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The Phoenix Project- free Sativa seeds


Active member
High&Lonesome said:
i would also like to add that the plant in the first picture was planted outside june 1st and was completely eaten to just 1 shot by deer twice and it came back to become that!
you cant tell by the picture but it is a 5 1/2 foot tall bush that is just starting to flower. these are some quality genetics, i can't thank you enough jlp!

It's been a couple months now, how is it looking? Do you have any updated photos?


ahhh, good call man. i'll see if i can snap a few tommorrow. i have some leaves yellowing, as i cut out the nitrogen, but the trichrome production is truly unsurpassed by anything ive grown.


ask and ye shall recieve...

ask and ye shall recieve...

super neville's pheno:

neville's pheno:

(sorry about the angle, we've been non-stop rain so i had to hold it up straight as i took the photo)

also, the pics were taken in the rain, so the quality is a little shitty. thanks again to jlp for the awesome beans! :wave:


looking good user name! any updates?

so here is the ssh/nh pheno that finished up at 14 weeks under mother nature's 12/12 cycle. the buds are airy as hell, but boy do they get me ripped. :bongsmi: they have a very exotic taste to them, ever had oriental ramen noodles anyone? too bad the yield was horrible, because this is some great "time to get stuff done" weed. not too overpowering (after the first 10 or so minutes at least, lol).

this stuff has the smallest trichromes i have ever seen on a plant. kinda cool and it doesnt seem to effect the potency at all. i seeded a bud of this with sour diesel ibl pollen, but the plant ended up to be not exactly what i wanted in structure so all the seeds produced were given to an older head, who likes old school sativas.

here is the nevilles pheno, which will be taken sometime next week most likely. we are supposed to be getting frost next week, so it looks like the party is over for this one. this pic is several weeks old. as of yesterday, i noticed about 70% of the pistils have turned, mostly cloudy trichs, and good old bud swelling going on.

as for those swollen calyxes, that bud got hit by some kill bill pollen, so we'll see how that turns out.
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Active member
Nice job H&L.

Those buds look pretty good for a 14 week pheno,some of the hardcore Sativa phenos can be really wispy.



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JLP again.
Next time maybe. Great work H and L and kudos to JLP for gifting those great beans.


Anita Bonghitt
My phoenix one buds

My phoenix one buds

I was wondering if there is there any way of knowing what pheno this is?? I didnt keep track as to how many days it was in flower , to guess I woud say 120 days, seemed forever.. I am enjoyin the smoke :canabis: I have two cuts I put into flower about 2 weeks ago , I hope to do better with these..

Previous pics...

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sorry no updates, in the middle of an ugly move and EVERYTHING i've got has been boxed up for over a week, still alive, but not looking the best. i'll keep you guys updated, and if all else fails, i've still got at least 5 beans left of the phoenix.

keep up the good work everyone!!


good luck with that username. hope everything makes the move okay, the pheonix hazes i had were hardy as hell so im sure they'll pull through!


Anita Bonghitt
2nd run ......phoenix buds

2nd run ......phoenix buds

this one was grown in coco coir, buds are fairly solid but not rock hard, not near as fluffy as last time. I let her go 120 days......



Active member
JLP, very nice, all !!! had not seen or read this thread...SWEET !!! is all i can say !!! you rock,JLP !!! monkey5


Active member
Hey JLP!

I finally have the time and space to sprout the Phoenix seeds that have been kept in safe storage. There's three plants that made it through the germination process and the cold front that blew through when they were finally getting ready.

Hopefully they will be done by Christmas...
