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The People v Mentch - an indepth look


Freedom Fighter
He's the top cop of the land not some smoker, grower, or D owner.

You do have to realize that being "Top Cop" may not be a positive thing...for most around here??
Please don't take the stance that they are correct in what they do...the ultimate objective is to give as little solidity to the Law as possible...so they can come up later and say, "Look...they (MMJ Patients and Providers) could not even follow the Law!"
It is really pretty transparent, if you look--

Blue Dot

...the ultimate objective is to give as little solidity to the Law as possible...so they can come up later and say, "Look...they (MMJ Patients and Providers) could not even follow the Law!"
It is really pretty transparent, if you look--

Actually that sounds just like what dennis peron and the framers of 215 did.

Just look at the recent Jovan Jackson case.

Great, so both sides are using "vagueness".
No wonder we're in the mess we're in.


died from pot?

died from pot?

wait..this is old but..??man dies from cannabis poisoning.

true?? I dont know.

1 person...hmm..


injesting oral doses..

ya I would like to know whats in my meds..

ok..lots of uncertainy..weve come along way..that credit.


consistantly providing housing...health..and other ..to be a caregiver.?

wow...lets vote again..make the states grow and certify the cannabis.

we will but peeps like blue dot incharge of ?? uuuhh purity??

right...nope big pharma has this shit wrapped up..even if it is legal...monsanto is already got this all figured out.

my doc said i can legally exceed 215,420 guidlines..but doesnt say by how much.:smokeit:


I love my life
It's not like the AG came up with these guidelines out of the blue. There was much consideration and much input, thus the AG's guidelines should be given considerable weight.

You really think your opinion of how 215 should be is to be given equal weight as the AG? He's the top cop of the land, not some smoker, grower, or D owner.

Oh yeah? Where is your site to the public hearings held by the AG or the public comments requested? You say it wasn't out of the Blue, which is easy for you to pull out of the air, but where is your evidence?

I think my opinion should be given greater weight than that of the CA AG, if the CA AG fails to fulfill the mandate of the legislation and the voter passed initiative.

Is the AG an elected position in CA or an appointment of the governor? Irrespective of the answer it is certainly a very political job and the guidelines released from the AGs office do NOT help ALL MMJ users access affordable medicine.

How can limiting a collective from getting weed only from its members and not members of other collectives, or allowing a CA med patient to be a member of only one collective or co-op facilitate access to affordable MJ? How are these LIMITATIONS in accord with the voters or the legislation?

Just because the AG is legally in his position and issue guidelines does not mean those guidelines are constitutional or in furtherance of the legislation they are intended to guide.

Perhaps RichyRich should explain Chevron deference to you, because your legal analysis is as poor as your cultivation skills.

Peace, :joint:


Patient Grower
Yeah, I'm sure Dennis Peron had no thought of dispensaries being allowed when P215 was being written. Christ on a crutch, if you believe that you'll believe anything.

Blue Dot

Is the AG an elected position in CA or an appointment of the governor? Irrespective of the answer it is certainly a very political job and the guidelines released from the AGs office do NOT help ALL MMJ users access affordable medicine.

How can limiting a collective from getting weed only from its members and not members of other collectives, or allowing a CA med patient to be a member of only one collective or co-op facilitate access to affordable MJ? How are these LIMITATIONS in accord with the voters or the legislation?

Because without the AG's guidelines we have the free for all that we have now and we all can see how the D's will abuse that to high heaven by charging 75/1/8th (at one point they did, don't deny it).

So by the AG saying the D's should be no profit and the "excess" put back into the D (and redistributed back to the patients in the form of lower priced meds) it makes the meds much more afforadable to the patients.

I applaud the AG for having the patients in mind because obviously the D's don't.

The AG's on our side. By our side I mean the patients side.

You do realize the current MMJ climate is a patient vs dispensary war don't you?

The majority of patients are NOT happy with the prices they have to pay.


I love my life
Because without the AG's guidelines we have the free for all that we have now and we all can see how the D's will abuse that to high heaven by charging 75/1/8th (at one point they did, don't deny it).

So by the AG saying the D's should be no profit and the "excess" put back into the D (and redistributed back to the patients in the form of lower priced meds) it makes the meds much more afforadable to the patients.

I applaud the AG for having the patients in mind because obviously the D's don't!

The AG's on our side. By our side I mean the patients side.

You do realize the current MMJ climate is a patient vs dispensary war don't you?

The majority of patients are NOT happy with the prices they have to pay.

I do NOT realize that the current MMJ climate is patient v dispensary war.

"Without the AG guidelines, we would have the free for all that we have now..." It is amazing that you can contradict yourself in a single sentence. So if these guidelines are good and help, how is it you have a "Free for all"?

I wonder if you realize that every arrest and prosecution push the price of MJ up not down.

I asked you to elaborate on how these guidelines were created you as always failed to provide ANY support for your wild claims.

So how are you going to get prices down by limiting access and locking people up?

Peace, :joint:

Blue Dot

"Without the AG guidelines, we would have the free for all that we have now..." It is amazing that you can contradict yourself in a single sentence. So if these guidelines are good and help, how is it you have a "Free for all"?

because the D's aren't willing to abide by them per the recent Jovan Jackson case.

He admitted that the collective members didn't help in any way besides "monetary donations" to the D.

That goes against what the AG said and he got off because the jurors made a mistake.

Blue Dot

I asked you to elaborate on how these guidelines were created you as always failed to provide ANY support for your wild claims.

Yeah, Jerry Brown sits in his office and makes up wild limitations for cali's MMJ laws because Jerry is so anti-pot. :rolleyes:

He was the freakin mayor of Oakland. There's probably never been a more sympathetic MMJ CA political figure in office at any time other than Jerry Brown.

If he can't please you then good luck.

Jerry IS on the patients side, God bless him.


I love my life
because the D's aren't willing to abide by them per the recent Jovan Jackson case.

He admitted that the collective members didn't help in any way besides "monetary donations" to the D.

That goes against what the AG said and he got off because the jurors made a mistake.

Uhh aren't you the same guy who complains of physical pain? How can some person say who just had a hip replaced or is pucking their guts out from chemo supposed to "Work" at the collective in exchange for MMJ? Isn't this why they are supposed to do ABSOLUTELY nothing except pay for and take their medicine?

Again how is it that the AGs guidelines hold any weight when compared to the statutory and voter approved mandate of affordable easy access to MMJ; these guidelines appear to frustrate not further the intent of the legislation?

Thy jurors did not make a mistake, you are confusing the immoral actions of the state with the requirements of the CUA.

Peace, :joint:


Freedom Fighter
because the D's aren't willing to abide by them per the recent Jovan Jackson case.

He admitted that the collective members didn't help in any way besides "monetary donations" to the D.

That goes against what the AG said and he got off because the jurors made a mistake.

Please tell what you are doing at your local Collective...don't worry...we'll wait!!

Blue Dot

Please tell what you are doing at your local Collective...don't worry...we'll wait!!

They never ask me or require me to do anything even though I've got more hort experience then any of them.

Isn't that the problem I was talking about?


I love my life
They never ask me or require me to do anything even though I've got more hort experience then any of them.

Isn't that the problem I was talking about?

Exactly that is the problem, BlueDot is waiting for the government or others to tell him to do something. In this legal analysis thread I can only think of this as a free loader / moral hazard associated with any collective venture. Some members of the collective will wait while others work and then they will say "They never asked me."

BlueDot have you ever heard the story of The Little Red Hen? A law that calls for collectives that can not make a profit will only encourage the lethargy and mooching that BlueDot displays.

Peace, :joint:

Blue Dot

Exactly that is the problem, BlueDot is waiting for the government or others to tell him to do something. In this legal analysis thread I can only think of this as a free loader / moral hazard associated with any collective venture. Some members of the collective will wait while others work and then they will say "They never asked me."

BlueDot have you ever heard the story of The Little Red Hen? A law that calls for collectives that can not make a profit will only encourage the lethargy and mooching that BlueDot displays.

Peace, :joint:

You don't get it. I give them my resume and they just say "it's easier and more profitable for us to just buy from the vendors we can lowball so why should we change the way we do things?"


Active member
You don't get it. I give them my resume and they just say "it's easier and more profitable for us to just buy from the vendors we can lowball so why should we change the way we do things?"

Did you provide them with any sample smoke? Maybe a big ass bag full of buds so they can see your skills? Thats the ONLY resume for a grower... HOW GOOD IS YOUR SMOKE?


I love my life
You don't get it. I give them my resume and they just say "it's easier and more profitable for us to just buy from the vendors we can lowball so why should we change the way we do things?"

We are getting there BlueDot. They don't know you and they are doing their thing. They should not be REQUIRED to accept you, even if you would help them a lot. Instead they are free to ignore you and you are free to start up the BlueDot Dispensary.

Peace, :joint:

But see no one needs to go to jail over MJ.


Patient Grower
"Hi, I'd like to grow medicine for your co-operative. I've got an extensive resume and significant botanical expertise"

"Great, we could use a grower, what kind of deal are you looking for?"

"Well, I'll work for $20 an hour, you provide all the equipment, location, genetics, electricity, legal documents and a lawyer, etc, etc, then we'll give the product away. It's illegal to sell you know."

"So how do all the expenses get paid?"

"Well that's your problem. It's your job to come up with the money so I can grow for you and then we can give it away. That's the law you know!"

Blue Dot

"Hi, I'd like to grow medicine for your co-operative. I've got an extensive resume and significant botanical expertise"

"Great, we could use a grower, what kind of deal are you looking for?"

"Well, I'll work for $20 an hour, you provide all the equipment, location, genetics, electricity, legal documents and a lawyer, etc, etc, then we'll give the product away. It's illegal to sell you know."

"So how do all the expenses get paid?"

"Well that's your problem. It's your job to come up with the money so I can grow for you and then we can give it away. That's the law you know!"

The D's are allowed to be re-imbursed for their costs so that's how the expenses would get paid. I mean we all know they are currently making obscene profits so we can assume that their costs are really only about half that total so they could sell for half the price they do now and STILL cover ALL costs.

There just wouldn't be any leftover for profit, which is the way it supposed to be.


Freedom Fighter
The D's are allowed to be re-imbursed for their costs so that's how the expenses would get paid. I mean we all know they are currently making obscene profits so we can assume that their costs are really only about half that total so they could sell for half the price they do now and STILL cover ALL costs.

There just wouldn't be any leftover for profit, which is the way it supposed to be.

If you can't make profit, why would you do it??
You have 25 years of Hort experience...why are you not growing meds...and distributing them to seriously ill Patients??


Active member
Whenever you guys get tired with the pissing match and decide you want to discuss what the law actually (or probably) is - as opposed to what you think it should be - be sure to let the rest of us know.

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