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The 'Robocop' headset.....cops can see through walls


Rubbing my glands together
Dayum dddaver. Instigating violence? Mods shut the thread down? Where? It's like watching tv. If you don't like it change the damn channel.
There's something in nearly every thread on this board that someone won't like. Always fun when someone steps in, see's something that's not there, then calls on a mod to shut the thread down.


That headline greatly over-blows the capabilities of those glasses. The video and all other related media look like mock-ups rather than an actual demonstration.

Cops and first responders having a blueprint of a non-residential location? I have no problem with that. Might sound a little 1984ish but I don't see that as a threat to privacy. It is only a slight threat to privacy for them to have blueprints of residential locations without the owner/tenant's permission. I don't see a huge expectation of privacy in the initial layout of the home though, especially since blueprints are often reused. The ability to call up blueprints is the most believable part of the video, but it would still require computerizing and organizing a ton of blueprints.

The night vision thing is semi-believable, since night vision has gotten pretty compact. It would probably be pretty crappy night vision in a such a small package. For anything useful it would have to get bigger. Cutting edge night vision goggles are still huge AND prohibitively expensive. The panoramic night vision goggles seen in Zero Dark Thirty are real goggles, and they also have the very real price tag of $40,000. I don't really see a benefit of the night vision over a regular flashlight in the video shown. A regular police officer chasing a suspect doesn't need night vision.

The thermal vision is mostly unbelievable. If you poke around online you will see that thermal scopes and cameras are still huge. The smallest commercial thermal camera is probably something like the Flir i3. It's small, but it's still not something you would want strapped to your head. The other thing is that it's size is at the cost of image quality. The resolution on it is 60x60, probably about the size of a dime on most computer monitors. You wouldn't exactly be running down a dark hallway with resolution like that.

Bottom line: ignore this fucking thing, for now it's just a pipe dream. Police could carry around a computer with blueprints, night vision goggles, and a high-end thermal camera in their cruiser. They don't because; 1: these things would very rarely be of any use to a regular beat cop and 2: they are not cheap, and the headset would be much more expensive since it is miniaturized.

We can always start using targets that look like cops and feds.
No thanks.


Active member
i seen thermal imaging from a tablet before so im not so sure about that, it just takes the software right? and i really wouldnt take that as a repudiation that there wont begolden-istyle glasses, DARPA would be a example of lots of technology that hasnt hit the consumer market that exists,we just dont know about them.

and then we would have to ignore this statment.

"The Golden-i hardware and software developer kit is expected be released by the summer, while a consumer version is slated for later in the year."

sure things get scrapped but this is a money making opertunity for the corperation AKA D.C. and private prisons,and tax payers have no choice but to pay for them,im not seeing the downside if im a municipality with federal funding.
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welcome to the socialist republic of america
where neghbors snitch on each other
where big brother follows your every move
where big brother believes he knows whats best for you theamerican citizen
where big brother shall take care of you weather you like it or not

that about sums it up

................... :yeahthats :1help:


Active member
see through walls using infrared technology

This is impossible. I am certified in thermography and in no way shape or form can you see through anything. You can detect heat sources. The only way you would be able to detect a person on the "other side of a wall" is if said wall was nothing more than one layer of sheet rock and said person was pressed up against said wall and therefore transferring body heat to said wall. Even then, to know for sure it was a person would take a trained thermographer and a nice infrared camera, most of which doesn't fit in a device that looks anything like this.

In other words. I feel safe inside walls still.


i seen thermal imaging from a tablet before so im not so sure about that, it just takes the software right?
No. If you saw some kind of app do it then I think it was probably some kind of gimmick or novelty.

Flir's thermal imaging devices range from $1000 to over $20k, far above the cost of most tablets. What they showed in the promo video looked smaller than any of Flir's current devices, with a higher resolution than any of them. Even if that were possible the cost would be prohibitive. To run a night vision camera, thermal camera, heads up display, some kind of wireless connection for data and a radio for regular communication you would need a decent sized battery too.

Regular digital cameras cannot be converted to thermal cameras. They can however be rigged into very crude night vision units though (key words: very crude).


Active member
This is impossible. I am certified in thermography and in no way shape or form can you see through anything. You can detect heat sources. The only way you would be able to detect a person on the "other side of a wall" is if said wall was nothing more than one layer of sheet rock and said person was pressed up against said wall and therefore transferring body heat to said wall. Even then, to know for sure it was a person would take a trained thermographer and a nice infrared camera, most of which doesn't fit in a device that looks anything like this.

In other words. I feel safe inside walls still.

ok i respect your opinion ,but i just have a bad feeling/certainty that cops would end up being all thermography experts by whim of the court.
that wouldgive them carte blanche, on probable cause.


Active member
No. If you saw some kind of app do it then I think it was probably some kind of gimmick or novelty.

Flir's thermal imaging devices range from $1000 to over $20k, far above the cost of most tablets. What they showed in the promo video looked smaller than any of Flir's current devices, with a higher resolution than any of them. Even if that were possible the cost would be prohibitive. To run a night vision camera, thermal camera, heads up display, some kind of wireless connection for data and a radio for regular communication you would need a decent sized battery too.

Regular digital cameras cannot be converted to thermal cameras. They can however be rigged into very crude night vision units though (key words: very crude).

the government, i dont beleive, has a problem taxing us,so they wont mind the cost.
the other part about whats commercialy available and whats available to the government by whole sale conracts,that might differ in opinion , unless we can open up the books and see it for ourselves.
though your probably right about the app gimmick,ill have to look into it,on its face ,it seemed legit although i was looking from a distance.

we'll have to see,in a few months to a year. :clock watch:


Just another tool to increase the grip on our throats. No end to what these bastards can/will do either legally or illegally.

Actually, it's a waste of the tax payers dollar, and straight up bullshit.

First, thermal viewers do NOT let you "see through walls", so their claim is bullshit.

Second, that shit is fucking EXPENSIVE, and there is NO g'damn reason to waste that kind of money on cops when they DON'T NEED THAT FUCKING CAPABILITY!

Just another example of some asshole in government buying unneeded and expensive shit on the tax payers dime.


Active member
Dayum dddaver. Instigating violence? Mods shut the thread down? Where? It's like watching tv. If you don't like it change the damn channel.
There's something in nearly every thread on this board that someone won't like. Always fun when someone steps in, see's something that's not there, then calls on a mod to shut the thread down.

You're right. But rather than your interpretation of seeing something not there I was thinking more the thread was headed in a dangerous direction.

But I just love it when people think they can read minds and then tell me what other people think. Whatever, no reason to be a dick about it. When you disagree, how about just saying that? What a novel idea!

In any case, in the infamous words of Rosanne Roseannadana (Gilda Radner on SNL?), "Nevermind"


Active member
i think everyone here is mature enough to keep the level of civility up.
but its when i see bills from the house and senate like the following,


i think that pretending there is nothing there would be at everyones detriment.we might not like it and beleive me all i want is to do is similar to what "the dude" does,smoke all day and not owe one cent to anyone and just work for myself,but thats not reality.the reality is everything is collaping around us ,morals are out the window,the police state is growing,everyones savings are being destroyed the days of a single income that could support a familiy are over,both political parties are almost identicle,the executive branch has captured the other two,theres not too much good laying in wait for us if we sit idle, no one else is going to say or do anything heckmost people are oblivious and would be happy to register themselves or join national socialist workforce even though they never had a choice.not only that theres no new america to run too to have freedom from all this.
this isnt my myopicview,theres lots of people waking up ,and lots of other news sources online people are able to hear the truth from,though i understand its probably not the truth people want to deal with.

Full Disclosure: Does CIA Director Nominee John Brennan Not Believe in "Absolute Human Rights"


Rubbing my glands together
You're right. But rather than your interpretation of seeing something not there I was thinking more the thread was headed in a dangerous direction.

But I just love it when people think they can read minds and then tell me what other people think. Whatever, no reason to be a dick about it. When you disagree, how about just saying that? What a novel idea!

In any case, in the infamous words of Rosanne Roseannadana (Gilda Radner on SNL?), "Nevermind"

"When you disagree, how about just saying that? What a novel idea! "
If you read what I posted and use some basic comprehension skills, that's exactly what I did. The thread wasn't going anywhere dangerous. No more dangerous than people making up stupid names and showing pictures of them growing a plant that's illegal in nearly every country in the world.
Twist it any way you want man. I understand you have to "defend" yourself but it's still a bitch move to ask a mod to shut down a thread where there was NO incitement of violence other than in your own mind. IE-"I was thinking more the thread was headed in a dangerous direction."
Don't have to be a mind reader when all one has to do is read what you posted.
Wasn't being a dick then but I am now. And according to my wife, I have a Phd in Dickness!!


Active member
NOW I see. GOD, how could I be so stupid. I bow to your obvious magnificence. :moon: What a jerk.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Fixed that for you:tiphat:
lol right on brotha both work

in my eyes and i was to young then but Kennedy was the last peoples president, all others have pushed this country down the road it is on currently. we are watching the new world order take over before our very eyes.

wake up world become aware and protect yourselves or become a victim of circumstances. :ying:


Rubbing my glands together
Kennedy taught all future presidents about talking about "shadow governments" and auditing the fed reserve. That kinda talk will kill a presidency.
Picked up 3 30rd clips today Maj. 30.00 a piece