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The Tax Cannabis Act of 2010


Active member
The Oakland "Gang of Four" as they are known are pushing a new measure to ensure that their cannabis businesses will continue to rake in huge profits at the expense of medical marijuana patients.

It seems that the Gang of Four, feeling quite flush with victory after their success in getting Oakland to impose the first city tax on marijuana sales in history, want to go even further. They want to tell all of California how to govern the cannabis industry.

See their website here: http://www.taxcannabis2010.org/

This measure, known as The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, sounds great, after all it will legalize the use of cannabis for all adults. It will generate a lot of desperately needed tax revenue for the state and municipalities.

What is most unfair about this proposal is the fact that medical patients will have to pay whatever taxes the state, county or city decide all cannabis users should pay. They will not be tax exempt as are all prescription drugs in the USA.

Indeed the alternative bill, AB390, by Tom Ammiano does just that. It legalizes marijuana use for all adults, but it exempts medical patients from the $50 an ounce tax.

Another problem is that Tax Cannabis 2010 seeks to "ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal..."

So it would be forcing a tax upon every municipality allowing marijuana sales, and any muncipality can deny it's citizens the right to purchase marijuana if they choose just by not passing a tax for it.

So this bill will hurt medical patients by forcing them to pay an unprecedented tax on their medicine, and also reduce safe access to medicine in areas where politicians decide to not allow sales.

Of course it means greater profits for the remaining dispensaries (including the gang of four) because many others will be forced out of business in restricted areas.

Lastly, they impose a one ounce limit on possession for personal use. That seems an arbitrary and small amount. Likewise it imposes a limit of 25 sq. ft under cultivation at any residence.

From what I have read, AB390 is far better, although there is a lot of good stuff in this new proposal too.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
So exactly what are you supposed to do when your 25sq. ft. grow produces more than an ounce? Throw it away?


Hopefully it won't pass...thanks for spreading some knowledge so people will no to vote against it. Someone will come up with a much better plan...


Active member
Unfortunately the Oaksterdam referendum also includes LONG, NEW jail sentences for various crimes of selling to under 21's, almost like a "shout-out" to reefer madness.

IMO, now that we're starting to win, we should not kowtow to the prohibitionist ideal that cannabis is something especially horrible and corrosive to the young (any more than tobacco or alcohol). Also we must reject this ideal that cannabis users are great targets for outrageous taxes.

$50 an ounce is likely enough to ensure that the black market continues. The price of cannabis will eventually fall below $100/ounce, especially for seasonal outdoor, this tax could easily approach 100%. $50 per ounce is an outrageous amount

There should be no extra taxes whatsoever on cannabis - beyond state and local sales tax of course - and medical cannabis should be exempt from those as well.

New jail sentences and outrageous taxes could take generations of activist work and lobbying to un-do.


The last thing we need is another foggy bill to pass with intentional loopholes for profiteers. People need to get knowledge about this, I'll see if I can make a printout pamphlet on why people shouldn't support this.


There seems to be some contradiction in the proposal because there's a one ounce limit on possession, but you're allowed 25 sq ft. to grow. Perhaps it's public possession vs. what you have in your home. That's what I figured.

Here's another article discussing this:

Yes.. I have been to a meeting and the up side of 25 sq ft was you can keep all you grow.

The down side is you must own property to grow ( in whatever form) and only one plot of 25 sq ft per property.

That suggests a direct benefit to industry over citizens from the start.

Opinion: If we legalize lets legalize for people and not property.


Hopefully it won't pass...thanks for spreading some knowledge so people will no to vote against it. Someone will come up with a much better plan...

There is a better plan http://californiacannabisinitiative.org/

These are the people who walked away from the Oaksterdam bunch and filed an initiative. have a read and would you offer your opinion?

I am hoping to be a part of this soon..


The Tri Guy
I hope all this doesn't get derailed because people can't agree on which way to move forward. Anything that moves us further from the prosect of going to jail is a good thing. I know I'm not involved in this, but the uk normally follows suit on these things, and its a move I'd like to see here.


I think the most effective thing at this point would be to release something that clearly outlines the differences of each different initiative and have people decide for themselves. I think if written in plain bold english most californians would choose the one that does not impose taxes on patients... But of course can't expect everyone to care enough to read the entire thing :wallbash:


Active member
so remember people you want to sign the petition for 09-022 not 24... 22 not 24 remember that if approached with a petition! Both of them carry the same exact name.


Active member
so are they still in violation of Federal laws, and subject to DEA penalties, etc??


so remember people you want to sign the petition for 09-022 not 24... 22 not 24 remember that if approached with a petition! Both of them carry the same exact name.

No there is a difference in the names..

There is A The Tax, Regulate and Control Cannabis Act of 2010 09-022

And the other is B The Control, Regulate and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 09-024

I am in Favor of The Tax, Regulate and Control Cannabis Act of 2010

So we must deal with confusing acronyms TRCCA vs CRTCA

Think RCA for Real Cannabis Act

Edit: The acronyms are indeed confusing.. Had to edit..


I would like them to get rid of this $50 tax nonsense and 21 age limit... two big issues that I'm sure would be hard to change if put into law. $50 tax keeps the price artificially high and the 21 limit just keeps more college students criminals. Enough lose grants, scholarships etc or are straight kicked out due to cannabis offenses as is and I know a lot of colleges are in a huff that all their students are getting busted for alcohol charges due to being underage so we should avoid that problem altogether and make the age limit 18. Other than that, I like the "real cannabis act", as Jack so eloquently put it, better. But I will not support it due to it's previously stated inadequacies.
there shud be NO tax at all just legalise the fuken plant and thats it.
Whats this tax it business its a plant im sorry taxes are gay and a crime
against humanity.