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The real magical additive ascophyllum nodosum

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I have been reading various posts from around here and seeing how the community has grown. i had stopped growing up until a couple of months ago where i continued growing organic soil except under a 150w light under intense Scrog due to a sativa.

Regardless of all that i wanted to stir up some new info since i haven't seen any detailed threads containing one of the biggest and baddest organic additive. Everybody uses liquid karma or some sort of of additive which is primarily sea kelp. I have heard of these additives reffered to as "crack/meth for plants" since it has the ability to rush a rapid amount of growth or tasks that would take lots of time to happen in little time.


This species of kelp produces 70 different trace elements due to the nature of this sea weed. The main reason i'm writing this article isn't due to the fact of it's nutrional properties, but more of how it can help you.

Due to the intense SCROG that i put my plants under its not uncommon for a branch to break, or a thick part of the stem to snap in half and look as if it would never come back. However, ascophyllum nodosum or AN, as i'll call it here, hasgrowth hormones which can heal these plants in as little as a full day. The first one is Auxin.


Auxin is a plant growth hormone that greatly benefits anyone who puts their plants into LST or any sort of SCROG. It has a couple of beneficial properties when used in conjunction with other PGH's such as increasing the elasticity of branches/ stems, which enables the user to move, twist and stretch plants in ways that seems almost unsettling to a new comer. Auxin also has a wounding response which jump starts the cell maturation, which in the case of a broken stem is a good thing since this will heal the plant quicker.

There are also more duty specific uses for auxin such as delaying fruit senescence or the dying of the flower or inducing new roots in fresh cuttings. I wouldn't use this as hardcore evidence but I've received 3 out of 3 females so far and i attribute it to good conditions, adequate soil space and kelp due to ethylene bio synthesis which is said to increase the presence of female flowers in certain species. Not to mention 4 out of 4 cuttings which rooted in 4 days.

Also this has been found from the Advanced nutrient site for B-52( I am not promoting this product its just where i saw specfic informaton pertaining to auxin. For all i know this may be marketing bulls****)

"Kelp Meal (auxin)

Two new auxins, as yet unidentified, but unlike any of the known indolyl-acetic acid types, were also discovered in 1958 in the Laminaria and Ascophyllum seaweeds used for processing into dried seaweed meal and liquid extract. These auxins have been found to encourage the growth of more cells -- in which they differ from more familiar types of auxin which simply enlarge the cells without increasing their number. One of the auxins also stimulates growth in both stems and roots of plants, and in this differs from indolyl-acetic acid and its derivatives, which cause cells to elongate but not to divide. The balanced action of this seaweed auxin has not been found in any other auxin."


"Cytokinins are involved in many plant processes, including cell division, shoot and root morphogenesis, chloroplast maturation, cell enlargement, auxiliary bud release and senescence."- Wiki

Gibberellin basically regulates cell division and determines the developmental processes of the plant including rooting, fruiting, stem elongation, sexual expression and other phases that are seen throughout the plants useful life.

Betaine and Mannitol basically affects osmotic properties and can help plants in time of heat, drought or stress. Mannitol can help with the plant with diffusion

Other than plant growth hormones which every plant usually already contains. AN also contains other valuable beneficiaries including organic acids, polysaccharides, amino acids and proteins. Not only that but due to the organic acids & amino acids the nutrients already available are made even more readily available due to the ability to cheleate(sp?) chemicals.

Basically what that means is that the plant is getting all the essential nutrition benefactors essential to the different seasons seen by the plants. Not only can this organic wonder promote different phases such as flowering or rooting, but it can help in times when a branch is broken and needs a quick fix.

One last point i would like to make is applying this plant drug as it's referred to by some. Try not to us this everyday as it would tend to lose its benefits by constantly applying and i also believe the plant should rest, but that's just me, anyone can experiment.


Use as a drench for fresh cuttings to sit in 15 minutes before cutting the tip and dipping in rooting powder, than pour over medium being used. Foliar feed 4-7 days later to help plant get over loss of nitrogen and essentials while making roots. You can also foliar feed baby seedlings with no harm or even soak the seeds in a AN solution for 24 hours than plant.

Note: I've recently been trying a gel made from AN powder and a mix of molasses& liquid AN with rooting power and mix. After i dip the stem in this mix after exposing a piece of the inner tissue by scraping with a sharp blade going against the plant once or twice. I've also found this gel to work very well on exposed broken areas of the plant, you can fill the wound in and cover it with a paper towel.than spray with liquid AN & molasses.

VEG. Phase

During the veg. period you have two choices. You can either encourage root growth by water the media with an AN solution. Also you can foliar feed to since the efficency of feeding through the leaves is 8-20 times greater than that of the roots.

FLOWER phase

During flower a foliar feeding regiment can help plants transition quicker from veg to bud. Not only that bud provides an ample supply of nutrients for plants in a time where they need it the most.


Lastly if you snap a branch or stem, heavily and it looks like its life threating, don't worry. A heavy foliar feeding regiment for two-three days will help the plant overcome it quickly with little to no stress. Transplanting shock is also lessened by providing the plant with a root drench before done planting in its new home.

This plant was broken in half at the base to fit under the light and it never suffered any stress, which i relate to these techniques and the one mentioned in the note above. You can see a nail in the plant as i am trying an experiment with stress and resin output/purpling.

I hope someone see's some benefit out of all this useless rambling i have written. Maybe if there's interest i'll take a pic of my cab which has almost a full 2.3333sq ft screen of just green mostly from the sativa, but has two indica cousins. I think the main reasons for the great amount of growth i'm getting can be accounted for with just the AN and Rainbow Mix grow and bloom which i live by in all my growing besides MJ.



good stuff, i have to agree the proof is in the pudding....i neva grow with out it....its way too versatile to not have. its the "elixir of the plant gods" imho.


Active member
Haha! I checked on Wikipedia, looked at the pic, and realized it's all over the place here. One of my worm bins used to be loaded with it (now it's EWC).

Thanks for the post, but I noticed all the info is marketing speak. We sure could use something a little more serious. Scientist or laypeople interested in science never say things like "bio synthesis of ethylene". It's a big tip off someone is selling you something and thinks you dumb or ignorant, and that you will think something is magical and sciency if it says bio - anything. It's just synthesis. Ethylene synthesis. As in "apples and tomatoes synthesize and release ethylene, so don't keep them next to carrots or the carrots will lose flavor".


I've been using it since High Times spoke favorably about it in 1997. Don't wanna ever do without it. A friend of mine thinks only of the micronutrients and won't use it. The micros are good, but I think mainly of the hormones.
P.S.-my friend has been growing nearly 20 years and still produces mid-grad...at best. 2 brown thumbs?


The plant food I use has this in it and it also helps stack internodes plants dont stretch near as much and the buds are more dense.............ST

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Haha! I checked on Wikipedia, looked at the pic, and realized it's all over the place here. One of my worm bins used to be loaded with it (now it's EWC).

Thanks for the post, but I noticed all the info is marketing speak. We sure could use something a little more serious. Scientist or laypeople interested in science never say things like "bio synthesis of ethylene". It's a big tip off someone is selling you something and thinks you dumb or ignorant, and that you will think something is magical and sciency if it says bio - anything. It's just synthesis. Ethylene synthesis. As in "apples and tomatoes synthesize and release ethylene, so don't keep them next to carrots or the carrots will lose flavor".

I have no one to market to and could care less if people picked it up or not. I wrote this thread to inform people on why using sea kelp is beneficial and the different properties. How you feel about the ethylene biosynthesis is all on you because i really don't care, i was just stating what i was informed. All i was trying to do is educate on the various benefits and one of those benefits may/may not influence more female flowers. If you didn't like my post you didn't have to respond to it.

This is straight from Wiki so maybe you didn't search well and take it with a grain of salt since it is wiki.

"In low concentrations, auxin can inhibit ethylene formation and transport of precursor in plants; however, high concentrations of auxin can induce the synthesis of ethylene. Therefore, the high concentration can induce femaleness of flowers in some species.[citation needed]
Auxin inhibits abscission prior to formation of abscission layer and thus inhibits senescence of leaves."

Lastly, I guess i am trying to market this since i am a business graduate. To anyone who wants to learn of different benefits using organics. I was trying to put the information out there to someone who may not do as much reading as i do. Anyways thanks everyone else and agreeing on the the same thing i was trying to get at.


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Active member
pretty soon you will... I'm dying to know what that last sentence was!

Wait, so you wrote that, or did it come from and advert?

The reason for my nudging is that people should know good solid reasons for using things, and I was gently suggesting the above "info" is actually marketing, and inviting you to post something a bit more substantive, instead of faux-scientific. I've recently learned not everyone with a low post count who pastes marketing from company websites (or not! sorry) is a shill. Wanted to tread carefully.

Anyone who does any topping or training screws around with auxin. Superthrive and agent orange are synthetic auxin. It's a multipurpose plant hormone. It's not surprising to find it in all kinds of places.

Auxin also has a wounding response which jump starts the cell maturation, which in the case of a broken stem is a good thing since this will heal the plant quicker.

Could we get some more info, in plainer, less sensational and faux-technical language? Seems like a great product.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I'm about to take some more pictures and ill be able to point out to you what i mean. If you take a look at the pick i do a lot of bending and branches snap it happens. As soon as it happens i apply the liquid sea kelp and in as little as 2 days it start healing you can actually tell i bent my clone in half and broke it and just sprayed it. That was two days ago.

I wrote this because it was on my mind. People spend ton's of money on additives and stimulants, all sorts of boosters when most of them contain the same ingredients. B vitamins, amino acids, growth hormones, trace elements. Why buy something that specifically caters when you have the all around potion. It does what it needs to, when the plants need it.


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Active member
do you spray it on to a wound? I often forget a branch is tied down in my scrog, and go to move it. The chicken wire slices right through. I've tried putting first aid tape and tightening it with a twist tie, but it doesn't work.

maybe I have cut through too much phloem?

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Thats why this is so beneficial, I have broken branches in half. I will show you in these pictures. I though the plant was gonna kill of those long branches but instead they healed much quicker than i expected.

The wounding response i was referring to occurs when the xylem must mature in order to make up for the the phloem that was lost. In this stage the cell must mature, almost like how when you break skin and it must use skin from beneath to heal itself. This process is called cellular differentiation and causes the maturation of the cells. In all of the pictures you see the wounder would immediately turn brown after i sprayed it and by the next day would already start getting hard. By the third day it would be stiff like a new branch.


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Active member
kinda like the way vitamin E pills or aloe make a cut heal faster, then?

You think I can make an extract myself? I am fucking clumsy when I train.


I'm with big Ballin on this. I use AN (not Advanced Nutrients) during all the phases and situations that he listed. My main bloom nute, Bio Bloom, is based on it too. From sprouting my seeds...up to harvest, it assists my plants in achieving more of their potential.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
It happens sometimes when some branches are stiff the others are much more pliable.

Next time your about to train, foliar feed with a molasses for the sugars to make the branches more flexible wait about 15 mins and see if that helps.

You can make a seaweed extract but there's better products that would be cheaper and more cost effective than making your own(not trying to market haha but there are decent products out there.)Make sure you buy ascophyllum nodosum its the powerhorse of the sea kelp family if you decide to get powder to make your own extract.

Liquid seaweed has a higher concentration of PGH than dry powder or granulated flakes. I just bought maxicrop for 8 dollars a liter at my local store. Before i was using a higher priced liquid karma type product called "trinity" unitl i realized once another product with sea kelp specifically AN.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I'm with big Ballin on this. I use AN (not Advanced Nutrients) during all the phases and situations that he listed. My main bloom nute, Bio Bloom, is based on it too. From sprouting my seeds...up to harvest, it assists my plants in achieving more of their potential.

Thanks i just wish people knew that all the stimulants out there are based out on the same stuff but they charge a lot more. I use PBP and supplement with rainbow mix in the soil. But for switching phases or trying to heal a problem you cant beat the AN.

Also i really dislike AN theres no reason a product should be that expensive. They try to have a product for every different thing possible. This is why we do organic, we have the benefit of nature helping us in the process and using the already available compounds of active/nonactive material

Also sorry it took me so long but i just realized what you said about your friend. If you look at why organics are so good their more than just nutrients. They contain trace elements(micros), B vitamins, amino acids, sugars, microorganisms and organic matter/sugars(BB food). Thats why i think a lot of people see problems such a nute burn when using chemicals. First you dont have the BB breaking nutes down and allowing them to pass. Next their just extract of certain chemicals some of them being harmful. Hormones are probably the biggest thing, but its all about the concentrations of hormones. Too much of one may stunt a different part of the plant. Thats why sea kelp is so good it gives a boost in basically every way a plant can use it. Rooting powder is just a PGH extract but when used in unison with other PGH's can produce extraordinary results.

When it all comes down to it the grower is nothing more than a person trying to simulate outdoor condtions by feeding and watering. Give it what it had outdoors and it will thrive. He may be able to acheive some better bud with AN but most likely if hes getting bad results its from something thats not the lack of kelp.

I like the idea of the person who recommened AN as crack for plants as disliked it because his plants would "crash". he was right in the sense that it helped plants thrive in only a matter of days. The plant doesn't crash in my mind, it just runs out of the boost. If he hasn't triy getting him try a foliar feed on his next grow with a good pressurized pump and see if you can spot any differences. i know it was life changing for me and i use it on everything.


thanx for this, i knew about the growth hormones in kelp but i forgot what benefit they have...ive been toping and tying down my plants lately so i will hit them with a kelp tea.
i actually just had some branches snap when my light fell this morning.. i tried to tie them back up, but with in 2 hours i noticed the leaves wilting so i just cloned them
i got some fermented kelp tea ill give a try...


Active member
what if a broken or partially cut branch was wrapped in absorbent material dipped in extract? Could that work?


Non Conformist
Right on BB 88!

Right on BB 88!

Great info and thread! Alot a folks can learn from this. I'm glad to see it posted. Kelp is fantastic stuff! Keep up the good work BB 88!

Oh, and btw, welcome to ICMag! if you are indeed new ;) BC

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
what if a broken or partially cut branch was wrapped in absorbent material dipped in extract? Could that work?

MJ- I was gonna mention that to you ealier. You probably could close it off sort of like a band aid but i don't think would be too significant of a difference. Its worth a try though, i just think that when something's broken i should stop touching it immediately and just let it do its own thing, i already messed it up enough. Not to mention the healing times i've been acheiving recently are more than quick enough that i wouldnt try it. I forgot to take a pic of one branch that was hanging on by half and came back to surviveand regenerate the cell wall.

I think spraying the leaves is more important than spraying the broken area since leaves transfer the nutrients down the stalk to the affected area. Also having a pressurized spray is key since it atomizes the mist finely enough, also be sure to use a surfactant of some sort!

I don't know if I'm going to be able to continue growing again after this or else i would experiment with the benefits and hormones of kelp since it seems to jump start the clones much quicker also.

Darcmind- Thats the one thing i've really enjoyed about AN. Normal situations where a plant would show signs of damage after not to long, i'm reviving plants that hold moisture, resist wilting and continue phototropism. Even clones that i cut off and soak for 15-30 mins before planting show no signs of stress.

BC- Thanks for the welcome. Its actually a welcome back i used to go under a different account my pics may still be up also from only my first grow. I was actually thinking of writing some more articles on some areas of organics and where their misunderstood/underestimated, but everything seems to be taken care of in my mind. I just didn't see any significant articles on AN


big ballin 88- good lookin out on the info, im gonna look at some other sites that mention the specific use of the ascophyllum nodosum.

just lettin you know that i can understand you wanting to help! its just that with so little posts and your join date is fairly new, peeps are gonna think your some sort of salesman or someshit, but after the read its just good ol' info.

anything to boost the root zone and nute uptake is good money as far as i see. keep up the good work

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