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The Organic Think Tank


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You see Tiger I don't like editing peoples posts and have found in past years if you shut down the whole damn show it get's EVERYONE'S attention then we can step back refocus and start again that is why it was closed and not binned.

I can see your reasoning there. It's similar to the idea of punishing a group for the actions of a few, in order to encourage groups to moderate themselves.

Unfortunately though, we all don't have mod powers, so we can't discipline others for causing problems. That is, unfortunately for you guys, left to the moderators.

I'd love to see a system where users could vote to remove a post :yes: Then we really could self-regulate.

I even had a member years back call me a motherfucker. I kindly had to let him know it was my step mother and if he was gonna post up personal business please get your facts straight. :)
Nah, it's not like all that.

But, since it was your step-mother, was it any good? :biglaugh:

Did anyone by chance see the Penn And Teller Bullshit episode where they did a organic to farm grown taste test on the streets?

Not yet, but it was brought up earlier in the thread, so I downloaded it. Just haven't gotten a chance to watch it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep I got it.

So for the organic fans out there, I have a question for you:

What would it take to convince you that organic crop production does not yield as well as soil?

I mean, I've posted what I felt was some pretty strong data, but I still see people trying to convince me the sky is purple.

If you want to continue using organics I don't have a problem with that, but to tell me that ALL of my data is wrong just seems like you're clapping your hands over your ears and humming "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA I can't heeeaaar you!" Kind of frustrating.


Same as what I was thinking lazy but there are some aired views and I am glad they arose hope all is good,

We just got a coalision of goverment this last hour so legalizeation is on the cards I hope.

( can i at least have an e-mail to my account to see what it was that needed to be deleted)

I was argueing a strong point and was tired and very stoned and needed a sleep and I just wan't to see what I wrote?/) I smoked about 7 grammes and some bubble (That isn't an excuse)

We don't need city's full of volksgardens though so what is the best marriadge of styles together,,
PBS had a program I believe titled "Food Inc" in which they stated that the largest of the food corporations in America were buying up the smaller "Organic" food companies just as fast as they can.

I almost feel some of this hating on the the Organic food companies might just be an effort to keep the prices of these Organic business low so they are cheaper for the large corporations to buy.
Just a thought, although maybe not a rational one.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
The Penn and teller show eatmograss will answer a lot of your questions. But like anything on television use the information they give you to find the truth. A show is just like a post here and can be edited to resemble damn near anything someone is trying to say.

A lot that they speak of tho in my findings so far have been spot on.

Sad But True

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I think for large hydro setups organics is expensive. But when doing organics in soil its much cheaper no matter the size..


Yep I got it.

So for the organic fans out there, I have a question for you:

What would it take to convince you that organic crop production does not yield as well as soil?

I mean, I've posted what I felt was some pretty strong data, but I still see people trying to convince me the sky is purple.

If you want to continue using organics I don't have a problem with that, but to tell me that ALL of my data is wrong just seems like you're clapping your hands over your ears and humming "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA I can't heeeaaar you!" Kind of frustrating.

How do you define yield I guess is the big question. A dialed-in soil crop can yield just as much as a dialed hydro crop. Of course, the soil crop will require a longer veg, more money on veg light electricity, more plants around for longer periods etc. On a strict time-frame of a month veg and then flower, the hydro will win hands down. I hope there's not too much disagreement on that!

There's pros and cons to each system of course. Personally, there's no doubt in my mind that you can't beat guanos and kelp to bring out that extra funk at the end of flower. Same holds true for finishing with guanos off a chemical fert base.

A mixture of the two is best in my opinion to get the taste and yield. The best coco formula I've run to date (mind you only one run with these nutes so far) is a flip flop of chem ferts and organics.

One watering is 6 mls. CalMag and 6 mls. Floranova Bloom. Next watering is 6 mls Calmag and 15 mls FF Big Bloom. Start ramping up the Liquid Budswell mid flower and 3 weeks from chop a bit of molasses to get the microherd in a frenzy to lock up an nitrogen preflush. Great yield and organic taste. Thumbs up to Big Ricky!

Chem and organics are like yin and yang. Opposites but best together imho, in the spirit of this thread reopening!



Well-known member
There were definitely some bogus shows, but you would be amazed what a little marketing can do. Then you would be amazed what people will do for $60, like being videotaped while
receiving and enema. People buy into bullshit all day. it's actually what makes the grow industry so successful..

I have run PBP in DWC w 50/50 rockwool/hydroton w calmg+ & some big bud. I guess thats about the extent of "bio-hydro" I have run. I also use PBP sometimes to veg and I will use it as an amendment to my modified rez formula in NFT. I don't really think it's very organic, like og pure blend but I like it nonetheless. I have since switched to vermicrop & molasses as an organic pick me up and help leach salts from the medium, as well as stimulate aerobic activity. Would we really call this organic hydro though?


Active member
Yep I got it.

So for the organic fans out there, I have a question for you:

What would it take to convince you that organic crop production does not yield as well as soil?

Lazy, while I'm not hating on organic growing of this crop in particular (I sort of enjoy just adding water), your comment above is 100% accurate for most crops (exceptions for dates, some citrus, and some row crops that are grown in the most favorable conditions). I know for a fact that organic production, in terms of both quality and quantity falls far short of non-organic farming or a hybrid thereof.

But this crop, when grown indoors, eliminates a lot of variables that most farmers would otherwise need to contend with daily...... leaving time for soil perfection.


Active member
I have been reading this thread since it had 4 posts....

All I want to say is THANK YOU to those that have continued with this thread because I have learned more from this thread than i have in the last 5 months just searchin the web.

This thread can lead alot of FNG's to what they need to know.It is actually a great starting point on ALOT of things,atleast for me it is.

So once again to who have put up numerous amount of info(wich is about %95 of you).........:thank you::thank you::thank you:


Well-known member
I wouldn't call PBP organic.

hence why I pointed that out.. would you call it "semi organic hydro" lol!!!!!

Gh: I feel you have been the most logical op in this whole thread. Would you say you are a proponent of salt based or "semi"/organic ferts?


Active member
I don't know why people are constantly badmouthing Organics....?
I mean... what's so great about Hydro? the EC adjusting or the PH adjusting or the Feed three times a day or The Chemicals or constant running pumps.... I've lost count of how many people I've met, who have gone against my word and spent Hundreds if not, thousands, on Hydro Feeds and Equipment... to get nothing but burnt plants, that taste rubbish.
and actually after a few attempts of trying to pump all sorts of AN potions & additives & thises & thats, that they totally fall out of love with the idea of growing. and sell there shit on eB**.

I'm no scientist...and to be fair I'm not interested in becoming one.... I just LUUUUUURVE Gooood Cannabis......

A pot, some soil, a cannabis plant & some water..... Fool proof! and top banana flavour!


The Voice of Reason
my hydro = flower pots filled with coco that I hand water once a day from a reservoir of nutrient. I make nutrient once a week, it takes less than 5 minutes. 120ml from one bottle, 180ml from another bottle, 10ml from another bottle, 20 gallons of well water. Dip out a 1/2 shot glass full put four drops from the fourth bottle in it, watch it turn yellowish orange, and forget about it till it runs out.

why spend thousands on a hodgepodge of products and equipment?

3 gallon pots $3.00 ea
Coco $15.00 per bale (3 3gal pots)
GenHy Micro and Bloom (1 gal of each) $65
genhy pH up/down + test drops $15

Potions and snake oil are a waste of time and money, imhe.


The Voice of Reason
I have always felt that PB Pro was the much cheaper alternative to the original Pure Blend.

One quart of the Pro will treat more than one gallon of the original.

Pro is a pretty catchy word though. But I wouldn't touch the stuff.

PBP = PB + power plant/power flower

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