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The REAL Reason Medical Marijuana is having a hard time Federally

It's pretty simple, actually. Many people do not understand just how serious the issue is, and how it affects us all.

People think that Big Pharma wants to corner the market, and that's one part of it, but it's a hell of a lot bigger than that!

The real reason Medical Marijuana is not accepted, and clubs continue to get raided, and patients continue to get arrested and harassed, and why some people in some states receive 40 year prison sentences for pot offenses in this day and age, is because we are all trying to compete with the biggest drug dealers in the world.

The Federal Government, Washington DC, going back to Great Britain, is actually a part of the British East India Company, the world's largest drug trafficking and slave trading organization in the world. George Washington worked for the British East India Company. The Flag of the United States was taken from the Original Flag design of the British East India Company. Through the Federal Reserve and the banking system, which is controlled by the Bank of England, and the Drug Laws in the US and Abroad, going back to the international conventions on narcotics, applied a complete control system over drugs throughout the world.

When you compete with them, they turn you into a slave by making you work for .50 cents an hour in the prison system, then they trade your title back and forth on Wall Street.

The system is rigged to the core, and if the people do not do something to change the fundamental problem, we will never be free people.
From "Critical Path" by Buckminster Fuller .....

"In our tracing of the now completely invisible world power structures it is important to note that, while the British Empire as a world government lost the American Revolution, the power structure behind it did not lose the war. The most visible of the power-structure identities was the East India Company, an entirely private enterprise whose flag as adopted by Queen Elizabeth in 1600 happened to have thirteen red and white horizontal stripes with a blue rectangle in its upper lefthand corner. The blue rectangle bore in red and white the superimposed crosses of St. Andrew and St. George. When the Boston Tea Party occurred, the colonists dressed as Indians boarded the East India Company's three ships and threw overboard their entire cargoes of high-tax tea. They also took the flag from the masthead of the largest of the "East Indiamen"—the Dartmouth.
George Washington took command of the U.S. Continental Army under an elm tree in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The flag used for that occasion was the East India Company's flag, which by pure coincidence had the thirteen red and white stripes. Though it was only coincidence, most of those present thought the thirteen red and white stripes did represent the thirteen American colonies—ergo, was very appropriate—but they complained about the included British flag's superimposed crosses in the blue rectangle in the top corner. George Washington conferred with Betsy Ross, after which came the thirteen white, five-pointed stars in the blue field with the thirteen red and white horizontal stripes. While the British government lost the 1776 war, the East India Company's owners who constituted the invisible power structure behind the British government not only did not lose but moved right into the new U.S.A. economy along with the latter's most powerful landowners.
By pure chance I happened to uncover this popularly unknown episode of American history. Commissioned in 1970 by the Indian government to design new airports in Bombay, New Delhi, and Madras, I was visiting the grand palace of the British fortress in Madras, where the English first established themselves in India in 1600. There I saw a picture of Queen Elizabeth I and the flag of the East India Company of 1600 A.D., with its thirteen red and white horizontal stripes and its superimposed crosses in the upper corner. What astonished me was that this flag (which seemed to be the American flag) was apparently being used in 1600 A.D., 175 years before the American Revolution. Displayed on the stairway landing wall together with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth I painted on canvas, the flag was painted on the wall itself, as was the seal of the East India Company."



Anything that expands your mind and makes think and question things is Illegal. The Gov't does not what everyone catching on to what they are really doing.


Active member
i blame it on old people .we need younger people in power. i look at photos of congress an such and it looks like a group pic from a nursing home. people that were brainwashed by the marijuana madness era are hard to sway in your favor


The government controls things. But its elected officials that keep these draconian laws in place. Stop voting for the old republican douches. Things will begin to change.


Lmao change huh? So that's the problem those pesky republican douches lol. O well if it's that simple then all we need to do is elect a democrat that promises change, and hope lol. Then if the democrats control congress we are home free huh?
Seems to me the problem is ignorance..on our side.


The government controls things. But its elected officials that keep these draconian laws in place. Stop voting for the old republican douches. Things will begin to change.

Its a battle for minds..^..."THEY" got that one.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Makes me laugh these politicians have thier 6 martini luncheons,then get behind the wheel.

And we are the irresponsable evil ones?What a fucking joke,it truly is disgusting.


You said stop voting for republicans as if it was or has anything to do with cannabis continuing to be a sxed 1. Neither of the 2 parties give a shit and if you really believe not voting for republicans is the answerthen I say they won. The answer is not the goverment, everyone waiting for the gov to "give" us our rights willl be waiting forever, and is also brainwashed into a false belief system, which serves the purpose for those that want to maintain the status quo.


Active member
i blame it on old people .we need younger people in power. i look at photos of congress an such and it looks like a group pic from a nursing home. people that were brainwashed by the marijuana madness era are hard to sway in your favor

i think that too, but then i see kids my age becoming cops and spewing anti marijuana bullshit....there will always be tightwad bible fearing square bears that will get into power and fuck it up for the rest of us....smoking pot, smokin opium, fucking prostitutes, gambling, drinking....all vices that humans are partaked in since the civilization started....yet now in our society they make everything illegal so that they can find a way to tax, fine, or imprison you...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Lmao change huh? So that's the problem those pesky republican douches lol. O well if it's that simple then all we need to do is elect a democrat that promises change, and hope lol. Then if the democrats control congress we are home free huh?
Seems to me the problem is ignorance..on our side.

The whole shit is rigged.... repubs and dems... they are just two sides of the same coin....

the more i read and open my eyes the worse i feel the fact people cannot even see that there are hidden powers running the country/the world is nuts imho. i just try and stay in my ignorance bliss like all the other people in the world i guess.....


medicalgreen, I agree with everything you have said.

I believe things have been rigged for thousands of years, and that this world had a grip on us long before any of us got here.


It's much easier to sit around and smoke weed all day than to go out and fight the good fight. Americans are complacent with the way things are, plain and simple. Everyone loves to be an arm chair activist, but when it comes to practicing what you preach many fall flat on their face. The next time you overhear someone on the street complaining about the way things are ask them: What have you personally done to fix things? How have you contributed?

Icmag represents a small portion of the mj community. The rest of the smokers in the population could give a fuck, as long as they can continue smoking/growing weed without getting caught. So you have the minority doing the majority of the work.
It's much easier to sit around and smoke weed all day than to go out and fight the good fight. Americans are complacent with the way things are, plain and simple. Everyone loves to be an arm chair activist, but when it comes to practicing what you preach many fall flat on their face. The next time you overhear someone on the street complaining about the way things are ask them: What have you personally done to fix things? How have you contributed?

Icmag represents a small portion of the mj community. The rest of the smokers in the population could give a fuck, as long as they can continue smoking/growing weed without getting caught. So you have the minority doing the majority of the work.

It only took a minority, like 3% to overthrow King George's rule over the Colonies. I think only 3% fought the war, and believed in the cause enough to lay their lives on the line. That's all it took, to start a new country, create a new Constitution, and launch a new generation of freedom loving individuals.


It's illegal because it's too easy to grow your own...there's no money to made from "mind altering drugs" if everyone can easily grow cannabis. Beer makers would lose. Distillers would lose. Big Pharma would lose. THAT is why it's illegal.


It's illegal because it's too easy to grow your own...there's no money to made from "mind altering drugs" if everyone can easily grow cannabis. Beer makers would lose. Distillers would lose. Big Pharma would lose. THAT is why it's illegal.

Not being harsh here... just want to straighten a few things out. What you said doesn't make any logical sense. The legality of a plant and how difficult it is to grow are not related in any way shape or form. And of course there's money to be made....it's being made on the black market right now. During prohibition, bootleggers and speak easys boomed. After prohibition, legit enterprises boomed. Money will go to whoever can produce the best product... legitimately or illegitimately.

Breweries/Distilleries would not lose. Marijuana is not an economic substitute for beer/liquor. Beer drinkers will not buy less beer because marijuana is freely available and cheaper than beer.

Now in some cases, marijuana is a substitute for pharmaceuticals. Is marijuana a substitute for chemo or other cancer fighting drugs? No. Does marijuana alleviate pain and the side effects associated with chemo better and is it cheaper than drugs on the market right now? Sure.


Enormous Member
Marijuana is not an economic substitute for beer/liquor.

Okay... this is wrong. I like to get f'ed up and alter my state of mind. I made a decission a long time ago that alcohol is bad for my well being, even though I love to get drunk. I am perfectly content smoking weed instead of drinking, so I switched, and haven't had a drink in 5 years.

If all of the weed dissappeared, I'd start drinking again. I subsituted weed for alcohol.