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The perks of growing.



so many threads about yeah, can't get away from the garden, live secret life, paranoia, yada yada... all true of course, but not the complete picture of what it's like to be a grower. so maybe i would like to take a moment and count the blessings or benefits that mostly only growers enjoy.

allow me to begin...

since i began growing i have not once scrapped a pipe for something to smoke; nor do i smoke dregs... i have not once had to check up 'my guy' to see what (if anything) was in... i get to help people in need who are broke... i get to light up friends who don't know i grow and hear what they have to say about t herb... if i don't like what i'm smokin i can grow almost anything i want... i'm actively engaged with something meaningful, interesting, rewarding, dangerous, useful, and educational.

we all choose to do this risky behavior... we gotta be getting something out of it, eh?

anybody else?? :tiphat:


I agree,pot made me choose my future business,im currently finishing highschool and intending to specialize in horticulture.
haha, well said. You're also doing something you enjoy. You're putting work and effort into something and you get to reap the benefits. Kinda like baking a cake or building a tree house :)


Pull my finger
Ya you never know or feel how much this activity roots in your soul until you cant do it anymore. I had to close up shop in early December and have been generally depressed ever since. Now that things are on the up and up with the garden again I smile more.

I love having my own herb. Being my own boss when it comes to flavors. I love giving life and making something out of nothing.

Sure I had sleepless nights when growing. But nothing compared to the tossing and turning knowing no herb is around. My gtarden is my sanity. Pure and simple.


The free weed part ^.^ I guess some people could like the technical and science part of it.. like dialing in precise measurements of fertilizers, timings, different soil blend etc.. Or the reward of smoking their very own grown stuff. Me personally, i could do without the growing part if I could have free weed whenever I wanted.. That paranoia, blinding lights, drippy pots, carbon, transplants, soil, fertilizers.. ahh all that stuff I could do without ^.^. Im not complaining though, when i grew it was very much worth it to have good and free smoke at the end.




So Very Grateful for the way my life is...

I owe it all to Cannabis Cultivation, and willingly make what ever sacrifice necessary, even if i must be imprisoned by a legal system whose lost touch with the People.

Very Grateful for all the perks that have been mentioned, but for me the biggest perk is not punchin a clock and being a voluntary prisoner any more..

In Tune with the Natural Cycle:plant grow:

Thanks Mother Nature...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
for me one of the biggest perks for me is dry sift... I don't know anyone that sells that stuff and it is by far my fave :D


Ya you never know or feel how much this activity roots in your soul until you cant do it anymore.

That's so true, I've been moving a lot recently and it has not always been easy to keep on growing like I would have wanted... just checking the girls in the morning is a real pleasure in itself, seeing how they react to the love you bring, is a a great satisfaction. When I'm out of smoke, being able to tend the plants somehow compensates the "empty" feeling.
Growing keeps you in touch with nature, and as it's been said, certainly interests you to new hobbies such as gardening, horticulture, etc.
I remember a member who had a quote in his sig saying that growing leads to gardening, plumbery and carpenting skills lol, couldn't agree more!


i don't have to hunt down quality medicine
i know exactly what's in my
i can grow any type of
medicine i wish
:plant grow:


I feel sorry for people who have to buy their herb... dispensaries around these parts charge $18-24/g for good medicine. It definitely feels good to have a medicine cabinet that is constantly replenishing itself.

Graham Purwatt

draco said it all.i don't think i can ever again not do this.it has so completely taken over my life in the very best of ways.i'll trade the paranoia and risk as long as it has to be an issue.if the shit ever hits the fan i have the comfort and peace of knowing it was for something i truly love and enjoy.many rep points to draco for this thread


just don't molest my colas..
best perk- endless material to make hash and hash oil out of. I love taking old nugs I'll never smoke or plants that don't come out just right and making them into oil.


gets some
My close customers/friends look at me as a God among men. Most have never seen anything like what I pull out of my jar. Does wonders for the ego!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
My most rewarding part of growing is that I can grow medician thats better than anything I have ever bought. It fills my soul with feelings of accomplishment.When I was young I would spend my last $ for bud now I have enough to give away to all my friends so thay dont have to go though the things I did.


Active member
i hear you on the not smoking resin shit, i used to scrap my pipe back in high school but now i only smoke greens. i dont even hit the bong if its charred a little, ONLY GREEEENS.

another perk? having 5 different strains all in each jar while your friends gotta go to the club and get ripped off.

smoking finger hash after trimming!
I remember the scumbag days before I grew my own:

Meeting up with your guy -

He/She would meet you when THEY were ready. Sometimes it was "lemme call you in an hour" sometimes it was "I got a few things to do then I'll see you" or simply "I'm out!". I hated running on their schedule!

Fiend attacks!

Have you ever called 15 people to get bud because you had to get high (no matter what) or drove like an hour and a half out of your way to score some weed because you were feenin for it? LOL. I hated that shit!

Taking what was given to you -

How do you like wet bud? How do you like dry bud that grinds to sand? How do you like a half-ounce with all popcorn nugs? Or better yet, a half ounce that's 13.2 grams cause the guy shorted you .08? LOL. I hated that shit of getting whatever I got.

The list goes on and on but there are sooooo many perks to growing it. I can't complain about it, YES, there are some con's to this business too but the good far outweighs the bad! (And I didn't say a word about the money.......)



Happiness is having a grow at home.

Anytime stress gets high I can just visit the ladies and I am in a private place that is all good.

I thought Rolling Willy said it best...could be wrong,but the quote is right on.
"Weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times with no weed"

Be a rebel for a good reason. This is a good reason.

Too bad I'm a tax paying productive member of society that is a criminal.



The Hopeful Protagonist
I happened to "over-hear" a conversation the other day, 60 bux an eighth ?....Ouch and No Thanks.

I drove home and blazed up from my own garden. :joint:
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Not Getting Burglarized

Not Getting Burglarized

No more worrying about someone breaking into your house and jacking your shit. I've been burglarized THREE FUCKING TIMES in the past year, each time with a few days of making a buy and each time they stripped searched my home till they found my stash (among other things they stole-I literally have nothing left worth stealing cuz they've taken it all).

Last time was just last week. Then the fuckwit dealer I WAS using calls asking if I need anything (knowing good and damn well I just bought). I said I was done smoking, don't call me anymore, tired of having my house broke into.

This is because of dumbass dealers who run their mouths or show up with a carful of punk ass friends making the delivery or like last time, the dealer and/or his friends themselves. So how many people knew I had just bought a couple ounces? People who don't even have a job, easier to jack someone else shit than work to buy their own.

Sucks cuz I'm still two or three weeks away from having a cab ready. And, of course, I have no smoke. :badday::badday::badday:
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Active member
I remember the scumbag days before I grew my own:

Meeting up with your guy -

He/She would meet you when THEY were ready. Sometimes it was "lemme call you in an hour" sometimes it was "I got a few things to do then I'll see you" or simply "I'm out!". I hated running on their schedule!

Fiend attacks!

Have you ever called 15 people to get bud because you had to get high (no matter what) or drove like an hour and a half out of your way to score some weed because you were feenin for it? LOL. I hated that shit!

Taking what was given to you -

How do you like wet bud? How do you like dry bud that grinds to sand? How do you like a half-ounce with all popcorn nugs? Or better yet, a half ounce that's 13.2 grams cause the guy shorted you .08? LOL. I hated that shit of getting whatever I got.

The list goes on and on but there are sooooo many perks to growing it. I can't complain about it, YES, there are some con's to this business too but the good far outweighs the bad! (And I didn't say a word about the money.......)


haha im agree 100%...back in the day after school got out we would always place a call to the asian delivery guys, they would almost always take an hour and how good of a plug depending on whcih dude showed up. some guys were skimpy, others would have the hook haha. main reason i decided to just buy bulk and sell myself, because i was tired of dealing with other peoples BS and knew i could bring good customer service and just kill shit. If people cant do shit right, do it right yourself!