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The Super Simple Stacker XL - 500w cfl rubbermaid


Grow like nobody is watching
I've not tried transplanting - sounds like effort :faint:

So you have worms living in the pots while your girls are growing?

mad librettist

Active member
Hey scrub,

if I put one of my smaller pots on a humidity tray and overwater, I het worms crawling out into the gravel. When I let the tray dry out, they disappear. If I do it again, the worms are back.

In the big pots, I only ever see them after chopping. Keep in mind, I top dress castings with small worms and cocoons still present.

mad librettist

Active member

I'll start with the pics. My micro cab is made from big rubbermaids. I've got 472 watts of cfl's in there now. I veged with 300 or so.


One of these is in a pot that veged a mazar male, the other is in fresh dirt. The fresh soil is in a slightly larger container. It doesn't mean much, but the clone in the "used" soil is taking up more room and has bigger bud sites.

Here is beneath the canopy. Verdant Green helped me pick the right clones. He was right about using the v-shaped clones for scrog. I did very little training as a result.



I mist the soil every day, which is a peat based mix (working on it!), more or less like LC, but I guess I have added coco via my worm bins. :dunno: not sure how that makes me feel. Soon though, I've decided I'm going to 14 gallon bins and soil from outside.

scratch the surface and:

There are also plenty of volunteer sprouts from the worm bin. I don't mind.

budsites. 12/12 started january 27



mad librettist

Active member
I didn't get pollen on time. So it became a tasty nugs grow. I'm firing up the vaporizer now...

hey scrub, do you think I should thin out the canopy? I got plenty of power to get air through, but are they competing too much maybe?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hmmm I suspect they may be a bit closer than optimal. I look at it as a choice between lots of little buds, or less but bigger buds. I went too far apart on my latest ones but the run before that (The big Pure) was too close together, imo. Yours look a little on the too close side of what I aim for now, but I still have some growing to do. Peace.

mad librettist

Active member
Hmmm I suspect they may be a bit closer than optimal. I look at it as a choice between lots of little buds, or less but bigger buds. I went too far apart on my latest ones but the run before that (The big Pure) was too close together, imo. Yours look a little on the too close side of what I aim for now, but I still have some growing to do. Peace.

so do you think I could split the difference by culling a few tops and trimming fan leaves to smaller size? I don't mind big or small buds really, I just want good yields of high quality smokeable material.


Grow like nobody is watching
Looks great, buddy. I'm really not sure - I hate advising people, haha. I think with that much light, perhaps just see how it goes as-is? :dunno:

mad librettist

Active member
Ok then! That's what I'm doing.

I've let the soil dry out a bit, and today I am giving a worm castings slurry, maybe some light fish hydrolysate as well. I'm not sure yet.


Active member
Very nice cab there!!! Wow...

Do you think you could take a picture of your intake, exhaust?

And a picture from under the TOP rubbermaid... I'm curious how you made them stay on top of each other with those cuts... I'd like to see how you cut the top and the bottom of the rubbermaid to be able to stack em like this! It look very great. I did something similar but I loose some space that I wouldn't loose if I could have reversed the rubbermaid on top...

mad librettist

Active member
Ok I'll take some pics, but for now I will explain what I do a bit.

I make my scrog screens undersized, so even though I should lose a lot of grow space, I don't. I train not just under the screen, but around it. Then, before closing the top, I smoosh the containers together. After putting the lid on, I reach past the bulbs and pull them apart and fluff it up a bit. All the real growing happens in the top bin.

To elevate my containers, I use books wrapped in plastic bags, and I remove books as I go.

pics may not be today. I already had my quality time with the plants.

mad librettist

Active member
Very nice cab there!!! Wow...

Do you think you could take a picture of your intake, exhaust?


TY, and here you are, at least on some of your requests. I'll get to the pic you are asking about tomorrow maybe. The trick is to cut way back and use screws and lots of duct tape, then white duct tape:

I have two of these for intakes:




Inside the scrubber. The top screen is to keep the carbon from getting sucked out if I turn it up.:


mad librettist

Active member
And a picture from under the TOP rubbermaid... I'm curious how you made them stay on top of each other with those cuts... I'd like to see how you cut the top and the bottom of the rubbermaid to be able to stack em like this! It look very great. I did something similar but I loose some space that I wouldn't loose if I could have reversed the rubbermaid on top...

Ok, this is from construction. After I cut them with a box cutter, I put in some machine screws to hold them in place, and I trimmed them as close to the screws as possible. I then put a whole bunch of tape. That's it. I use white tape last.



Active member
Thanks for the picture!

The design is very similar to mine... but I'm strill trying to figure out at what level put the scrog screen at.... Above the hole? Under the hole? At the same height? I'm just not sure...

But you have a great setup and this will produce some damn nice nugs!

mad librettist

Active member
scrog height - mine is adjustable. Like I said you need to undersize your screens (don't think of the frame as a boundary) so your canopy is elastic, but also consider making the frame from pvc. By using a coupling and a short length of pipe, I can raise or lower my screen.