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The Treasure Chest CFL Micro Cab


New member
Have you checked the water you're using? It isn't where I'd normally start in the troubleshooting process, but it sounds like you have all the rest of the bases covered. It couldn't hurt to double check the pH, hardness, and chlorine/chloramine content to see if any of these could be an issue.


New member
Perhaps Phosphorus Deficiency?

Perhaps Phosphorus Deficiency?

Have you checked the water you're using? It isn't where I'd normally start in the troubleshooting process, but it sounds like you have all the rest of the bases covered. It couldn't hurt to double check the pH, hardness, and chlorine/chloramine content to see if any of these could be an issue.

I'm damn confident about the pH. It is consistently 7.3-7.5 out of the tap and I pH the water to 6.5-6.8 each time I water. As far as hardness goes, I only have a TDS meter and it reads 250-300ppm without any added nutes which I think is just alright though it could be better. I have not checked chlorine/chloramine.

Here are some pictures of my girls. You can definitely see the yellowing/burning of the leaf tips. They are also turning a bit purple. The stems on the Docs OG are a deep purple/red.

Docs OG: "the claw", burnt leaf tips, yellow/purple leaves

Docs OG: red/purple main stem

Docs OG: purple outline on leaves, burnt leaf tips

LSD: slightly yellow/burnt tips, dark spots

I'm beginning to think that they may have a phosphorus deficiency. The Docs OG has the red/purple stems, the burnt leaf tips, and has definitely slowed down in growing. The LSD also has some symptoms: dark spots, burnt leaf tips, and also some red stems. However, before I do anything, I would like some advice/opinions.

I do have some Roots Organic HP2 which is liquid bat guano, 0-4-0. What really weirds me out is that even though this MIGHT be a P deficiency, you can definitely see the "claw" caused by what seems to be a Nitrogen toxicity. How could my plants/soil have enough nitrogen to poison the plants even though I've only been flushing/watering without nutes for almost a month now! Definitely would like some expert help here. Thanks all. I really hope these girls recover.

Some more images...



New member


Hey everyone. I know it's been a while (I've been caught up in work, school, and moving) but I have some news.

First off, I am down to one plant sadly. I thought I was doing pretty good with watering; I would water when the soil was dry about two inches down. I got off work one night and didn't bother to check the soil since I had checked earlier that day and the soil seemed fine. Wake up the next morning and my Docs OG plant is completely withered up and all the foilage is extremely crispy. That was the end.

Anyways! I transplanted my LSD plant into its final pot. It's been under 18/6 lighting for almost 70 days now! WOW! What a first grow. Sure, I'm a little disappointed that it's taken this long for me to get where I am now but oh well. I learned a lot!

The plant is now in a much bigger pot and is really starting to grow at a much faster pace. I am feeding 1 tsp/gal of Roots Organics Surge 2-2-.5 and 1 tsp/gal of CalMag every other watering and the plant seems pretty happy so far. In these upcoming days, I plan on finally light proofing my exhaust fans with carbon filter sheets and light proofing the intakes with some PVC (maybe ABS?) elbows. Temps without the light proofing and intake are a comfortable 70-77F but I'm sure they will increase with the restricted exhausts. I plan on just increasing the size of the intakes and we'll go from there. I also modified the light fixture or actually got rid of it. Though I only have 5 sockets now for a total of 115W, I gained much needed head room for my girl.

Here are some flicks of the LSD plant!




And on a tangent, here is the ikea box that I am ALMOST done constructing. I started with using plywood as doors but the grain could still be seen and my girlfriend did not like that one bit. So, I used MDF board which can be seen on the left door. I actually like it brown so we'll see. Also, CHECK OUT THAT FISH TANK! Woo, we just got a 30gallon and are super psyched.




New member


Day 74 (Day 3 Flower)
Photoperiod : 12/12
Temp In/Out : ~70/65 Fahrenheit
Humidity : 49-55%​

I flipped the photoperiod from 18/6 to 12/12 this past Friday! Today would be the third day of flowering. On Friday, I fed her .5tsp/gal of Buddha Bloom and .5tsp/gal of Cal Mag. For some reason, she got slightly nute burnt from that. I'm guessing it's because of the fresh nutrient-rich soil but I'm not too worried. I'll be feeding her every third day. I'll start off with just the .5tsp/gal of Buddha Bloom and CalMag and eventually up it to 2tsp/gal probably during week 4 or so.

Anyways, here she is!

I got rid of one of the PC exhaust fans and replaced it with a 4" duct booster fan. I also got some cut to fit carbon filter sheets that keep my exhausts light proof and smell proof! Or at least so far! :smokeit: I also used some short lengths of PVC and PVC elbows to make the intakes light proof. I also put in a sheet of glass from a picture frame to help with the temperature control. I can safely say that the treasure chest is FINALLY complete!

I also managed to take one nice clone from the plant! Hopefully this works out alright. I've had horrible luck in the past.
