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The Summer of 69


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summer of '69

summer of '69

i remember, but not much. had been smoking less than a year & just noticed girls(12 yrs old) so i have to plead "highly distracted"... LOL!


Active member
i was just 15

i was just 15

i was just 15 and in detention centre for selling weed.
Already with a serious attitude against being controlled.
and a growing love for weed ,seed in hand just driven to grow .
It was second nature to me .music,motorbikes,guns, girls n weed !
fuck work fuck the goverment its my life.
Lol i smelt of pussy, weed , petrol n black powder!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

no woodstock for me, we were thinking about it for day 2 but
heard the traffic, parking, getting in & out was crazy. I lived
only 120 miles door to door and so we'd figured no problem for
a late entry to the grounds, the news coverage shut us down.



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For those of you that are Woodstock fans, something you might be interested in, that was just released this year, is Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace & Music Director's Cut (40th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition). I received this as a Christmas gift but have not watched the 4 discs yet but it has other goodies included with the discs that will delight any Woodstock fan, like a reproduction of the original tickets for the 3 days, a 3 scene 3D pic with acrylic magnetic frame, a Woodstock patch plus some other goodies. The packaging is very cool as well. Well worth the price imo. Check it out.
Peace n Love.
'69 was the year I got out after doing 18 months in CYA for holding a little contraband.

Lot of people bringing up Woodstock, missed that one, we was gonna. Took off in two cars across country, got separated and lost somewhere between the Bay Area and the sierra foothills. I'm not sure any of us even knew where Woodstock was; except east.

Made it to Altamont later in the year though. That was only about 20 miles away. Seem to remember a whole string of folks getting lost for a short time, think the whole traffic jam made the wrong turn off had to turn around. Strange trip, bumper to bumper traffic, joints bein' passed from car to car on the freeway Jugs of red mountainmakin the rounds. Started off a beautiful thing. Went south after a few hours, though.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I had a hot date with a cajan woman named Calmille August '69..Category 5

she almost killed me...so I gave her a ...Category 10


I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far

Oh when I lock back now
That was seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life


I was 2

and i still chase those days and times cause they were my heros growing up

and now ya all an bunch of ol farts that still had more fun that me

and im catching up

to the old part

still waiting on the love ins


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i was 2 then too..
my one sister, her husband came back from nam with a terrible herion addiction and died not long after returning..i can still remember that sister locking herself in the bathroom daily..threating to kill herself bcuz her husband died...altho that was in 72'
funny how we remember the strangeest things from childhood..
anyway just a lil stoy from 69'..


i was 2 then too..
my one sister, her husband came back from nam with a terrible herion addiction and died not long after returning..i can still remember that sister locking herself in the bathroom daily..threating to kill herself bcuz her husband died...altho that was in 72'
funny how we remember the strangeest things from childhood..
anyway just a lil stoy from 69'..

Groady-ho, I hope your sister was able to eventually go on with her life. Don't want to sidetrack my own thread but I still get hot when I think about the damage the Vietnam war caused. Took this photo a couple of months ago while in DC..



as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
actually yes and no..i know every time she sees her daughter she thinks of brian, even after all this time..thank you for the concern..nice pic..too bad so many had to die, very sad..thanks for sharing too...


May your race always be in your favor
In Germany 3rd Armored Div. guarded Europe for Democracy, or so they told us. Hash was the deal and few guys in the army new about it. It was great. Hersey Bar size was $25. And the beer was the best, had a great time. still in touch with my token buddy from those days.
We were young then.


I was 19. Entered the Army on 24 July.Woodstock? Nope..I was in training. Arrived in Viet Nam 12 Jan 70. The weed was a major upgrade over what was usually around "back in the world." Enjoyed my first joint at FSB Alpha 4..overlooking the DMZ.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I was 19. Entered the Army on 24 July.Woodstock? Nope..I was in training. Arrived in Viet Nam 12 Jan 70. The weed was a major upgrade over what was usually around "back in the world." Enjoyed my first joint at FSB Alpha 4..overlooking the DMZ.

there was a lot of bad guys around there... especially at Tet...my first J was DEC 67..down south..10 clicks from Cambodia


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Hank Hemp

Active member
My first joint was on bunker guard March 14th 1970, Hell all the kool kids were doing it. right? 10 klicks from the border? Hell we stood down closer to it than that. Ever here of Rocket City? But really we stood down in Cu Chi. 25th Inf Div. Electric Strawberry.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Draftee's Oath

Draftee's Oath

"we are the unwilling, led by the unqualified, to do the unnessary, for the ungrateful"...so..... Help me, God!


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Hank Hemp

Active member
Pinball I don't friggun' believe you damn it. see I only cussed once not twice gettin' better. We were on stand down in Cu Chi and I went to the shitter sat my arse down and there on the wall of that 6 holer was the Vet Nam war explained to this old Coral Ridge boy it said Vet Nam The unwilling, led by the incomptent , fighting for the ungrateful. There it is homie. There it is. Only thing I brought back from Nam was HCV. But not anymore. But don't you ever bitch at me about leadership from anybody who ever served in the army, I swear my the God's this is true google it as the young folk say. My Bn CO's name was ..... wait for it .... wait , Ltcl (ready?) George(steady) Armstrong (yes) Custer the III. May the Lord strike me down if this isn't true. Look on the google vetnam '70 2/27 bn. Now y'll know why I am the way I am. As my momma always says a perfectly good bad example. Anybody top that sad tale? Were you with the 25th Evac Pinball? Hmm Nurses

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
draftee Dustoff medics got jerked around a lot...was with the 91st Evac Hospital in Long Binh...too. Those 1st Cav guys are crazy...:YaRight:...they were still trying to get over that joke in Korea...(you know?.."the horse they couldn't ride, the line they couldn't cross...and the color speaks for it's self")....:biggrin: