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The things in YOUR live that matter?


Tropical Outcast

"Things" not necessarily from a materialistic standpoint.

"Things" can be anything as long as they matter to YOU!


Number 1 priority:
Awesome health!

No matter how much money you got you can't buy health. If one gets sick - everything else will suck depending on how sick one gets.

2nd on my list: Not being bothered by those "little things" in life.
Sometimes that can be somewhat challenging but the older I get the better I get in managing those "little things".
Someone "flipping me off"? Haha I laugh @ that! A simple cold? Big deal! ;) It'll be gone in a few days.
Others got no choice & limited time left on this planet, they would love to trade with me.

3rd: My freedom.
Never been to jail nor intend to do so. Any time would suck although I think I could handle a year if I had no choice. Hope that will never happen.
Knock on wood!

^^^^Although the list continues those are MY most important things that matter.


1. The freedom to do whatever I want. (which I have :) )
2. The love from my friends and family.

Not really sure what of those comes first...

3. Helping those who need my help.

In no particular order
Doing "stuff" with my wife
Growing Cannabis
Riding my bike
Having fun with my son and daughter
Making some far out project and working on it, like building things.


Number 1 priority: My ok health, i am ms sufferer, but doing good. so i can still travel and do most things a want, to maintain the ok health i try to eat right and stay active.

nr.2 my inner pond, is a lake really cant be stirred by trivia. I think my way of dealing whit things that i cant change is awsome, atleast for me. if you cant change it, deal whit it. as best you can.
and i know i can react cool headed when need be.

nr3. for me is traveling, seeing different places and cultures. to see how other people live, and how they treat each other. to learn that there realy just are people whit different cultures, but all are humans, whit the same wants and crawings.


Being a good person - and not expecting the same from others.

I guess this can be interpreted as looking out for #1... but I like to just be a good person. I make my morals... they're an invention of man anyway.

And no, I'm not religious.



What were we talking about?
Just this ashtray... And this paddle game.

The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control.

The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches.

The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp.

The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this.

The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure.



It all boils down to one thing for me: Cannabis. I'm 'all in' ther tain't much left.
A sub set of my Cannabis Life would be my patients and their patients.
and ICmag of course


Freedom Fighter
Being a good person - and not expecting the same from others.

I guess this can be interpreted as looking out for #1... but I like to just be a good person. I make my morals... they're an invention of man anyway.

And no, I'm not religious.


Great one!!:tiphat:


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
having not always had these, a roof over my head and my dog's dish perpetually full are kinda high on my list.

beyond that, the freedom to fiddle - to start a project knowing very little about it, and figure out as i go how shit gets done. the spare time this takes is a treasure i'd be hard pressed to live as happily without. doesn't even really matter what the project is...just being able to wade ass-deep into waters i know nigh unto nothing about frequently keeps me a happy camper.

lost in a sea

the only things keeping me here on this planet are:

keeping a variety of animals,, growing a variety of plants,,, and knowing that there are many loving, compassionate intelligent people around me, and still here on this earth..



Game Bred
Cash buys me the best foods and medical care available so it improves my health

Cash buys me the best legal council to secure my freedom in case of the worst case

Cash buys me the best equipment and genetics

Cash allows me to help others in need

Top of my list is cash.


Tropical Outcast
Cash buys me the best foods and medical care available so it improves my health


Top of my list is cash.

One of my neighbors (relatively seen) is within the top 100 of the riches people in the world (not just recently but has been for a while) and would love to find out how your top choice could be made working for him as well.
I am sure he would cut you the biggest check you could ever imagine if you could tell him how his money could give him additional years to live.

Glad what's on top of your list is working for you though!


Probably not a popular answer but trying to love and obey God. Everything else (usually) follows naturally. This includes (but is not limited to hahah) being a servant to my family and friends, keeping money in it's place and meditating on the grace afforded to me which leads to a joy that can not be taken away from me.


Kiss My Ring
Time...really the least important till one realizes how little is left.
Love...one of the easiest to give, but the hardest to get.
Friendship...this is a crapshoot, there are winners and losers in this category.
Respect...for oneself, it will be the only aspect seeming unpolluted.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The ability to look around and find beauty and order in what otherwise often seems like a messy, chaotic world.


Active member
My family , my friends and my sanity are what matters to me . Ive been without all these at points in time and really dont care to repeat the losses !

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