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My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer around may 2007, she had her lump removed two weeks later and went through chemopherapy and radiation therapy succesfully. Our doctors told her that the chemo drugs will kill all fast growing cells inthe body. What hey didnt tell her or our family is that it also effects the brain and personality. After the chemo treatment she had problems with remembering our names and putting exact words to what she was trying to say.She has also become a drastic personality change, she isnt the same personr.She has become completly nasty to everyone, she gets extreme mood swings, she may be happy one minute and the next she is agitated swearing under her breath or even going into a screaming fit for no apperemt reason. Also at times she will verbally atack any of our family members becouse of extremly irratitional things, untill we will start yelling back at her and then she seems satisfied. Its actually ridiculas what these chemo drugs have to her and the doctors said nothing about the extren personality change she would have. Last day we talked to lady which doughter also had breast cancer and went through these treatments and she said her doughter had also went thougha drastic personality change.
What i was wondering is if any of you have experienced similar situations. I was wondering if guys would know if marijouna would be benificial for her. She is pretty conservative but believes in alternative medicines so i was was wondering if guys or gals would have any tips aprouching her on this subject.


New member
OK another reason for me to kick into overdrive for medical marijuana.

Folks marijuana just might hold the cure for cancer. People in Canada and now in the US claim to be curing cancer by eating a hash oil. This is very important: EATING NOT SMOKING smoking destroys most of the anti-cancer effects.

Here is a link to the folks in Canada. Note the strains Rick Simpson works with and his preperation method. Note that he uses the whole plant, not just the flowers. He has made a DVD that can be downloaded, copied and given away to anyone you care for.

This seems to be real. I know that there has been a lot of bullshit "cures" before. But this one seems to be very real. I know of people in Michigan that are having success with it.


The main thing to backup Rick Simpson's claim is he was NOT selling the oil but only giving it away FREE of any charge, very unlike others making the same claims. Second the documentary film took a lot of hours to record and edit (260+ hours to edit alone) and it is also given away FREE to everyone!

To date our group has given away over 200 Run From The Cure DVD's across Canada and even shipped a few to the USA.

I have the information displayed on the front page of Calgary420.ca since it was released. I also posted Ricks web site on a number of pro cannabis message forums and encouraged others to spread the word. Rick and his group have been told what we wanted to do and they have been very supportive appreciative of our efforts to spread the word.

http://www.geocities.com/runfromthecure/supporters.html (Calgary 420 is listed below the Youtube link)


In Canada, Rick Simpson had ten people show up in court with their doctors and medical records. All claimed to have been cured.

See the difference in a terminal lung cancer patient named Jim LaBlanc. He had been given two months to live and the doctors had given up on him. Nothing more they could do. He is now cancer free. If you have questions, Jim has posted his phone number on the internet. See the pictures of Jim before and after in this section:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn6XIG_oxUM </ic/links.php?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn6XIG_oxUM>

Here is the set of 7 videos, on youtube, that form the whole DVD:

http://www.youtube.com/chrychek </ic/links.php?url=http://www.youtube.com/chrychek>

Here is the Rick Simpson web site in Canada:

http://www.phoenixtears.ca/ </ic/links.php?url=http://www.phoenixtears.ca/>

From there you can download the DVD to burn on your computer using torrent.

As more people become aware that the cure for cancer exists NOW more and more people will demand the fed to back off.

We could change things in in just a few weeks.

Please .. at least look.

Then make copies and give them away and then make more copies and give away.

Last edited by peanutbutter : 04-08-2008 at 04:14 PM. __________________________
Between 70% and 80% of people
(polled by AARP, ABC, American Family Council, Gallop and more)
favored doctors being able to prescribe marijuana. <report.php?p=1623462> <report.php?p=1623462> <showthread.php?threadid=86678&userid=13059> <showthread.php?threadid=86678&userid=13059> <private.php?do=newpm&userid=13059> <private.php?do=newpm&userid=13059> <http://www.icmag.com/ic/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=13059&thumb=1> <http://www.icmag.com/ic/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=13059&thumb=1> <newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1623462> <newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1623462> <newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1623462> <newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1623462>

My grow was for medical purposes.

I fought my way through Hepititus C and won.

I started growing just before starting treetment. I had heard that marijuana can ease the side effects of the "chemotheropy" they give you for it.

Only after going through the six month chemical program did I read that studies show that if you consume marijuana while in treetment for Hep-C, you are three times more likely to be curred in the end. Most of this is due to the fact that the side effects of the chemo are so horrible that most people fail to complete the program. I had every side effect you can get except for sudden heart stoppage.

I was 50 at the time that I began to consume marijuana.

After beating Hepititus C I continued to work with pot. I was able to drive my diabetes into remission.

I was working with White Widow and a bag seed that someone had given to me. I had two distinct phenomes of WW.

I have been diabetic for nearly ten years. for six months prior to being busted, I didn't have to take any diabetic medicine at all. The effect lasted through the time I was in jail. While in jail my blood sugar readings ranged fro 90-109 with one low of 75. I received no diabetic medicine while there. Since I was released, my dibetes has returned.

I now am pretty sure that I can do this same thing again. If I can only get the fed and state to back off medical use of marijuana.

During this last six months before I got busted I gathered signatured for the medical marijuana petition in Michigan. I personally gathered hundreds of signatures. During this same time frame, my home got invaded at least four times.

Intent to deliver?

I intend to deliver a safe and effective treatment for diabetes. When it is legal to do so.

Then I saw the Rick Simpson story. What made this video so believable to me, was that they talked about people being able to get off insulin also.

Pot and diabetes? Sounds farfetched, but consider this:

GW Pharmicuticles (yep it's spelled wrong, fuck you) in Great Briton has been conducting human trials using Sativex as a treatment for diabetes. Sativex is an extract of marijuana.

Something even simplier: What the hell do you think causes the munchies? It's a shift in blood sugar.

I know that pot has anti-cancer properties. This has been shown over and over again in medical studies.

Folks this is no bullshit. We, the marijuana growers, have the cure for cancer. And I plan to do what I can to deliver it.

Last edited by peanutbutter : Today at 07:14 AM. __________________________
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Hey nikoatnight thanks you very much for all this info, would you know the strain he uses and what dosage would be requird
Thanks so much, :redface:


eyexcel said:
I guess thats the price you pay for keeping her alive....Maybe get her some nice happy meds?

We tried o get her to come to a counciler, or even brought up the idea of her taking some happy meds, but she just told us off and said we where the one who needed to get help. I really never knew that the hardest part of dealing with a family member with cancer is not the treatments but the pesonality changes the patient goes through.
These chemo drugs are just pure evil, in the administration room if they have a accidental spill, they have to call in a fire deprmantand to come and clean it up, this is how nasty this shit actualy and their administering this into peoples vains.
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skunke said:
We tried o get her to come to a counciler, or even brought up the idea of her taking some happy meds, but she just told us off and said we where the one who needed to get help. I really never knew that the hardest part of dealing with a family member with cancer is not the treatments but the pesonality changes the patient goes through.
These chemo drugs are just pure evil, in the administration room if they have a accidental spill, they have to call in a fire deprmantand to come and clean it up, this is how nasty this shit actualy and their administering this into peoples vains.

Sorry to hear about your mom. Breast cancer is no joke and neither are the meds. As the docs told you, the drugs attack rapidly dividing cells, so along with the cancer, expect her gastrointestinal, bone marrow, among other things to get out of whack. The meds take a heavy tole on a body. The important thing is to be patient with her, provide positive enouragement, and also keep a close eye on her. Help her with her daily livings and keep an eye out for infection or fainting spells. If she is not eating cannabis may help with that and also provide some analgesia. Worth a try if she is having difficulties.


I think Sativex is available in Canada.

This is an oral spray that combines THC and CBD.

Both of these give relief of side effects of chemo and have shown strong anti-cancer properties.


When canabinoids attack cancer they target just the cancer cells and leave normal cells alone.


Freedom Fighter
IMHO, it is on the family...you, and all who care about her...to realize that it is not her doing it-- It is a tough road, in any case-- I have been through it also, and currently know several terminal patients...Patience for the Patients--
Remember that not too long ago, when ppl were told they had Cancer, the only question was, "How long do I have?"-- As bad as Chemo is...a very large percentage go into full remission--
All the best to your Mom and your Fam-- :wave:


Chemo affects the bodies ability to produce whats called, "compensated shock". When you body regulates an automated process to inhale oxygen, it would be considered normal. In Chemo, the ability to go into compensated shock due to a lack of automated ventilations will cause all the signs and symptoms you listed.

give her oxygen therapy and check her blood oxygen level.

as a medic, i often have to administer oxygen to chemo patients.

THC is great in reducing the effects of chemo except oxygen reduction.
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Active member

They say that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline ph environment. With a diet that is heavily alkaline your bodily fluids will also be alkaline. Check it out


kmk420kali your right we should be gracoise for the thankfull for the time we can spend with her.
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pSi007 said:
Chemo affects the bodies ability to produce whats called, "compensated shock". When you body regulates an automated process to inhale oxygen, it would be considered normal. In Chemo, the ability to go into compensated shock due to a lack of automated ventilations will cause all the signs and symptoms you listed.

give her oxygen therapy and check her blood oxygen level.

as a medic, i often have to administer oxygen to chemo patients.

THC is great in reducing the effects of chemo except oxygen reduction.
how would we be able to check her oxygen levels,Is their a device like that avialable to consumers as i would be interested?
good luck with this I know how you feel my pops been doing the chemo thing for 12 months its like hes gone and rambles about nothing. part of there problem is they get angry because they know what they want to say but cant spit out the words.he is also very republican,could be old georges brother but we finnally got him to take cannabis as part of his meds.works wonders when he will take it He still thinks hes doing something wrong though, sad but its part of being a die hard republican.3 months we tried to get him to smoke or vape, couldnt get over the mental part of smoking so edibles are the way we are going and its more acceptible to him.So whatever works try it its deffinately worth it.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
my eldest son was dignosed with bcell non hodgeskin lymphoma in jan 03 he was 23 at the time. he endured 6 months of chemo 1st round lasted 3 months and consisted of 3 drugs. 2nd round consisted of same 3 drugs pluss an experimental new drug just being tested. this new drug is what they tout as a cure for the type cancer he had, didnt really suffer hard ill effects maybe because his family was there. i was there 16-20 hrs a day when he spent 45 days of begining 03 in hospital jan/feb. i will admit he dose seem to have a slight personallity change but this could be attributed to things in is life now. next month is his last Dr checkup 5 yrs free
Congrats to you both I dont know whats harder having cancer or watching somebody you love suffer. it kills me watching my dad cry and be in pain I wish I could do it for him its a life changing ordeal for sure hopefully it has changed me for the better I know I understand other peoples pain alot more. I am very happy for you and your son hope you guys are done with this cancer bs good luck.


skunke said:
how would we be able to check her oxygen levels,Is their a device like that avialable to consumers as i would be interested?

absolutly and let me say, buying medical devices is not the only key. proper medical intervention is also needed. This will help,its called a blood oxygen meter, all of us paramedics in an area of california use these.

its a oxy-pulse Oximeter: they are about 50$-100$ http://www.amazon.com/Approved-Finger-Oximeter-OctiveTech-300C/dp/B0012QU09W/ref=pd_sim_hpc_img_3

if she is below 96, she needs medical help. 94 = immediate help. 92-88 gets into the realm of death.

I hate to be so forward, but this is what I do for a living.

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