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the tips of my leaves are turning brown and curling up...


New member
should i trim the dead stuff? or just let nature do its thing?
the reason i ask is because i just saw a picture or a plant with a few leaves that had the tips missing, looked like they'd been trimmed or something... or is this something else?



Active member
if its the very very tips then you burnt em, just leave it, even though necrosis can be a host for forms of mold, you dont really wanna stress the plants out more by cutting apart the leaves like some kind of plant butcher.

Can you post pics of your plants though so we can give you a plan of action?
the pics you saw were probably of a cutting that was being cloned. Some growers cut the leaves down a bit to reduce the rate of evaporation leaving the plant.


New member
ill post some pics when i get back home tonight.
it is the very tips, mainly the big middle one, and its just one or two tips total per plant [we have 3 plants total]... we think its just a bit of over-feeding, or "nutrient burn"... when you say 'burnt them', do you mean that or heat burn? i thought it may have been from them being like, less than one inch away from the light bulbs. ill get pis up later, i know that will make it easier to tell lol
but, why would someone have cut their leaves like that though? what purpose does it serve?
they were baby plants that were cut. and they were cut like..... if your hand was a weed leaf all your fingers would have been cut at the first joint... sorry, thats the only way i can discribe it lol


Potassium deficiency?

Potassium (K) - Mobile
Effects of Potassium on Cannabis Leaves
Spotting Potassium Deficiency

Older leaves, first tips and margins, then whole leaves turn dark yellow and die. Stems become weak and often brittle. Plants become susceptible to disease. K is usually present in soil, but locked in by high salinity. Internal temperature of foliage climbs, causing protein cells to burn and degrade. Excessive evaporation from leaf edges causes burning.

Healthy dark green foliage.
Leaves loose luster, weak scrawny branches.
Leaf margins turn rusty brown, curl up and dry.
Older leaves yellow and develop rust colored blotches.
Leaves curl up, rotting develops and old leaves drop.
Flowering retarded and greatly diminished.

Treating Deficiency

Fertilize with comple N-P-K fertilizer. Use organic soluble potash mixed with water, however adjust the pH to 6.5 before application. Foliar feeding is not recommended.

Signs of Potassium Toxicity

It is difficult to diagnose. The absortion of Mg, Mn and sometimes Zn and Fe are slowed. When these nutrients are deficient P is often toxic!
Treating Toxicity

Flush growing medium with mild complete fertilizer.

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