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The Tastiest Microwaveable Food


New member
I thought about this when i realized i didn't feel like cleaning dishes later tonight

To qualify the food has to be cooked in a microwave without the use of any dishes that aren't provided (you can use your own utensils though). It must be store-bought (i know i know, people can make some awesome stuff probably homemade but store bought for now)

My Top 3

1. Trader Joe's Chicken Burritos
2. Taste of Thai "Peanut Lovers" Noodles
3. Amy's Enchilada Platter (comes with spanish rice and refried beans)


Slim Shady

New member
Tyson Any'tizer buffalo wings...their already cooked so its only 5 or 6 minutes in the micro. I can eat 1 pound if I got the munchies. :D Bleu cheese and celery optional.


My little pony.. my little pony
Take a little less than 1 cup of Minute Rice. Put in bowl with one cup of water. Microwave on high for about 7 minutes to fully cook the rice. Take out of microwave and put in 1/2 cup of shredded cheese, mix-n-melt. Open can of Campbells soup and mix it in.. add a little water or keep it thick for a 'souper side dish'. Works good with everything from chicken noodle to the 'cream of' varieties.

twisted treez

stoffers microwave pizza, microwave the pizza 1 minute 30 seconds, place in toaster oven 400 degress 5-7 minutes

or those little burritos cooked the same way with texas pete hotsauce


stone fool
This is not approved - Take the marshmellow puff cookies, put on a paper plate, and microwave for 9-10 seconds, eat immediately.


wow for a group of stoners you guys sure are not creative.

i give you... ziplock steam bags. you can cook anyfuckingthing in them, chicken, fish, veggies, potatoes etc. no mess.

put some spices/flavors and make yoruself a good fucking meal

jeez. take care of yourselves.....


I have only had to twice but I gotta say both times I was very impressed with the results from Betty Crocker Warm Delights.

Granted both times I was quite high and had a big craving for some cake. All you need to do is add a couple tablespoons of water and microwave for a mere 1 minute and 15 seconds. On top of that it only cost $1.25 USD. After it is pulled out of the microwave all you gotta do is let it cool for a couple minutes. I have only had the chocolate cake one, so I can not attest to the quality of the other types but given the low cost, no mess, and near instant gratification, it is pretty good, imo.


I gotta go with Hot Pockets...great variety and they come with a crisper sleeve. If I am really hungry, I down two of 'em. I am always amazed when I am eating something that was frozen solid about 3 minutes ago.


classic mac n cheese (not ez mac) go by the micro directions on box... better than stove eye.


prego lasagna

marie callandars tv dinners are pretty good.

some lean cuisines arent to shabby either like the butternut squash ravioli
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Active member
twisted treez said:
stoffers microwave pizza,

Stoner4Life said:
most any Stouffers entree will
do, they're higher quality.......

the stouffer flat bread pizza is the best microwavable pizza ive ever had. and its ready in 2:30. get the sicilian four meat... :jump:


livin my way the high way
nissin noodles alfredo flavor. there like 82 cents and there pretty big portions also you get the dish with it too unlike ramen noodles.