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THE QUEST FOR SMOKE! 91ChemX9xOGKush Featuring H.T.C Deep Chunk!

Mine looks very much like that, accept mine got stunted with nitrogen toxicity?

So, she's about a foot tall, branches out A LOT, I noticed too, yeah.
No hermie so far, I have a super runt of the "91" too. A few leaves and some white-triched out-calxyes.

DC is starting to get trichs, bud sites are starting to pop up. I gotta get on my tea soon, so I can see if I can help the plants push to out additional budsites, then work on size/weight and last, trich production.

I have my work cut out for me, as nitrogen toxicity effects yield, but I think I got to it before it completely fucked me. I took care of it 2 weeks ago and this week the plants are starting to grow again. (stunted growth, extremely glossy leaves, dark in appearance that sweat profusely, curl tips/downward)

I flushed HARD and sprayed with 1 tbs milk, 1 ts epsom salt in distilled water. After watering normally for a week, the plants regained their 'look' and the next week the plants regained the will to grow again. Everything looks fine aside from the fact my yield has been affected, and I can tell. I may get an ounce from both, if my guess is correct. (ounce total!)

instead of something more. I don't know how the chem yields, but I heard the 91 does not yield much. Not like I care, but more would have been better, as I seek the most potent smoke I can get my hands on.

I won't even shy away from telling dispensaries that they need to work on quality, if I visit one for a quick fix.
Anyhow... pics in a few mins. I got so faded yesterday I ended up cooking BBQ and trimming my bellpepper plants. I got two bellpepper plants that are monsters. almost 5 feet each and yielding great. I also have a sort of bonsai-red-pepper plant too. It's been alive for more than year and survived a winter outside!

Thanks for stopping by. +rep

M91 Chem


Bell peppers! lol!

Quick update.

fed the girls some molasses for the first time in a week or so. fed with ff tiger bloom.
i don't know when i'm gonna harvest, tbh. more than likely when most heads are cloudy. maybe like a 80/20 ratio, if I can help it.

deep chunk leaf veins turning purple. i'm hoping this night dips in the low 50's.

M91 dawg is perking up, and stretching again with bud sights looking frosty as shit. this plant shows much more interesting characteristics than my last grows.
trichs are forming on branches, leaves, at a steady rate.
gonna start feeding it beasty bloom next week, every other watering.




The dawg's stretching, I gave it a 2nd dose of flowering tea, probably too close to the last time i fed it, so i'm going easy with molasses and water only for a week or two. I decided to hold off on using beastybloomz as it looks like i got a few weeks till i administer it.
Deep Chunk catching up to the dawg quickly in terms of bud formation and trich production is coming a long fine with that curling leaves effect and frost that seems to line the leaves.

I'll post more flattering pics later on.

'91 Dawg




Deep Chunk
I LST'd the Dawg and she is thriving. She's bossing that cold night's air around. Stems are turning purple. Her tops are starting to flower and thrive, more leaflets are growing out and the cola is starting to fill out and form. oddly enough there is a branch full of bud tot he side, while everything else is flowering!~? Haha. I cut a bud at the very bottom and checked the trichs out and smoked it.... the high is a very deep feeling head high that settles on the shoulders (probably such a heady high that is radiates!)

Smells like burnt rubber/lemons and a sweetness undertone; probably due to the constant use of molasses and chlorophyll, however I let it dry a couple of days before doing my test. She smokes great and strives to burn white. She'll burn very well when she is properly cured.

I can't wait to grab some seeds from Rezdog's spot. I want to try some Diesels, as I had a friend lay some NYCD on me for the first time. I was fucking floored.
Some heady shit if I ever had some. Couldn't not stop talking.

Anyway... here's my Dawg!



Tester Nug





I'm buzzing. Have a smoke with me and enjoooooy!
I got Supper's Ready playing and I'm about to hit some c02 extracted hash. Have a wonderful night to any who pass by.
LOVING this Deep Chunk. I am going to try and save her... dunno how! but I am going to research revegging after I snip her for harvest.

I will have to either reveg her outside (is it possible?) or attempt to remove her from her plot and rework her indoors, under T5... !
I'm excited to keep her alive. Wish me luck!




I'm letting her go for a bit longer. Gonna add some sea bird guano/worm castings +half strength of cha-ching. followed by beasty bloomz + cha ching, then flush for a week.
Almost there.