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The Quest for Oregon Purple Thai


New member
I recently bought a 10 pk of DJ Shorts "True Blueberry" and found a phenom type of the OPT. I have looked into it through these forums and found several articles pertaining to OPT but most were dated several years ago. Is this sub-strain still desirable? Out of the 5 seeds I planted, one didn't come up, 2 are definitely male (gave one away) and one very purple but straight leaved blueberry.

The last one is just now popping genitalia and should know what it is in another couple days. So far the couple of genitalia nubs showing are splitting (instead of staying closed and smooth), so I am assuming at this moment it is female. This last one is only 8 inches tall (as opposed to the 3 foot tall mother I have planted on the same day) and I almost pulled it thinking it was a "bad" reject, but was stopped by a friend of mine who says OPT was "the sub-strain to have" if you wanted DJ's true blueberry stuff. It has very curled leaves (not one straight one in the bunch) and seems to me very stunted.

So my question is: Is this still a nirvana of some sort, a holy grail?

I do know that at one time it was a very desirable strain, but is it still one?


Active member
i'm very curious, any way for you to post a couple pics of the bad reject with the curly leaves, and maybe the straight leaved? i have 2 female true blueberry from seed and neither of them are showing curls, just straight, definite purple in it too


New member
Well the plant is a female, so waiting for it to get more hairs so I can bring in a True Blueberry male I have in veg. I will be creating seeds with this one.

More pics coming....


New member
Weirdest thing I ever saw, one female pod and now the plants is filling up with males nanars. All tops are definitely male but I can still see one female pod with two hairs coming out of it.

I see this has had over a hundred views yet only one person commented on it so it must not be such a hot product. Thanks SmokeFrog for commenting on my first post.

Out of 5 seeds, one female and I'll keep the first male I have because it was a pure male, I don't trust the latest male because of the female pod showing first then the rest of the plant going male.

Bud Light

Blue berry is some of the finest smoke .Besides most phenos not being great yeilders it is still a finnicky strain .and some phenos show the herm tendencies .Most of the best BB you'll find is from growers .Is who grow in search of "the keeper" It can take multiple runs and hundreds of dollars .So i really would'nt be to dissapointed

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