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The solution for molded bud


Active member
Just wanted to kick this idea out there and see if anyone has tried it yet, the science seems to be there to support my idea but at the moment I don't have access to the proper equipment to test the idea.

Awhile ago GW posted an article on SP about salvaging moldy bud. You dissolve your extract in ethanol and pull it through a #1 lab filter then re-filter it through a .2 micron syringe filter. This removes all evidence of the mold but it will not remove Aflatoxins, which are known carcinogens.

Here are the boiling points of the 2 more common aflatoxins, there are 14 different ones I believe but this is where I began:

B1: 528*C
B2: 426*C

So knowing this, to me it would appear that running your filtered extract through a disitillation setup you could harvest the cannabinoids and leave the toxins in the boiling flask. Has anybody tried this ?


Active member
I know I'm going to get the cast of people who are going to say just throw it away because yes I agree its unethical to give people dirty product. That having been said, if you've ever been in a situation where you have 10 or 15lbs of product and your mortgage depends on it you might be playing a different tune. I'm not saying here to do anything shady, I'm talking about developing a legit process where the final product can pass lab tests and be safe for consumers.


Just this guy, ya know?
If there is a verifiable way to make the moldy weed smokeable, I say go for it. Only way to really know would be to experiment and test it. Science > opinions.


The market is and is about to get even more flooded, only people producing super high grade will survive, no process will bring sub par product into the market.

Just like farming (be it livestock, veggies, grains ....) most farmers will have to have a real day job to survive, very few will make a living with it.

Sad but true!


3rd-Eye Jedi
I know I'm going to get the cast of people who are going to say just throw it away because yes I agree its unethical to give people dirty product. That having been said, if you've ever been in a situation where you have 10 or 15lbs of product and your mortgage depends on it you might be playing a different tune.

what you wrote below is fair enough but please don't say that everyone who relies on growing to feed their family makes this compromise because not everyone does

My simple rule for myself was you'll never learn not to fuck up if those fuck ups don't cost you proper

I'm not saying here to do anything shady, I'm talking about developing a legit process where the final product can pass lab tests and be safe for consumers.

good luck


Active member
Critical observation

Critical observation

The market is and is about to get even more flooded, only people producing super high grade will survive, no process will bring sub par product into the market.

Just like farming (be it livestock, veggies, grains ....) most farmers will have to have a real day job to survive, very few will make a living with it.

Sad but true!

Be the best or lose.A


Active member
I know I'm going to get the cast of people who are going to say just throw it away because yes I agree its unethical to give people dirty product. That having been said, if you've ever been in a situation where you have 10 or 15lbs of product and your mortgage depends on it you might be playing a different tune. I'm not saying here to do anything shady, I'm talking about developing a legit process where the final product can pass lab tests and be safe for consumers.

Lol, haven't you done a search here? There is a long line of "shady" characters posting the exact same questions you're asking.

"Is there any way I can poison Joe Public and get away with it?

That's what you're asking, and that's not "shady", that's a felony. One of the most despicable in fact, almost as bad as a child molester, if you make it as far as prison...


Active member
First off- growing outdoors your at the mercy of mother nature and no matter how many preventatives you do your going to get some negatives, so the people saying its from being an untalented farmer just move on. I'm talking about a small percentage of the overall yield trying to be salvaged.

2nd, for the carnival barkers who cant think outside the box and implied I'm being shady. Sewage is treated and cleaned to the point where the water is recycled into the potable system. Butane is poisonous to humans but if proper steps are taken BHO is perfectly fine. Thats what I'm talking about here, is lab testable processes NOT passing poison on to people like you implied.

Grey Wolf himself took time to write about this, where would we be without people trying to innovate. So I'm just looking if anyone has tried distillation here I don't need the thousand opinions from people who arn't willing to experiment.

For all those concerned, let me reiterate that I will have the final product lab tested, so please, enough with the nay saying


3rd-Eye Jedi
First off- growing outdoors your at the mercy of mother nature and no matter how many preventatives you do your going to get some negatives, so the people saying its from being an untalented farmer just move on. I'm talking about a small percentage of the overall yield trying to be salvaged.

2nd, for the carnival barkers who cant think outside the box and implied I'm being shady. Sewage is treated and cleaned to the point where the water is recycled into the potable system. Butane is poisonous to humans but if proper steps are taken BHO is perfectly fine. Thats what I'm talking about here, is lab testable processes NOT passing poison on to people like you implied.

Grey Wolf himself took time to write about this, where would we be without people trying to innovate. So I'm just looking if anyone has tried distillation here I don't need the thousand opinions from people who arn't willing to experiment.

For all those concerned, let me reiterate that I will have the final product lab tested, so please, enough with the nay saying

See here is where it all falls apart for me and why there is no authority who makes any of this better

the great "sadhu" used to advertise hash making to process moldy buds, I am sure if I try I can find the advertisement, yet years later he called out people for doing the same.

all that said how can 4-5 pounds necessary to pay the mortgage be and I quote

. I'm talking about a small percentage of the overall yield trying to be salvaged.

You need that small percentage that much for your mortgage?

as a "farmer" it is on you to make the proper sure you have the proper cultivar for local performance and the right microbiological interactions to sustain the plant, but more importantly activate SARS and other aspects of plant health that are relative to your outdoor environments

I get that people want to salvage their investments and I get that testing will alleviate the risk to the consume

I also know that after 25 years of cropping that any environment / plant interactions are on me and if the plant is sick at the end of a cycle that is also on me

all this BULLSHIT about the rough outdoor environment is just that because even at $1000/lb it out values most any other crop by 1000 %

You spending precious time learning how to make shitty meds viable for market instead of putting effort into keep this from every happening again

But hey get money while you can bro because for 99% of the people here that is the PRIMARY objective, isn't it


Active member
@weird: Let me again re-clarify this- this thread is in no way about pushing bad product on people, I never have and never will. I propose this question because a lot of people grow in far northern latitudes with high humidity, days in the 70s then nights in the upper 30's. There is only so far a cultivar choice or preventative spraying can take you. Everyone from a commercial type cropper to a backyard hobbyist deals with this in my neck of the woods, so in the name of science I am here to say that there must be an ethical, sound way to complete this process.

This thread is simply a scientific endeavor- my question being has anybody ever tried distillation to separate cannabinoids from a tainted crude. If its not possible then, of course, the crude will go in the trash can. So once and for all, stop implying that I'm a shady profiteer, I'm saying there's a lot of people out there that would benefit from a safe method here. Grey wolf taught us how to remove all traces of mold from a crude but states that aflatoxins exists. Now my point here is that if the boiling point of cannabinoids is far lower than in theory you should be able to distill it out. Is there anyone here from a scientific perspective that can comment on this?

Again- this isnt a thread for debating the ethics of selling bad product, it is to have intelligent discussion about the chemical processes I mentioned


Active member
Aflatoxins are a major problem in the food industry, most notably peanuts and corn. There is already extensive research being carried out on the removal of aflatoxins from food products.

Here is a patent on a method using methoxymethane to clean peanuts:

Anybody on here that consumes food with corn (everything) or peanuts or wheat has consumed food that may have been exposed and then treated. Again folks- all I'm saying here is we should look at where the science lies in our industry and others for this subject matter


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
There will always be a bridge between producers and hobbyists. I wouldn't worry too much about it, it is easy to make those choices on a small scale.

Nothing pertinent to your goal CC, simply wanted to chime in. Arguing with Weird is pointless. He will drown you in irrelevant opinion devoid of fact in book long posts rife with innuendo and personal attacks while sucking back neem flavoured joints.

Boy do I miss poking that bear.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Aflatoxins are a major problem in the food industry, most notably peanuts and corn. There is already extensive research being carried out on the removal of aflatoxins from food products.

Here is a patent on a method using methoxymethane to clean peanuts:

Anybody on here that consumes food with corn (everything) or peanuts or wheat has consumed food that may have been exposed and then treated. Again folks- all I'm saying here is we should look at where the science lies in our industry and others for this subject matter
At some point, you can bet your last dollar there are big pharma labs working on this exact same problem. Commercialization of cannabis is not going to decrease the tons of moldy cannabis produced each year, it's going to increase it. There will be plenty of companies looking to be able to salvage this stuff to the point it passes quality control testing.

Carry on and good luck in your endeavors! :) :tiphat:


Active member
In theory disstilation should work. But in practice every attempt I have read about is stuck with aflatoxins. So you will need to remove those afterwards. By a means we do not have yet... If you pull it off it would be commendable.
I have always put mold in the trash. But I dont look at you as shady.
Shady would be masking it with terps and selling dime bags lol !!

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Could the multitude of unknown substances produced by some mold growing on plants have substantial vapor pressure below their theoretical boiling point? What if the boiling point of them is partially lower than THC, some are within 50 degrees, and thermal breakdown is also making bad things happen?

Is there is a market for purified THC or things it can be transformed to, perhaps even ending up in a product where it is less than 1% by weight? If a serious chemist is subjecting BHO to serious chemistry for such purposes regardless, is it permissible to use the cheapest most contaminated fit for purpose BHO available? Or shall only the 5% (by weight) most pristine buds of a plant be permitted for any use in the first place - and the rest is mulched by law?


3rd-Eye Jedi
There will always be a bridge between producers and hobbyists. I wouldn't worry too much about it, it is easy to make those choices on a small scale.

Nothing pertinent to your goal CC, simply wanted to chime in. Arguing with Weird is pointless. He will drown you in irrelevant opinion devoid of fact in book long posts rife with innuendo and personal attacks while sucking back neem flavoured joints.

Boy do I miss poking that bear.

lol 2 lights still pay my bills in america, I wonder why?

having to eradicate mold from pot is a marked failure, why not just keep it for head if it is so acceptable

and nfn I ran 4 facilities at one time, never had the occasion to harvest moldy pot

keep arguing at lowering the bar mikell, that is the only thing you seem good at



3rd-Eye Jedi
and if mass production makes it ok to grow substandard product because of a new title aka PRODUCER your towing a lower bar then the did during prohibition

but hey you guys work real hard at figuring how to remove mold from pot instead of learning to grow pot without and better yet keep telling people about your integrity and endeavors it is great reference material when showing people why they need to be very wary about mass produced pot and the money hungry fucks who see nothing but dollar signs

Quick kids, god knows you have no other skills or value upon which to make a buck except grow weeds that need to be sterilized from pathogens


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Knowing how to deal with all situations is helpful in this field. What good fortune you had during your short stint as a producer to never have encountered any issues. Bit like a boxer retiring after one fight as the undefeated champion.

Lovely sentagraphs, we're a bit offtopic though, eh? Let's let people with something to contribute carry this thread. Opinions and ill informed assumptions are neato, but I think ColdCanna came here for relevant information.