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The Sun affects our weather??? Oh Noooooo!

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Even the infant study that Grape recently referenced had no less than 11,000 blog-site postings in less than 24 hours.

I wonder if grapeman settles for the result first, then considers the details.

The results are in discoman. cosmic rays influence GW. More cosmic rays are now hitting the surface of the earth. This FACT is not addressed in ANY of the studies you put your faith into.

Therefore, some or all of the weather anomalies that may have occurred in the last decades may have been influenced in part or in total by this newly discovered FACT.

BTW, This theory (now proven as fact) was put forth a decade ago and was rejected outright by the IPCC, Mann and your other heroes as bunk, since they could not lay the total blame on anything that happens in their skewed charts as man's fault and man's fault alone.

I have faith in science. I use science every day in my business. Science will eventually totally prove, that in your eagerness to ruin modern mankind, to prove you are faithful to your green religion and a better human being then others who were not taken in by the phony science in the beginning, you were a duped by people and corporations that are far greedier and evil then the ones you hate.


Active member
Weird wrote:

Here's what physicist Dr. Joseph Romm says about Senator Inhofe's list.

As it turned out, the list is both padded and laughable, containing the opinions of TV weathermen, economists, a bunch of non-prominent scientists who aren't climate experts, and, perhaps surprisingly, even a number of people who actually believe in the consensus. But in any case, nothing could be more irrelevant to climate science than the opinion of people on the list such as Weather Channel founder John Coleman or famed inventor Ray Kurzweil (who actually does 'think global warming is real'). Or, for that matter, my opinion -- even though I researched a Ph.D. thesis at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on physical oceanography in the Greenland Sea. What matters is scientific findings -- data, not opinions. The IPCC relies on the peer-reviewed scientific literature for its conclusions, which must meet the rigorous requirements of the scientific method and which are inevitably scrutinized by others seeking to disprove that work. That is why I cite and link to as much research as is possible, hundreds of studies in the case of this article. Opinions are irrelevant

from The Cold Truth about Climate Change by Joseph Romm

Senator Inhofe's list of 413 skeptics included:
20 economists
49 who are retired
44 television weathermen
70 scientists with no expertise in climate study
84 scientists who are either connected with the oil industry or are paid by it.
Scientists who were included against their will, and who agree with the IPCC

Inhofe and Morano misinterpreted a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters. It should be pointed out that Morano is no more a scientist than Senator Inhofe. More on Morano below.
They claimed that it showed proof that the sun was responsible for the warming that's been observed in the last 100 years. The paper they quote says exactly the opposite from what they claim. This has been verified by the author of the paper.


The IPCC is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, founded in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Instead of cheering for your miss-informed and dangerous "home team", why don't you respond directly to the ORIGINAL POST and the scientific paper that began this discussion. Dragging up already dis-credited citations and faux-scientists is boring and laughable.

@ Weird,

Great post, thanks. It's funny isn't it, how those who try and throw around junk science get upset at those who use real science?

@ Grapey,

Which cherry picker of yours, did you use this time to choose studies you think are correct (like those referred to by Sen. Inhofe), and those you think should burn in hell (like the ones referred to by Dr. Joseph Romm)?

This one?


Or this one?


P.S. grapey: your grasp of science, and of being unbiased, is as far from correct as anyone could get. It's scarey just how obtuse you really are, and I know it's not an act, you really are that obtuse.


weed fiend
The results are in discoman. cosmic rays influence GW. More cosmic rays are now hitting the surface of the earth. This FACT is not addressed in ANY of the studies you put your faith into.

The only 'faith' I consider is the fact that 97% consensus says climate change is substantially exacerbated by industrial scale emissions.

The study you site may be fine and dandy but you represent it as something that refutes AGW. We may find the study itself is proven incorrect and one of the two uh... scientists acknowledges as much.

Therefore, some or all of the weather anomalies that may have occurred in the last decades may have been influenced in part or in total by this newly discovered FACT.
This is a newly discovered dispute. The only fact is you falling for a study before it's been examined by the peer review process.

BTW, This theory (now proven as fact) was put forth a decade ago and was rejected outright by the IPCC, Mann and your other heroes as bunk, since they could not lay the total blame on anything that happens in their skewed charts as man's fault and man's fault alone.
Absoluting the argument. Anybody who suggests climatologists don't factor our solar systems warming star into the climate change equation has to have a hole in their head. The study you site substitutes data with more data, not necessarily more correct data. We'll see what other scientists have to say about the study.

I have faith in science. I use science every day in my business. Science will eventually totally prove, that in your eagerness to ruin modern mankind, to prove you are faithful to your green religion and a better human being then others who were not taken in by the phony science in the beginning, you were a duped by people and corporations that are far greedier and evil then the ones you hate.
You only have faith in science that achieves the objectives you see as appropriate. If you had faith in the recent study that refutes man's contribution to climate change, you wouldn't have to politicize the argument.

Just the idea you accept science is absurd. Not unlike MMA meets pro-wrestling. :biglaugh:


i don't think any of the way this whole argument has been presented in a way that was supposed to bring any solutions or clarity to the table....... and it was done on purpose. you have to get someone to present your case and Gore was chosen because he was well known. thats it... period! he is not a scientist or an expert on the subject, so he is just a face. do you think the people behind the whole "inconvenient truth film" did not know that they would just get hammered by the right wing for using Gore? maybe they should have used michael moore as their poster child instead? that would have been even easier for the guys with the fading "SORE/LOSERMAN" bumper stickers to attack.

if they had used any scientist to be the mouth piece the film would have credibility ,but it only would have been seen by about 250,000 people all put together.....and they would call it a documentary. a film with good information in it but seen by very few.......

this subject has been spun as fast and as often as possible by every news network, magazine and radio host in america since the day we first heard of global warming. it was a planned move and it has worked well and it is because .......... WE HAVE LET THE CULT OF PERSONALITY REPLACE INDIVIDUAL THINKING. the gasbags on the blogs and TV have gotten into your head and thrown a wrench into the collective thinking process and some of us choose to carry their banner because we are so smart...... you have become a parrot, nothing more nothing less. trouble with that is once you teach a dumb fucking parrot to say something it can't stop.

how much different would this argument be if Gore had been replaced by Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity drove a prius........:jawdrop: good question aint it !


3rd-Eye Jedi
Not confused. I am positively skeptical and I'm positive that what you call "consensus science" is NOT science at all. Grow up and read.



all external conditions and cues, celestial or otherwise existed before mankind can be assumed to continue the same relative relationship

on top of that relative relationship we have adaptation and evolution which are relative to these external cues

SO the factors that have to be considered and are of most grave concern are the phenomenon THAT HAVE YET TO EXPERIENCED

like the payload of the industrial revolution, the cost of ecosystem bio toxicity on the worlds ecosystems or even simple urban development

ITS A KNOWN FACT URBAN AREAS such as cities are hotter because of mans footprint

NYC is up to ten degrees hotter than out lying areas


its solar rays that are focused on the city by chance
and cause the world does not revolve so it can do shit like selectively warm up cities and shit

see i should have went to your high school


weed fiend
You bring up some great points greenmatter. The thing is, nobody has to live a complete carbon-free existence. That's just the bullshit that skeptics use to pester the issue.


You bring up some great points greenmatter. The thing is, nobody has to live a complete carbon-free existence. That's just the bullshit that skeptics use to pester the issue.

i understand you man. it would be impossible to live a carbon free existence anyway.
nothing i say will limit any of the bullshit the skeptics use anyway.... most of the arguments are picked up on the net anyway, and the people posting the links would not know if they were being bullshitted. of course that does not keep them from posting more fucking links. "polly wants a pat on the head for spewing disinformation and being a stump in the gene pool".... squack ... repeat.

zealots always see what they spew as the one truth. you can identify them by the fact that their venom is not meant to kill you, just make you fucking sick.


Crotchety Cabaholic
New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hold In Global Warming Alarmism


Here's a key paragraph:

Scientists on all sides of the global warming debate are in general agreement about how much heat is being directly trapped by human emissions of carbon dioxide (the answer is "not much"). However, the single most important issue in the global warming debate is whether carbon dioxide emissions will indirectly trap far more heat by causing large increases in atmospheric humidity and cirrus clouds. Alarmist computer models assume human carbon dioxide emissions indirectly cause substantial increases in atmospheric humidity and cirrus clouds (each of which are very effective at trapping heat), but real-world data have long shown that carbon dioxide emissions are not causing as much atmospheric humidity and cirrus clouds as the alarmist computer models have predicted.

Notice the quote said scientists and not economists, lawyers and sociologists.

Is Don't Stop Believing by Journey the call to worship at the Church of AGW?



weed fiend
I'm not sure it's NASA blowing a hole in climate science. It's closer two two men with NASA data and their study of, (published three days ago.) If the study has any merit, it may influence future studies. If it fails to hold up to the review process... :booked:

Maybe you're listening to We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister :headbange


weed fiend
i understand you man. it would be impossible to live a carbon free existence anyway.
nothing i say will limit any of the bullshit the skeptics use anyway.... most of the arguments are picked up on the net anyway, and the people posting the links would not know if they were being bullshitted. of course that does not keep them from posting more fucking links. "polly wants a pat on the head for spewing disinformation and being a stump in the gene pool".... squack ... repeat.

zealots always see what they spew as the one truth. you can identify them by the fact that their venom is not meant to kill you, just make you fucking sick.

I think another factor against skeptics is attempting to take their arguments to the non-scientific public before any reviews support or discount their outcomes.

The scientific process allows for dissent but one has to prove their findings through review. Otherwise we have a few rouges who diss the process entirely and prove they're working from bottom line, not evidence-based perspectives.


Active member
Absoluting the argument. Anybody who suggests climatologists don't factor our solar systems warming star into the climate change equation has to have a hole in their head.

I am not suggesting anything.

I am fucking telling you a fact.

Your precious IPCC studies claiming man made GW DO NOT take into account cosmic radiation.

That is a fucking fact. Don't really care if you choose to believe it or not as proponents of GW are already known to be closed minded.

I mean I post up a study coming from research from CERN showing cosmic ray correlation to warming. The article states that none of these formulas are in any mainstream studies that have resulted in your religion and your response is a weak... "Anybody who suggests climatologists don't factor our solar systems warming star into the climate change equation has to have a hole in their head.

No worries though, you now have the faux scientist spurr on the case.... the captain of cut & paste without any practical experience.


Active member
DISCOMAN - here is a bit of sad news regarding that stupid pic of polar bears in your posts.

Monnett, an Anchorage-based scientist with the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (gasp a government employee overseeing a $50,000,000.00 grant) is a fucking liar.

You know the guy who took those pictures and then claimed that polar bears are drowning.

And silly you thought scientists weren't lying, let alone lying for the money.


And as more and more evidence mounts that there has been a rush to blame temperature swings on mankind, the dumber and dumber the true believers are exposed to be.


Oh Noooooo Mr. Billlllll




weed fiend
I am not suggesting anything.

I am fucking telling you a fact.

Your precious IPCC studies claiming man made GW DO NOT take into account cosmic radiation.

That is a fucking fact. Don't really care if you choose to believe it or not as proponents of GW are already known to be closed minded.

I mean I post up a study coming from research from CERN showing cosmic ray correlation to warming. The article states that none of these formulas are in any mainstream studies that have resulted in your religion and your response is a weak... "Anybody who suggests climatologists don't factor our solar systems warming star into the climate change equation has to have a hole in their head.

No worries though, you now have the faux scientist spurr on the case.... the captain of cut & paste without any practical experience.

You know, the guy that black-tops my driveway is pretty cool but I leave his practical experience of climatology with him.

You have a study by two people that hasn't been through the review process. I'll be kind to you and suggest their findings may influence future studies.

Then I'll be realistic and suggest :booked:, (based on all the other one or two-man studies) that didn't get the memo I before E except after C doesn't apply beyond the third grade.

And for you to point out that another member doesn't fully understand the science he references, join the club buddy.:D IPCC is a governing body... you say nothing of the reviewed science the IPCC bases their recommendations from.

Not to mention you take a fraction of a response and suggest it's the entire rebuttal. Weak as a squeak, grapeman.


the facts behind what we are talking about are impossible to get a grip on anymore. every think tank is funded by someone, every media outlet can be questioned and there is no way to solve this argument. there has been so much published on this subject that NO one person would ever have the time to read it all, and even if one guy could read it there are only a hand full of people who could even understand it all.

there are no idiots in thread. it is obvious that people have spent some time thinking about what they are posting but the fact is none of us really KNOW what the hell is going on with this. information is subject to the view of any given reader, there are a couple of very old books that mankind has been "discussing" for a day or two, and you don't see those fights cooling down. even when 2 believers read the same book they see different things.



weed fiend
DISCOMAN - here is a bit of sad news regarding that stupid pic of polar bears in your posts.

Monnett, an Anchorage-based scientist with the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (gasp a government employee overseeing a $50,000,000.00 grant) is a fucking liar.

You know the guy who took those pictures and then claimed that polar bears are drowning.

And silly you thought scientists weren't lying, let alone lying for the money.


And as more and more evidence mounts that there has been a rush to blame temperature swings on mankind, the dumber and dumber the true believers are exposed to be.


Oh Noooooo Mr. Billlllll



You talking about the pic I posted with the bear insulting a skeptic? Sounds like I took it real serious. :biglaugh:

All that climate data, squelched by a single joker's photoshop. Everybody be sure to congratulate grapeman for his info-of-the-decade disclosure.

The same skeptics that said tobacco doesn't kill and petroleum is actually good for you also say 3 and 4 miles between ice patches isn't too far for land mammals to swim.

Never mind they don't know what the ferk they're talking about. Oh yeah... they do. They just don't give a sheet when it comes to profits.

Yet they inevitably begin to believe their rogue studies as scientific process. At least until the scientific process refutes their bs science. Then they're back to Al Gore, Illuminati, wealth redistribution ad infinitum.

From here forward, every industrialized, special-interest profit motivation will wave their rag of disinformation, politicization and world-domination crap to the general public.
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