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The "Over 30" Crowd


Without our generation these kids probably wouldn't even have video games. Intellivision was the best. Any of you guys ever go dig out the old games and see how crappy they were compared to now? lol.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Vetus Fossor said:
Gypsy, did you have the basket on the front or over the rear wheel when you were a paper lad? Mine was on the front. It made steering more challenging. lol Here in the states we had baseball cards that we put on our spokes. Do y'all have something like that over there? Soccer player cards? Fish and chip wrappers?
Here in my neck of the world, the local rag did away with kids delivering the paper. That's a damn shame. A lot of folks learned an awful lot about life being a newspaper boy/girl. Responsiblity. Time budgeting. etc. Now we have adults throw out their car window and we pay a year in advance. And the papers wonder why their circulation numbers are in the shitter.

No I did't have a basket on my bike I would carry the papers in a great big canvas bag slung over my shoulders.......on sundays because the sunday papers were much heavier it was heavy physical labour to get balanced on the bicycle and deliver all the papers thru the letter boxes of every customer......I would have to go back to the newsagents 2 or 3 times to get more papers.......

England's weather is mostly inclement/rainey and cold most of the year but I was out there rain or shine 7 days a week for 3 years......I also worked in a greek restaurant washing dishes 3 nights a week for 20 pence an hour then I got a friday night and saturday job stacking shelves at a Fine Fare supermarket when I was 14 and a half years old for 35 pence an hour......I never got pocket money from my Mum.....she simply could'nt afford us that luxury.....but I learned to work for what I had and bought all my own clothes throughout my teen years.......I left school at 15 and a half years old and went to work in a cosmetics factory as a good inwards porter making about 35 pounds sterling a week (around $50) for a 50 hour week.....

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I remember watching Super Bowl I....... live, and in Black & White....(and the Ice Bowl before that).


Active member
Dr Dog said:
you forgot uphill to school both ways in the snow with no shoes

Hello all,

I had shoes, but they had cardboad soles. And there was no air pumps and gels or fancy colors,m just black brown and white. And we liked it.

What we did have were pants that went up to your waist and stay there.

We did not walk around grabbing our crotch.

Spoiled little rat bastards.

And I am old enough to remember when TV's were black and white and there were only three channels, one of which required rotating the antenna on your roof to get a clear signal. And we liked it. EDIT, and it was free.

Spoiled little rat bastards.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'm right with ya' on all the Atart 2600, Intellivision jazz.....and the T.V. dinners right into the stove (microwave...what the hell is that?!!....or early on after the advent of microwaves: those microwaves are dangerous and leak radioactivity!). I had a Commodore 64 and a TI-994A and I thought I could do all sorts of cool crap like in the movie "War Games" (yeah right!).

Here's the thing that blows my mind:

Pornography was just the ultimate contraband at a pre-teen and teen age. You'd pass around the same sticky, battle-scarred, threadbare copy of "Hustler", "Jugs" or whatever was available.....and stash it under your bed.

Nowadays you can jump online and porn that's better than anything I could have imagined as a horny teen is being pushed into your inbox and in pop-ups incessantly. It may be both the best and the wost thing to happen to the human race.

If someone ever does perfect a virtual sex experience, we'll probably evolve into immoble creatures without bones, that just sit around with an intravenous drip and a catheter getting off 24/7.


I had the newspaper bag, stuffed full and rigged to the handlebars. On Sunday I had a Newspaper cart with two one meter diameter metal wheels, like a fruit vendor. After deliveries I'd set up in front of the church and hawk papers after each Mass; 7:30, 8:30, 10:30, 11:30. And did I buy herb with my earnings? You bet!