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The Toking Tent


Grow like nobody is watching
Thank you BC, that's a high compliment! Well, holy shit it's been curing for over a month! No wonder it tastes so yummy :D Here are some pics (I still have a fair bit left, more than in the pics)...



A coupla trichs from the Shiva:

^ That stuff on a cigarette is like I'd imagine crack cocaine. Very rushy. If I sprinkle some on a cone of Pure, I'm totally outta the game for 2 hours or so :D:yes:

I should have let the Shiva Skunk go longer as it's a bit lightweight and uppy, but good for doing stuff. The Pure is purrrfect and really messes me up, it's an old skool narcotic smoke fo' sho'.

Speaking of Shiva that's been pulled too early, someone gave me this outdoor Shiva from the same cut, which was pulled at 6 or 7 weeks I think he said...and that's since being removed from indoor veg lights which is like when it got switched to 12/12, not from when flowers first appeared, if ya get what I mean. Crazy, but oh well, this is the best looking weed he's ever grown.

Happy growings :wave:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Damn looks like some tasty nugs:D...keep up the good work..Peace bro


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow, nice pile of kief. Glad to hear the Pure is doing it for ya, a good strain indeed!


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks all :)

Lmv, it's not hard really, I'm a very lightweight toker these days. I gave away just over half an ounce and I still have approx 2/3rds of an oz left, plus all the keif, plus all the trim which I haven't baked with yet. And I'm stoned from sunup to sunup every single day :D

Which is kind of awesome btw! Especially when it's howegrown. I've actually grown 100% of my own supply for quite some time now with no gaps. The last stuff made it over 8 months curing before I ran out! But even now I still have a tiny nugget tucked away of it, for the memories, heh.

I have just this minute thrown those buds gifted to me into water and I'll be water curing them for the next 7 days. They were only flushed for like 4 or 5 days so they seem a really good candidate for that!

And KJ, I do hope you run the Pure again, or was it a cross you mentioned. Whatever, there needs to be more Pure related grows! :D


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks all :)
And KJ, I do hope you run the Pure again, or was it a cross you mentioned. Whatever, there needs to be more Pure related grows! :D

Yep, we will indeed be running the Pure again sometime; still have some beans from the breeder pack left. It's not a cross, it's TFD's The Pure.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks Bork, it says the same for me :D Yeah it's pretty potent! I'm going to collect some kief from the pure next, when I clean my grinder. The water cure buds will be removed from water tomorrow and dried. To anyone reading this and asking wtf is a water cure, do a search and look at the pics, it's incredible what comes out! The water looks rusty on the first few days and that's all the ferts, chlorophyl, oil, and other shit we would normally inhale! Freezerboy has some great pics of the foam (!) that collects when you pour the water off.
I could never water cure, unless I got a hold of some nasty nasty. The smell and taste are a large part of the enjoyment for me.

It'd be like turning a nice filet mignon into hamburger. :(

What kind of grinder do you have, 4 piece space case type? That's what I use, and I love it. Finger-hashed a nice little wafer out of it yesterday after grinding about an ounce through it over a few weeks. Very choice.

I picked up a little kief box too the other day, and man, the stuff that it was produced was reaaaaally white. Can't wait to get some quantity out of there.


Grow like nobody is watching
This thread never dies! :D I'm just so glad we all have the ability to share our grows. Thanks for looking in and sharing your own. I've learnt an awful lot from all of you.

Bork, I have a round 4 piece "Waterfall" grinder. I would love one of those boxes - mass production! :D I pack mine full of weed, then stick it in the freezer for half an hour, then grind and shake. No idea if that's a common thing, but it seems to make it last longer before the screen gets clogged, and better quality product, and quicker to grind.

Agreed on the water cure, totally, except this stuff wasn't flushed so I wasn't looking forward to the taste anyway - that's the only time I actually do a WC - on other grower's weed! It'll also come in handy for stealth smoking in public.


Edit: And here's a pic of the water cure!

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Grow like nobody is watching
I've only had 2 cones so far and it was still super dry, so to be honest it was a bit harsh...kind of just hot air. I kind of forgot about it so it's still a bit dry even now. Just sniffed the jar then and it stunk it up a tiny bit which I wasn't expecting. :)

The stuff from this grow is pretty nice though but the Pure doesn't always burn so clean. It's a shame I don't have enough to give them both a long cure but I figured I'm gonna run out anyway so I may just purchase an oz and hide the rest of this grow away for 6 months. The Shiva is the nicest taste. I think both could have been flushed more too. Thanks for droppin' in brah.


Active member
Not to poke fun... but I was somewhat disappointed off of my own CFL yields.

~56 dried grams for 220 watts.... kinda on the low side, even with a solid scrog


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah I was genuinely hoping for a lot more when I started. When I had the serious plant issues, growth really did come to a standstill, and that was the most important stage, the "chunking up" stage. So I think I have the potential to get considerably higher yields if I gave it another go. But alas, no amount of words will change the yield I actually got. I may try the dr bud method at some stage but after that, I'll be picking up a 250 hps. The PLLs I'm using in the new cab are great and all but I'm not fooling myself I'll get 1gpw. And that is the stage where I'll be content.

Thanks for posting :)

PS: Organized to purchase some auxillary smoking material so I will be giving both strains from the tent a deep cure, probably 6 months :)
Grest grow Scrubninja.... just read the whole thread and looks like you've got that close to being dialed in!! I'm sure next time over you will reap more from the knowledge learned from the first grow!!