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The things I LOVE about cold weather


The sound of falling snow, the silence in the deep woods, starkly black and white with
no color except evergreens, icecicles, snowmen, sledding, comforters in the horse
drawn sleigh, hayrides, cuddling, hot spiced rum, baked apples, roasted nuts, holidays
of winter, frosty breath(cant tell if smoke or breath), hunting, fishing in the ice,
the 'scrunch' of yer boots while walking in the snow, the cherry glow of my ol ladys
cheeks after a hike in the snow, makin out on a cold night, bundled up clothes,
snuggling in a cold bed, hot tubs, fireside smoke-ins on a frosty night, fireplaces
roaring with a rosy leaping fire, steam rooms, heated pools, skiing. skating,
snowball fights, decorated holiday trees, that 'smarmy' feeling over the holidays,
end of the year reflections...to name just a few delightful and enjoyable things.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Huge snow storms, Endless 360's in empty parking lots, Taboggans, cross country skiing to the local tavern for Rumplemintz and Hot chocolate


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Outdoor hockey, grow room temps with just one fan, snowball fights, nice sauna after a hike in the winter forest, puppy dogs 1st time in snow -> super cute and feeding those tiny little birds @ my back yard. :woohoo: