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The pacific crest trail..



Just wondering if any one has ever heard of this trail, Or has ever wanted to attempt it. I use to work at a gas station years ago right off the trail and we use to get tons of hikers. I believe one day I will attempt this 2600 mile trek, Im sure it would be worth it to see so much beauty..http://www.pcta.org/about_trail/overview.asp


I have been on parts of it. Don't miss it if you can. Take your camera. Very humbling.


I know I will have to wait till my kids get a bit older but I think its a goal in my life I would like to accomplish.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Sounds like a great goal, but you have to do it in sections over a period of time, or take a year or two off work to do it.

What is the longest trail you have done. Even a 100 miles is very difficult for experienced hikers.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I built some sections of the PCT in the Gerard Ridge/ Castle Craigs area. Great country to work in. Theres a small local tavern and store that lots of hikers come through from all over the world telling of their experiences on the trail. Its a great place right next to a State Park where many hikers spend a bit of time and replenish energy and supplies.


longest I have been in the woods at once is seven days. we did a loop up in the Adirondacks. total mileage was about 50.

we were terribly out of shape, in college and had to double back to the car after the first ten mile day because we left the acid in the glove box.....had a bong made out of a waterbottle and a pipe. at that time I also carried some canned food as well as a lantern in my pack. thing must have weighed 60 lbs



Go out and get the book cactus eaters. Its a good read about a guy and gal that hike the trail. Might help you get a picture of what it might be like. That is a great goal I have thought about this since reading the book. 2600 miles is a long long way!!!


Its the crown jewel of long distance trails as i see it, and i MUST do it before I die.
When I was on the John Muir Trail there were a few miles of the PCT that coincided with the JMT, so that is my little highlight of it so far but i plan on seeing much much more.


Its the crown jewel of long distance trails as i see it, and i MUST do it before I die.
When I was on the John Muir Trail there were a few miles of the PCT that coincided with the JMT, so that is my little highlight of it so far but i plan on seeing much much more.
I am with you on that, I might have to work my way up to the PCT..


That would be amazing to do this trail!!! There is supposed to be some great sights on this trail. It would be a turly unreal to make it 2600 miles.



k-pax :i am with you bro , we have walked that damn trail so many times.but this time we won't be bombed lol.take it easy dawgy

Lucky 7

Active member
I used to camp on parts of it . . . near Gold Lake-Grae Eagle, CA. Lots of wildlife (bears), incredibly scenic.

A forest fire about got me one windy night . . . my last time there!


i have camped right off the trail a few times.right near a little creek some where in socal

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have done part of the AT and am absolutley going to do at least part of the PCT... I think I'll leave the CD to tourists lol
Go out and get the book cactus eaters. Its a good read about a guy and gal that hike the trail. Might help you get a picture of what it might be like. That is a great goal I have thought about this since reading the book. 2600 miles is a long long way!!!
trycomb,i read that book..very good
Yes, the PCT is the crown jewel of LD trails. I'd love to do it. I read somewhere that it takes an average of 6 mo to do the whole thing.