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The Prodigal Son


Active member
Well fuck.... Heroin and mental illness are a shitty combination.

I am no longer part of the situation depicted up until now. My previous partner[friend] decided to stop taking his psych meds about 6 months ago and shortly thereafter slid into a downward spiral of Heroin dependency and self-righteousness. Things are currently going to absolute shit over there because he would rather stay in his room all day with his new stripper girlfriend and freebase Heroin instead of focusing on the future and making forward progress. I feel bad for him, but fuck that ****... He has made his decisions and now has the rest of his life to think about what he has done with himself.

I have moved to a new location to better isolate myself from his madness, we are in the process of building and getting this new scene rocking... still a few decisions to be made but I will be addressing them as they appear.

Well, there's a new build in progress.....My favorite part!

Have some pictures from last two days or so.., just working in the backyard still at this point. Gonna have some breakfast with the wifee and will be back soon to up some current images!
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Active member
Shitty deal man. Glad your head is above water and things are going forward. We lost everything we had in a house fire in march and have been on the rebuilding road ourselves. Wishing you well brother!


Active member
damn, that's a bummer... be careful remaining involved at all. Dope makes ya do crazy things, he will let you continue to tend the OD and then one morning you'll get a call "Dude, we got ripped! Someone chopped the whole garden!" but rest assured it was him that did it.

Fuck it, move on and forget about that spot forever. On to bigger and better things.

Please do take lotsa build pics, it's my favorite part as well. I'm excited to see what you've got planned!

Stay safe man.


Active member
Moving day!

28'er U-Haul

New whereabouts; electrical: already installed...

This is Humboldt... landlords are on board, last 4-5 tenants have been up to the same nonsense... ;(

8k worth of junk...


Active member
2nd day in the new place.... let's not waste any time

Ready for battle..

I shit 3'x6's

In place and flooded for the first time in the new setting.

Private backyards are niiiiice!


Active member
Who left 5k+ worth of soil under this tree?

We whipped up a little sifter thingy..

It's no broken hottub, but it's OUR "Transplantation Station"

All the free "dirt" you can sift!

They're ugly and burned up, but they're still adjusting, and will all turn out fine in the end..


Active member
My life in a picture!

Gettin' it done

Getting dark.....all done for today!

The donor tables are all empty..... on to the next one!


Active member
Hmmmmm freebasing heroin with your junky girlfriend, or growing pounds of cronic............ hard decision :laughing:


Active member
Lol, Humboldt Craigslist is a bargain shopper's dream... Just got 2x used CanFan Max's for $120...that's $60 each. Pretty much have gotten everything from there, minus 4 lights/hoods that I was gifted. The amount of unskilled/failure growers around here must be "high." Deals for DAYS....

Backyard Farmer

Active member
trick is to have a sober girlfriend or one with a different drug addiction then you :biggrin: that way you dont get stuk in the same routine together every hour of every day of every week :biggrin: when you both have same drug habits it turns into a weird competition for who can find the best dope and that usually puts one person in more control of the relationship then the other person . strippers are awesome :)

God damn Shasta county...


Active member
God damn Shasta county...


trick is to have a sober girlfriend or one with a different drug addiction then you
that way you dont get stuk in the same routine together every hour of every day of every week
when you both have same drug habits it turns into a weird competition for who can find the best dope and that usually puts one person in more control of the relationship then the other person . strippers are awesome

The scariest part is she doesn't [didn't at that point at least] seek it out.... He was just giving her CONSTANT shotguns of the shit he was smoking. And then padlocking his bedroom door shut, WHILE SHE WAS STILL IN THERE [all doped/passed the fuck out] He said is was for "security," what? From me?!?!? I'm the only person there! Like I wanna go steal your shit?

I almost feel bad for her, but she brought this new life upon herself.. Man, those Tip-Top girls are all looking to land some douchebag "grower," she sure spotted an easy mark and landed herself one!

Fucking drugs man...


Active member
Speaking of Humboldt Craigslist, there's a Twister on there that we might all be familiar with. This douchebag is now trying to turn a 5k profit on it from what we paid...

Those things are amazing, its all about maintenance, cleanliness, and operator familiarity/skill.. would recommend to anyone

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I can't figure out what you're doing..

Are you building a grow room at the new spot?

Are you going to just black out everything you put in your back yard ?

Are your neighbors like , Bro can we get some cuts?


Active member
Putting the flower room together tomorrow prolly... The backyard is just a "free" veg room for these summer months. Too much neighborhood for backyard flowering. Might have a single novelty plant of each flavor but nothing serious here...

As for cuts.... All they have to do is ask!

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