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Do I think GSP is often a boring ass fighter to watch? Yes. Would I root for him to beat Diaz? Yes. Without a doubt.
the thing about a GSP \ Nick Diaz fight that would be a game changer is the standup portion. Diaz throws punches in bunches. He has also shown that he has some power too. do i think he could make GSP look like a fool? no, but he can touch ya on the chin. GSP wins the wrestling match and Diaz will concede the takedown to work from his back. the submission game is a coin toss in my eyes. Diaz probably has more options to choose from here. by that i mean he would possibly throw the shoulderlock if he got the chance. GSP is no slouch,and by that i mean really goddamn good on the ground.

if my personal feelings influenced things, Diaz takes it by hunger for the belt. wouldnt be surprised at another GSP decision at all though.

if this fight does come to fruition, the absorption of SF is imminent if it hasnt happened by then.


Active member
ER, I completely agree with you that it would be a game changer in the weight class. That being said, I think GSP is way better on the ground and I don't have nearly the confidence in a Diaz submission even being a remote possibility. I think his advantage is on the feet. That being said, if GSP has half of the brain cells he shows in his fights he would just take him down and finish it as fast as he could. Will he do that? Probably not so out of GSP's stupidity he may get beaten. Lol. My real problem with Diaz is a personal one, I think he is a walking talking piece of human turd. Do I think he deserves an immediate title shot? No. I think he needs to come back to the UFC and fight the big boys where he got his can kicked all over the place before he ran away. If he wants to come back and fight and defeat a contender and then get his title shot, then so be it.
what you're talking about is a tune-up fight.

doesnt Nick hold the SF belt? wouldnt the brass want the name recognition for a unification bout?

it makes sense the only place it matters...the bottom line.

oh...and before you doubt Diaz's submissions, google his name and gogoplata. ....then get back to me. lol


Active member
Listen I am not saying he isn't talented, I am not saying he hasn't submitted people in surprising fashion, I am simply saying I don't think he is going to submit GSP. And yes I am talking about a tune up fight. I am talking about taking someone from the minor leagues and not letting them pitch in the world series until you see if they can hack it against a contender. Just because he has done well in AAA doesn't mean he deserves an automatic shot at the world series when he comes back to the big show. Just my opinion that he doesn't deserve to go to the big show when there are fighters who have put in the work in the big show to try to get there and he ran away to AAA.


Why not give the shot to Diaz? Realistically, What better options are there? GSP -vs- Fitch 2? GSP -vs- Alves 2? GSP -vs- Shields 2? GSP -vs- Koscheck 3? GSP -vs- Penn 4? I'm not saying I wouldn't like some of those fights, but most people wouldn't.

The point is that he's beaten everybody at the top of the division, multiple times in some cases, and even though Nick hasn't been in the UFC he's still proven himself a worthy contender. Especially considering the lack of fresh contenders in the UFC. He did just punch out Paul Daley..

Besides, would you rather Carlos Condit or Diego Sanchez getting the next shot at the title?

Nick Diaz is the best case scenario right now I figure.

P.S. - Tachi Palace Fights tonight. Don't miss it, it's free on Sherdog. Flyweights Mamoru Yamaguchi and Ian McCall will be fighting tonight and wins in their respective fights could line up a fight between them. If that fight happens it'd be a big one to solidfy #1 status in the division.


Active member
GSP wouldnt stand with Diaz. He would put a few punches in his face and take him down. I think it might play out similar to his brothers fight with Macdonald - but on steroids.


i'm not sure if GSP would want to use the Lay&Pray strategy with Nick Diaz.

He has been working a lot on his standup lately, seemingly desperate to get the highlight reel finishes that so many fans have been clamoring for, submissions and TKO's a la Nick Diaz.

it could be either a very boring fight, or a very exciting one


Active member
It depends on who imposes their will, if GSP does what he plans I bet we are in for a boring fight with him laying on top of Diaz, if Diaz can impose his will it is going to be a standup war with him trying to impose his length on GSP.


a decision victory over Diaz would solidify GSPs status as best welterweight of all time , however it would not gain him many fans. i would love to see him stand and bang with nick


Active member
I would love to see him deconstruct Diaz's face with precision striking. It is obvious he has been working his boxing, I would like to see him put on a clinic. That being said he is going to have to have some power to stop Diaz like that.


Sign here if you want Hector Lombard fighting in the UFC right now. I'm sure he's tied up tightly in his Bellator contract but I really hope the UFC are doing all they can to get this guy asap. A fight with Michael Bisping would be so nice right about now.

P.S. - thanks Bellator for putting out decent cards on a weekly basis. next weekends show should be good with Patricio Freire fighting in the featherweight tournament finals with alot on the line. Not only will a win give him a shot at champion Joe Warren for the title, he'll also have the opportunity to avenge his only career loss at the same time to the hands of Joe Warren in a fight that most felt was a draw. This is all assuming he wins his fight next weekend against Daniel Straus that is.. which I am boldly assuming.

Oh and Mamed Khalidov will be fighting for KSW again in Poland against... wait for it... Matt Lindland. I see Lindland losing control of his motor functions at some point in that fight giving Khalidov another (T)KO win. Speaking of guys the UFC should be targeting, Khalidov is another one. He'd fit in nicely in the middleweight division and could be a nice match-up for someone like an Alan Belcher.


i bet jose aldo would fuck gsp up.. fuck the weight diff that man is a ass kicking machine



Hamill over Jackson
Story over Alves
Nelson over Mir
Torres over Johnson
Stann over Santiago
McDonald over Cariaso
Pegado over Escovedo

Overall, a pretty touch card to call! Alot of really good matchmaking here. I know my top 3 picks are all upsets, but I really feel like all 3 are very possible.



Hamill over Jackson
Story over Alves
Nelson over Mir
Torres over Johnson
Stann over Santiago
McDonald over Cariaso
Pegado over Escovedo

Overall, a pretty touch card to call! Alot of really good matchmaking here. I know my top 3 picks are all upsets, but I really feel like all 3 are very possible.

I think rampage will beat hamill, besides that I'm with ya
Or perhaps story wont win but that tard Mir isnt gonna win over nelson unless he simply gets lucky.


Active member
Mir is starting to look like he belongs at a bodybuilding show than in a cage

Good picks Nate, but I'll take Rampage over Hamill. He really needs a win tonight and not left to a decision which is becoming the norm with him