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eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
yeah was gonna mention that but couldn't remember the fighters names--Joe rogan and other dude were like "???" what fight were they watching?
i could start with a number of points here, but the real story after last nights fights is Bisping. we all knew he was a d-bag before last night, but he just HAD to cement his legacy as a "douche for the ages". lets break this down...

1- you are scheduled to fight an MMA bout.
2- your opponent makes some annoying youtube vids hyping the bout and talking shit.
3- during the fight you throw a BLATANT (as in not even fucking close) illegal knee.
4- after said knee, your opponent chooses to continue. (against better judgment IMO)
5- you swarm your less than mentally aware opponent for the stoppage (this is the one part that doesnt seem douchetacular to me...they are fighters after all)
6- then you actually SPIT on your opponents cornermen?
7- as if that wasnt enough, in the post fight press conference, you tell your opponent to accept the loss and get over it.

Look, if it was just the knee id be inclined to call it "accidental". illegal knees happen. with all the extras added in, it makes me think more and more that Bisping (from here on out referred to as "Ol' Douchey") knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

im gonna stop my tirade here. discuss.


Just out of curiousity, how did everyone score the Sanchez -vs- Kampmann fight?

The first round was clearly Kampmann's but after that it was really hard to call. I gave the second round a 10-10 and another close final round narrowly to Sanchez resulting in a 28-28 draw. It was just another one of those fights where a couple rounds were just really close and difficult to call. If I absolutely had to chose a winner in the fight it would probably be Kampmann and I can see the frustration some people are feeling but ultimately I'm sticking with the draw when it's looked at round for round.

It's crazy how Bowles beat Damacio Page in the same fashion and in the exact same amount of time as their first fight! Unbelievable. hah

Green lung

Active member
Just because someone goes around flailing punches like an ape doesn't mean they won the fight.

I guess some people are more impressed with flash rather than substance.

Kammpman treated sanchezs head like a punching bag the whole fight, his face was pummeled even worse in the 2nd and 3rd rounds.


Rafael Cavalcante -vs- Dan Henderson tonight for the Strikeforce light heavyweight title. The rest of the card is weak but I'll try to catch this one. I never really know with Hendo. He can put anyones lights out with one punch at any given time but he can also come in with a terrible gameplan and bad conditioning. And when is age gonna kick in for this guy? How many successful 40 year olds are there in the sport right now? Not many so that's always a question too. He's got a real sturdy chin and Rafael is going to throw some punches onto it tonight - should be fun!

The Bellator welterweight tourney kicks off tonight too. It'll be nice seeing Jay Hieron getting back into action.


Active member
Looking forward to the Hendo fight, it should be a great slug fest. Hendo has a solid chin, no doubt about that, but is it enough to stop Cavalcante landing a bomb on him? Cavalcante on the other hand has been rocked before by far less powerful strikers than Hendo


Active member
Yea I ended up catching it. At 40 he is still impressive especially when he actually shows up for fights like he did last night.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Thought this was pretty ironic, and on topic with the website:)

"Ultimate Fighter" and former Republican political candidate Matt "The Law" Lindland is being sued for allegedly stealing six mature marijuana plants from a patient he allowed to grow on his property. When it came time for harvest "The Law" came in to steal, and profit off the goods. How ironic, right?

Personally I wouldn't trust any mother fucker with the nickname "the law" LOL.. I hear here comes "the Law" I run the fucking other way..

full article is linked here... What I think is funny is the guy is sueing for the embellished street market values the law usually uses to embellish their cases. 6 plants valued at $122k
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Wow, never saw that coming. This deal must have been worked out quickly - secrets arn't kept in MMA for very long.

I want to hear a whole lot more about how this buyout is going to work though. I'm very curious to get more details on this. It sounds like Strikeforce is going to continue on as is for the time being and I understand that because their are contracts that need to be honoured to the fighters, but mainly to Showtime. I'm assuming that once all these contracts are finished that's when the UFC will consume the Strikeforce fighters they want. Much the same way as how things went down with the WEC. But what happens in the time being? Dana mentioned something about UFC fighters going to Strikeforce, but will fighters from Strikeforce find their way to the UFC too? I mean I'm sure some will, but will there be restrictions from Showtime and that sort of thing on alot of guys? I'm going to be pretty upset if any top talent from the UFC ends up in San Jose. Diluting the talent pool in the UFC would be a shame.

I think the perfect thing would be for the UFC to take on as many of the top Strikeforce guys as they can right now. Guys like Diaz and Fedor and some others that Showtime are heavily invested in will probably have to stay put for the time being, but they should grab whatever they can for the time being and wait out contracts until they can get everyone they want and then fold the Strikeforce promotion as soon as possible.

It makes absolutely no sense to compete as promotions now that they're under the same ownership. There's just no way Zuffa has any intentions of keeping the Strikeforce brand around longer than they have to. The only conceivable way I see them keeping it around longer than they have to is if they decide to turn it into some kind of farm system. When guys get the boot from the UFC, let them go to Strikeforce and try to earn their way back under the same umbrella. Strikeforce could turn into the UFC's own personal Bellator or something. Otherwise I don't see it lasting.

The UFC are amazing at running their business though so I'm sure they've got it all figured out just right!


Wow, I'm just thinking of all the names now.

First of all - Gilbert Melendez in the UFC? Very very nice. Immediate title contender. But also...

Fabricio Werdum
Ronaldo Souza
Antonio Silva
Dan Henderson
Fedor Emelianenko
Rafael Cavalcante
Nick Diaz
Muhammed Lawal
Robbie Lawler
Sergei Kharitonov

...too??? :rasta: And I'm sure I'm missing some guys too.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When I read what was going on I could hardley bealive it. I don't know wether to be excited or not. Strikeforce has been having quality shows and as a fan I like having alot of great fights to watch all the time. I hope just as many keep being broadcasted on Showtime as my pocket book dosen't suffer so much from having showtime.

The big ratings they got from the heavyweight tourney probley was starting to scare UFC execs. I don't think they like when an org. can start to compete with them. Just my 2 cents though.

Many ?'s deffinatley remain like what's going to happen with Fedor and the whole K1 thing there is no way in hell after the original contract is up that the boys at Zuffa are going to help K1 out at all. Especially since Fedor has hit a wall.

What about the Woman? I have read before Dana White saying women would have no part in UFC.

Yeah and there is alot of good fighters on the Strikeforce roster I would like to add
Tim Kennedy
Herschel Walker (don't know if that good but deffinatley very marketable)
Ovince St. Perux
Josh Thompson
KJ Noons
Jorge Grugel
Scott Smith
Kung Lee
Mike Kyle
And some new guns like
Jorge Mavidal
Shane Del Rosario
Chad Griggs

Now that I think about it holy shit Strikeforce's roster was solid and some unreal fights could be coming in the near future


Game Bred
Wow, I'm just thinking of all the names now.

First of all - Gilbert Melendez in the UFC? Very very nice. Immediate title contender. But also...

Fabricio Werdum
Ronaldo Souza
Antonio Silva
Dan Henderson
Fedor Emelianenko
Rafael Cavalcante
Nick Diaz
Muhammed Lawal
Robbie Lawler
Sergei Kharitonov

...too??? :rasta: And I'm sure I'm missing some guys too.

there are gonna be some DEEP cuts in the UFC roster...
it's gonna be even harder to fight in the big show now.
me likey!!
only the best will survive.
now if only they would let 'em juice up.....


Game Bred
the butt drag..

should it be legal?


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