided (from 'them') without question, until one day the lies are revealed for what they are.

now since Dr. has raised your hackles, why don't you prove him wrong?

just do it.

just prove him wrong.

the truth is out there, you claim to know it. share here that knowlege...


Active member
even they, after being proven wrong, must bow to the truth.

i suggest everyone cherrypicks evidence supporting their views. care to show yours?

but that is the point...

we believe what evidence we're provided (from 'them') without question, until one day the lies are revealed for what they are.

now since Dr. has raised your hackles, why don't you prove him wrong?

just do it.

just prove him wrong.

the truth is out there, you claim to know it. share here that knowlege...

i'm pretty sure the only "view" that i posted was that doom crying and fear mongering are laughable. i even made a point of saying i don't love or trust our government. but unless i embrace letting fear warp my fragile mind then i must think everything is just fine, right?

the doctor didn't raise my hackles, he gave me a good laugh and the only truth i claimed to know was that they load tanks on trains for reasons other than taking over american cities. FWIW "they/them" did not provide me with that information, what i did was serve in the military and actually loaded tanks onto trains myself and i am pretty sure i have already done what i need to "share here that knowledge"

.......... but if alex jones says that every time a tank is loaded on a train we lose some freedom then that must be the way things are:biggrin:

"but that is the point" right?

we can look at the exact same thing and see them differently..........

in this case you seem to see a ghost waiting for the perfect time to jump up and rip our hearts out. and all i see is a sheet laying on the floor where someone dropped it.

reality sucks doesn't it?

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