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The squirrel lovers thread



hey yall as most of ya know im the squirrel whisperer and have been for a while now so i thought i would start this thread about one of my favorite lil critters and try to spread some info and love. squirrels reallly love to play and are very social. i got a lot of good pics and some of my ic friends have seen some squirrel videos that are really funny. also i will put up some links to some good sites about squirrel facts and care. i do not suggest trying to raise a squirrel to anyone and i think to keep one caged its whole life is cruel. the ones i have had were orphans and are to be released. with that said on to some pics and ill be back tomorrow with some new ones:joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ridiculous pics...My boy has a couple that come to his door everyday looking for love, they won't even flinch when you come near them...Nothing like what you got going on there though, never would have even imagined.


oh and if yall think the sweet lil cute puppies are babe magnets, walk through your local park with a squirrel on ya shoulder :laughing:


gdawg that is awesome. My grandfather used to feed some by hand when I was a youngun, but I hear tell they can mess you up real bad too.


Hell YEAH! Squirrels are the shit, I'm mad jealous of you homie, I've never even gotten close enough touch one, but I don't mind, I just let them do their thing and forage for nuts and what not. For real though, I love squirrels, I'll be outside with some of my homies and be like "awww, little squirrely!!!" and they just lift an eyebrow but I don't give a fuck, they are tha shit. I don't even want one as a pet, I just want em to chill with me for a minute or something, like hang out on my shoulder and smoke an L, I dunno.

My old neighborhood used to have an overpopulation of black squirrels which was funny as hell cause I lived in the ghetto.


I'm lucky enough to have a tree outside my window and i love sitting at my computer flicking cashew nuts at them. It's quite a cool game, i flick them with cashew nuts and if i miss they get to keep them. They seem to know the rules and are winning 140-3 so far. Little buggers are a bit fast for me but they seem to like the nuts in this cold weather so it's win win for both parties! :)

They were fighting crows for superiority of the branch earlier so i'll be keen to get back and see who won. The crow was pretty fierce!


Domesticator of Cannabis
I've caught many furry rats, if you hold them by the tail & jerk them every couple seconds they can't set up to bite you. Now raccoons you can hold by the tail as they can't swing up but you have to keep them away from your body, they also piss all over. The largest squirrel nest I've seen was in an attic it looked like it came from a Stephen King novel. It had to be a 4' X 4' stack of branches leaves etc. They're cute when small they would climb up my pant legs as I drove, searching for nuts I suppose. I've kept the odd one loose in the cab.

pack a bowl

we actually caught a flying squirrel when i was little. i will never forget my bro throwing it and it just expanded it's arms and legs immediately then glided away... so cool! i've never seen one since, but since it looked like a regular squirrel maybe they are more common than i realize? i dunno.


New member
I have an issue with them on my property. During the spring and summer months they consistantly and methodically destroy the nests and brood of nesting birds. In particular white wing dove and bluejay nests. Have talked to a local extension agent about it and he says it's very uncommon. Other than that I enjoy them. But it really bothers me when I can sit on my patio an watch them destroy nests and eggs of my doves.


Active member
i have problems with them too because they always come into my gardens and destroy them. around here squirrels are everywhere. throw a stone 5 ft. and your bound to hit one. that's how many of them we got.
there are lots of non-letal repellents i use to keep them away/


Give us some of the reasons we don't want to keep squirrels as pets? I had a friend in college that always said he was going to get a flying squirrel someday.


ICMag Donor
great pics gdawg!!...your little squirrel is sooo cute! thanks for sharing your little baby! :D
That is the smallest Rott I have ever seen!

We don't have any squirrels on the Island here. Our wildlife is pretty much confined to the weekly harvest party. Mary Ann said she likes the little creatures but Mrs. Howell and Ginger will take a pass.

A quick survey of all the guys shows lots of support for fuzzy squirrels.

Safe Harbor


how do you go about getting an orphan squirrel?

it is sad but they have there homes destroyed and are usually abandoned when forest land is clearcut that is how i came across this one, one of the workers gave some to a friend of mine. the first one i had came from some construction folks tearin down an ol house and the nest was in the attic.


i have problems with them too because they always come into my gardens and destroy them.

last year some squirrels destroyed half the clones i gave my oll man by diggin em out of the cups and chewin em up. he would go out beside his house and they would scatter and then bark at em from the trees above. i would always send em picture texts of my squirrel and be like "ima find your plants old man":laughing: