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The sadest end to a holiday


Very sorry to hear that, great danes are the best!

My last girly went from healthy, to not being able to move overnight. Ended up being a heart problem. No signs no warning just overnight she goes from healthy to barely being able to move. So sad.

My current great dane is 6, I really hope I get another 2-3 years with her... hopefully more!

Thats the hardest part of owning great danes. Although they are the best breed I have owned so far, even more loving and loyal then labs.

I try to tell myself, well they may not live as long as I would have liked, but during their life I try to give them the best home possible.

Here's a pic of my 6yr old Molly. She has really been putting on the gray hairs this year.

I hope things get better for ya, it definitely takes time.



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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
So sorry for your loss bro'.
I hope you can find peace in knowing you provided a wonderful life for your friend.


Kiss My Ring
I been there many times and still it hurts to know a friend is gone. spent. taken.

A moment for your loss...

Burned a bowl or two thinking about those revered friends that filled those collars, and the pain you felt, we shared...again.

What other friends would their life give in your stead?

Celebrate the times you enjoyed and mark them well, they are short indeed.
Damn man, i havent cried in a very long time, but your story brought me to tears. Your story reminded me of the last night i spent with my pitty "JJ", all i could do was was cuddle with him and provide him comfort knowing the next day he would be put down (heart problems). Damn i miss little J. Dont let the sadness of of losing him prevent you from getting another dog... the reason you feel so sad is beacuse of all the good times you had together.


Active member
Brings back memories of my lost dog. God I loved that dog. Sorry for your lost, I hope you don't hurt for long. May your dog always be remembered.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my favorite picture of Kayla in December of '03, I lost her to cancer last January. I have one of Kaylas kids yet, she'll be 9 in December.


back in '02 when my springer Trixie passed I was left alone, this time I had 2 dogs for exactly that reason, I'm due to get another dog soon and have decided to get a beagle from a rescue shelter bypassing the puppy stage which my bad back can't compete with.......

R.I.P. Ryan
R.I.P. Kayla


Thanks for all the sympaty, it is truly tutching. stoner comunity ftw.

It is so sad to see how Lana, the other dog is totaly hartbroken. she is eather just laying around, or keeping a lookout at the gate. she is really pining for her friend.
even walks cant cheere her up properly. I can understan they spent almost everyday togerher since they were pupps. and now dad is carrying his beds, and feeding diches out. but she knows we are still together, and that there is happy times also. and she was there when Ryan finaly got to rest. so i am sure she could feel it, or se how he passed. and that he was unhappy, and suffering.
Its all very sad, and will take some time to come to grips whit. It really is like losing a best friend.


sorry about your loss protea ....... i was right where you are not to long ago and so were my other dogs ...... keep going for those walks with the other dog, it will help you both .....and think about the good times. peace to you and yours brother


Hey man

Yes one of the hardest parts when having 2 dogs is when one passes away, you can notice the sadness in the other.

Then when things go back to somewhat normal, you have to make the next hard decision, is it going to be a good idea or bad idea to add a new member to the family. How will the older dog handle it.

I've had it where the older dog seems to really enjoy it, teaching the new pup the ways of the property.

Also had it the other way... the old dog wants nothing to do with the new pup.

I know its way to soon to be thinking about that, but the thought will come up.

I hope whatever happens everyone's sadness will turn into nothing but happy memories.



so last time i went back to my childhood home, i had to rush back to put my beloved Ryan to sleep.
and this time we found my best childhood friend dead. and he had a child on his own and everything. Its like som fogging curse.

maybe ill just stay away from now on.


Active member
best wishes. you did the right thing . but ya it hurts. took me 2 years to get used of my dog being gone before i got a new pup. good luck man


Active member
I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are our family. The loss of one of our beloved family is so hard. I will keep you in my prayers. Hug your other dog, she is hurting badly....she misses her buddy.


some days life just seems like an unending beat down...... sorry to hear about your friend.
try to remember all the good times you had with him. it is the "gifts" that we were getting during the good times that make the bad times hurt so fucking bad.

i know how hollow that sounds when you are ass deep in pain, but the glass is half full brother. some days it is just really hard to see it that way.

think about your friend's life and you will find some peace

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Hey Protea, I definately feel your pain as i'm in a similar situation right now so this thread hit very close to home. The worst part is I haven't seen my dog in a few days, they seperated me from my pet because of how much its affecting me. The reason I just can't give the ok yet is, there is a chance my pet may get better. I know that sounds contridicting but it happened before a year or so ago and my dog pulled thru. So currently i'm at a bad point, I just hope this isn't the end I haven't even had a chance to say goodbye yet. I work a messed up schedule and I don't have a ride available to me which makes me feel worst. Not sure why I even posted really, guess I just had to "talk about it" but its easier to type a few things out. Ya'll take care 1