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The Phoenix Project- free Sativa seeds


full time daddy
here's mine.......

here's mine.......

i only did one seed, but here it is... i just topped/cloned
i have yet to flip to 12/12 yet


Active member
Right on guys.

Sounds interesting Bacchus.Hazes can sometimes smell or taste like incense or sometimes peppery,woody or spicy flavors.

Nice plant 420,looks like a medium wide leaf so it shouldn't take forever to finish.Here's hoping for a female.



I still got these seeds. Havent been able to plant em yet. I got this c22 sittin here next to me that I have to figure out how to put together.


JLP, you sure do this community well bro. Great to see such a kind hearted breeder sharing his benefits with everyone else to try, truely a great soul. Best of luck everyone, and god bless :dance:


New member
Hehe I was just in the process of moving, I couldn't find most of my seeds, but I just found these, bonus, theres a little shake in there, MMMMMMMM 2 year old seed casing bonghits!!!


Active member
Here is some pheonix outdoor bud a friend gave me and its been curing for about 5 months. Pure fire power when it comes to smoking really enjoy the high and haze taste.... PeAcE



New member

this one of my phoenixes after about 2 months of flowering, was harvested about 1 month after that and has now been curing for about one and a half month. The final product is now being enjoyed on regular basis and much appreciated by me and my friends. Big ups to jlp for supplying people with quality genetics, thanx!


2 Clones
Same Pheno
Different Mediums - lighter green/mag-def plant is in *pure coco with perlite and earthworm castings. the darker green/healthier looking plant is in a coco/ocean forrest mix.

It's amazing the difference in size of leafs, color of leafs and just overall growth characteristics between the two different mediums. :lurk: Just a little experiment, everything else is *pure coco or a 90/10% coco/ff of mix.

Here's our beautiful Phoenix 1s from JLP, gifted to us by clone by a great friend of ours - cough_cough_err/anita bonghit. Can't wait to flower her!

Thanks JLP, you're the most generous soul I know of 'round here,
Peace & JAH BLESS,
NANDRO :joint:
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Anita Bonghitt
Heres mine!!!!

Heres mine!!!!

I harvested a couple of plants yesterday so I decided to clean my flower room and got a pic of my phoenix ones. I couldn't get this one out for a better pic. so you will have to excuse the poor quality..This one is taking over the room for sure. She was in the back of the room now she has been promoted to right under the light. 600HPS.

other one,this one is only about 5ft tall..

early bud shots

thanks again JLP, I have enjoyed growing this one..

any more updates Fernandro???


Yes, m'am. We got both of ours under the 1k and they're loving it. Both are growing right up to the glass under the hood.. lmao. looks like some good frosty sativa bud. :D


Yup, that's them back there invading that space and hugging those stakes with full force of Sativa magicalness. haha they're doing good. :joint:



Active member
Nice plants guys,there's some hardcore Sativas in this stuff.

Hey H&L,looking good man.I don't have an answer to your question but it looks like you're going to find out.If you don't get frost until November you've got a pretty good chance I guess.



Active member
If you have to harvest early due to frost, you should consider running the entire harvest through Bubble Bags for hash.


thanks jlp and tropical. its a real honor getting feedback from the breeder. : )
ive harvested bagseed plants in the beginning of november so i guess i'll have a good chance. i have a really nice jack herer female that is going to be done way before these, so that will hold me over.


i would also like to add that the plant in the first picture was planted outside june 1st and was completely eaten to just 1 shot by deer twice and it came back to become that!
you cant tell by the picture but it is a 5 1/2 foot tall bush that is just starting to flower. these are some quality genetics, i can't thank you enough jlp!


wonderful pics and info in this thread.....just got my beans a few days ago...put them in soilless a few hours ago.....thanks again JLP!


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