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The real reason LEO supports cannabis prohibition


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Its not about the cheeeldren, its not about protecting the public.

Its about getting paid, plain and simple.

If it was about the top two items the money would be going to education to prevent drug abuse and for treatment for people that made bad choices concerning other drugs.

Chicago Tribune

Indianapolis police get nearly $1M from drug case

INDIANAPOLIS - Nearly $1 million that a drug dealer had stashed in a bank in the tiny European country of Liechtenstein is going to Indianapolis police.

U.S. Attorney Tim Morrison and other federal officials said Thursday that $947,692 had been given to the police department for its help busting up an international marijuana trafficking ring in the 1980s.

The money is a cut of $3 million taken from Jeffrey Collins, one of 30 people indicted by a federal grand jury in Indiana in 1987. As part of his plea agreement, Collins agreed to forfeit his assets, stored in a number of foreign banks. Officials said Collins later reneged on the plea agreement, forcing 10 years of litigation to seize the money.

The case began in the mid-1980s, when local investigators worked with the FBI to uncover a worldwide marijuana trafficking ring with stash houses in Indiana and several other states.

Marijuana deliveries totaling 20,000 pounds were not uncommon, the Department of Justice said.

Officials said the investigation remains the largest marijuana case ever uncovered in Indiana.

In 1985 alone, Collins imported and distributed about 75 tons of marijuana, Justice officials said. He eluded capture for nearly 10 years before being arrested in 1997. Collins is serving a 28-year sentence in federal prison.

Indianapolis Police Chief Michael Spears said most of the money would go to buy cars that would be used to increase neighborhood patrols and some would be used to buy specialized surveillance equipment.


The revolution will not be televised.....
10 tons at a time!!!!? Shit!! I really am a goldfish in the ocean!!!


Plus - most of them are pussys, and are afraid to take on "real" criminals that might have the urge to fight back.

leo are real tough when there are no cameras around, and their "victim" is weaker than they are. Put 'em in general population when they go to jail - lets see how tough they really are.

No badge, no gun, no tough guy buddys backing them up - watch 'em whimper and run.

Or better yet - take away their booze. Most leo have a booze prob. And 'roid rage.
That kind of motivation is criminal.

Same as "privateering" during pirate days. "It's not stealing if it's from the 'bad guys'."

What a waste.


Active member
LEO is just people and most of them REALLY WISH they could smoke also...but many jobs would end id pot became legalized. Private prisons are full and profitable.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I am sick of seeing threads like this. You act like the people have no power. we do. The government is not us keeping down, your wide spread lazy attitude is what is keep us down. When enough people speak up and get angry things change. majority rules. the majority of america thinks it should be legal, so it is on its way. it will be legal with in 10 years. This is a practical view point. Look at alcohol prohibition. Look at civil rights. Read a fucking history book please.

and dont forget the government is the people, so when wonder why the government sucks, you dont have to look far. Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100. mine is 141. I do not consider my self a genius at all, so this says alot to me about your average american. They have to actually get angry and emotional to change anything, so it has to effect them directly. This is a trait of stupid people.

The DEA wont have to lay off anyone. They already DONT NOT HAVE ENOUGH AGENTS TO ENFORCE FEDERAL POT LAWS IN CALIFORNIA. they have to focus on harder drugs. those men's efforts will be will be reconcentrated on dealing with the rediculous ammount of meth labs that are spreading like the plauge.

YOU NEED TO GET REAL. The amount of federal and state tax revenue on the cannabis/hemp industies will be drastically more money than they take in pot busts. The biggest reason conservatives are considering legalization is revenue. It cost them entirley to much money in enforcment, court costs, and jail cost to keep it illeagal.
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Active member
I am sick of seeing threads like this. You act like the people have no power. we do. The government is not us keeping down, your wide spread lazy attitude is what is keep us down. When enough people speak up and get angry things change. majority rules. the majority of america thinks it should be legal, so it is on its way. it will be legal with in 10 years. This is a practical view poit. Look at alcohol prohibition. Look at civil rights. Read a fucking history book.

The DEA wont have to lay off anyone. They already DONT NOT HAVE ENOUGH AGENTS TO ENFORCE FEDERAL POT LAWS IN CALIFORNIA. they have to focus on harder drugs. those men's efforts will be will be reconcentrated on dealing with the rediculous ammount of meth labs that are spreading like the plauge.

YOU NEED TO GET REAL. The amount of federal and state tax revenue on the cannabis/hemp industies will be drastically more money than they take in pot busts. The biggest reason conservatives are considering legalization is revenue. It cost them entirley to much money in enforcment, court costs, and jail cost to keep it illeagal.


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
I am sick of seeing threads like this. You act like the people have no power. we do. The government is not us keeping down, your wide spread lazy attitude is what is keep us down. When enough people speak up and get angry things change. majority rules. the majority of america thinks it should be legal, so it is on its way. it will be legal with in 10 years. This is a practical view point. Look at alcohol prohibition. Look at civil rights. Read a fucking history book please.

and dont forget the government is the people, so when wonder why the government sucks, you dont have to look far. Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100. mine is 141. I do not consider my self a genius at all, so this says alot to me about your average american. They have to actually get angry and emotional to change anything, so it has to effect them directly. This is a trait of stupid people.

The DEA wont have to lay off anyone. They already DONT NOT HAVE ENOUGH AGENTS TO ENFORCE FEDERAL POT LAWS IN CALIFORNIA. they have to focus on harder drugs. those men's efforts will be will be reconcentrated on dealing with the rediculous ammount of meth labs that are spreading like the plauge.

YOU NEED TO GET REAL. The amount of federal and state tax revenue on the cannabis/hemp industies will be drastically more money than they take in pot busts. The biggest reason conservatives are considering legalization is revenue. It cost them entirley to much money in enforcment, court costs, and jail cost to keep it illeagal.

:fsu:You think ROSY was serious (i thought it was a joke ,but im high:nanana:


Its not about the cheeeldren, its not about protecting the public.

Its about getting paid, plain and simple.

If it was about the top two items the money would be going to education to prevent drug abuse and for treatment for people that made bad choices concerning other drugs.

Chicago Tribune

Lol, I went to school with their kids.

This is only part of the reason LEO keeps it illegal. Indeed its all about money, but it spreads DEEP across the fabric of our society. The people who build the jails, pave the roads to them, put the people in them, it goes on and on and on. Its part of a big buddy-buddy system of, lets make this illegal so we can corner the market on paper and plastic, ect., then they cornered the market on police and prison systems, all thru MJ so to speak. Its a huge battle we face much; larger than most realize.


Active member


Lol, I went to school with their kids.

This is only part of the reason LEO keeps it illegal. Indeed its all about money, but it spreads DEEP across the fabric of our society. The people who build the jails, pave the roads to them, put the people in them, it goes on and on and on. Its part of a big buddy-buddy system of, lets make this illegal so we can corner the market on paper and plastic, ect., then they cornered the market on police and prison systems, all thru MJ so to speak. Its a huge battle we face much; larger than most realize.

and it ain't lookin' too good because apathy of MOST tokers! I have lived through many years of it and know well the problem. APATHY:wallbash::wallbash: and fear of commitment to a cause! Apathy and fear is not a part of my life personally...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
majority rules. the majority of america thinks it should be legal, so it is on its way. it will be legal with in 10 years. This is a practical view point.
I wish it were that simple. If we lived in a democracy, it would be. But we don't. We live in a republic, where elected officials vote on legislation, not individual citizens (at the federal level). True, we vote those officials into office. But if your only choices for a particular office are all opposed to legalization, what can you do? We can't vote pro-legalization people into office if they are not running. And even today, very few politicians will come out in favor of legalization. Not for any logical reason, since a majority of their constituents in most cases are also pro-legalization, or at least pro-decriminalization. It has somehow become ingrained into just about all political candidates that being "soft on crime" is bad, and that being pro-marijuana is the same as being soft on crime. I know, it makes no sense, but such is the world we live in. If it really were simple and logical, then we would never have had prohibition to begin with.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I wish it were that simple. If we lived in a democracy, it would be. But we don't. We live in a republic, where elected officials vote on legislation, not individual citizens (at the federal level). True, we vote those officials into office. But if your only choices for a particular office are all opposed to legalization, what can you do? We can't vote pro-legalization people into office if they are not running. And even today, very few politicians will come out in favor of legalization. Not for any logical reason, since a majority of their constituents in most cases are also pro-legalization, or at least pro-decriminalization. It has somehow become ingrained into just about all political candidates that being "soft on crime" is bad, and that being pro-marijuana is the same as being soft on crime. I know, it makes no sense, but such is the world we live in. If it really were simple and logical, then we would never have had prohibition to begin with.

This is semi true, because it does take a long time to get change. Until the majority of people get pissed off. then things happen quick. Look how fast we are moving toward socialism, and losing our civil rights. Bush took away part of the 4th amendment with the patriot act. Plus the right not to be torchered. Plus he and his buddies strategically ripped off the american public by puposely starting a huge market bubble. Now democrats might try to ban assult rifles again, when they get time.

The peole are already getting pretty pissed. If we have parties taking away rights on both sides eventually shit is gonna go down. It sucks, but it is true. History tell us so with countless examples.


The revolution will not be televised.....
I say we elect the guy with self professed iq of 141 to lead our army of lazy potheads in revolution!! He obviously is smarter that the rest of us and we are so lazy, he should be our leader. I mean I would have never figured out on my own that we live in a Democracy or that majority rules. What would we do if he wasnt here to show how childish this site is for threads like this that he is now tired of reading after just few months of being a member!

Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100. mine is 141. I do not consider my self a genius at all, so this says alot to me about your average american. They have to actually get angry and emotional to change anything, so it has to effect them directly. This is a trait of stupid people.

I mean at 141 you are not just gifted you are extra gifted! Us lazy Americans just cant comprehend all this intelligence you have shown over your last few posts! How have we made it this far without the help of whatever super iq having uterus you spawned from? Please help us that are too stupid to help ourselves please! That is if you dont mind helping those with less iq than your large cranium offers!

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100.
I don't mean to be a wiseass (or maybe I do), but by definition the average IQ is 100. That's how the IQ scale was set up -- to have an average of 100. And that scale is, in theory, adjusted so the average always remains at 100. If the average IQ of any large group of people ends up being different than 100, then there is something wrong with the instrument used to measure it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am sick of seeing threads like this. You act like the people have no power. we do. The government is not us keeping down, your wide spread lazy attitude is what is keep us down. When enough people speak up and get angry things change. majority rules. the majority of america thinks it should be legal, so it is on its way. it will be legal with in 10 years. This is a practical view point. Look at alcohol prohibition. Look at civil rights. Read a fucking history book please.

and dont forget the government is the people, so when wonder why the government sucks, you dont have to look far. Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100. mine is 141. I do not consider my self a genius at all, so this says alot to me about your average american. They have to actually get angry and emotional to change anything, so it has to effect them directly. This is a trait of stupid people.

The DEA wont have to lay off anyone. They already DONT NOT HAVE ENOUGH AGENTS TO ENFORCE FEDERAL POT LAWS IN CALIFORNIA. they have to focus on harder drugs. those men's efforts will be will be reconcentrated on dealing with the rediculous ammount of meth labs that are spreading like the plauge.

YOU NEED TO GET REAL. The amount of federal and state tax revenue on the cannabis/hemp industies will be drastically more money than they take in pot busts. The biggest reason conservatives are considering legalization is revenue. It cost them entirley to much money in enforcment, court costs, and jail cost to keep it illeagal.

---well, you make a few good points kiddo. too bad your kinda coming across like a self important jerkoff.im glad to see you say you don't consider yourself a genius, cuz u izzent. i know without question your IQ score is not 141, it is blatantly obvious by the composition of your post alone. and how exactly are you sick of posts like this? im sick of the situation, not people expressing thier opinions on cannabis prohibition in a thread located in the "CANNABIS LAWS AND LEGISLATION FORUM" on a CANNABIS WEBSITE for cryin out loud!!!!!:laughing:
anyways, enjoy your genius level IQ


Sorcerer's Apprentice
so i guess that means....

so i guess that means....

I don't mean to be a wiseass (or maybe I do), but by definition the average IQ is 100. That's how the IQ scale was set up -- to have an average of 100. .... If the average IQ of any large group of people ends up being different than 100, then there is something wrong with the instrument used to measure it.

So I guess that means that as the country continues to slide into ignorance... my IQ score is actually going to go up? Sweet. :laughing: