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The solution to "Dry Socket" - aka wisdom tooth extraction aftermath

After no research and using what laying around, I present to you the solution to smoking after oral surgery: cheap gravity bong :woohoo:


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Why is this a solution? Dry socket is caused by the removal of blood clots formed in the cavity where your tooth was removed. The root cause is removal of the blood clot, which usually happens when you suck through a straw or smoke ciggarettes. With a gravity bong, air pressure forces smoke into your lungs thus eliminating the usual suction encountered with cig/joint smoking.

This was constructed using a water bottle, measuring cup, and a loaned bowl/stem from my regular piece. Raise the bowl with a lighter, then remove the bowl and push the water bottle down. The air pressure will send smoke in a column out of the stem.


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So if you get a tooth pulled and the DDS tells you not to smoke for a couple weeks... just say OK and build yourself a gravity bong. Problem solved!


this is cool, but i got a cheaper solution: smoke out of any piece, just don't hit it hard. or don't smoke joints/blunts basically. if you're paranoid about it keep the gauze over the wounds when you smoke as well.

neither me nor anyone i know that had their wisdom teeth taken out had any problems with dry socket, and we all smoked the next day after the procedure (and continuing weeks while healing) out of anything BUT a j or blunt and were fine.



buckets are the same to,it's forced down ur neck.
no sucking involved..



After I had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed, I still smoked my joints, luckily never had any adverse reaction. I knew I was not supposed to smoke anything or use a straw but my desire for the erb was to strong, even though I was WELL doped up on oxycodone it just made the weed that much better. I had 2 refills of 30 (10mg oxycodone's). If I did have any problems/dry sockets I was to happy/numb to care


I smoked 10 minutes after I had the top 2 removed. I just used wet gauze pads.
Didn't have a single issue, not smoking would of been worse. I am mister nice guy, super chill. Take away my smoke and I am a ready to boil ass hole