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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


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have seen Flora Nova at garden shop but is prob quite old, is there a shelf life? I do have roots organic, would this work. Planning 100% perlite.
Flora Nova lasts about a year on the shelf. The roots organic looks ok but I have no experience with that. Don't know if it will require a feeding of bloom nutrients or not.

PH, I don't have a clue how to use it, read it, adjust it. I do know that my water leaves flakes when I boil for coffee, so quite high mineral content. However, I can get distilled at Carrefore (french Walmart) and mix the 2.
Got a lot of reading to do then. :D Either pick up pH testing strips that read between 5.2 and 6.2 or get a pH drops kit.
Yes, using distilled and tap-water in combination should work fine... not much tap. :D

Your biggest issue is really going to be the humidity. Need to get a de-humidifier running in the room you have the cab in. Mold will ruin your harvest quickly... you need to shoot for below 50% RH during flower.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


in the thick of it
@jellyfish: I don't know how the rockwool would work out, I never had success with it. However, I have had tons of success with rapid rooters. I don't know how well jiffy pellets would work either. It seems like the rockwool would hold too much moisture later on down the road causing (perhaps) an issue at the level where the stem breaks the surface of the medium.. Again though, I have had no luck with rockwool so I bet somebody can help you out more so.
@poina: before you kill seeds and waste money & time, try your setup with some inexpensive veggie seeds. You'll be greatly rewarded in the long run with both experience in gardening and perhaps a nice fresh veggie harvest. I suggest trying something like tomatoes at first. If you want to jump right in, go for it and give it a shot with whatever you've got. The hempy bucket is super easy and very forgiving. Flushing is easy and you don't have any moving parts that could go bad (clog, break, burn) and if given a long enough veg time, monsters can be grown.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We should all be thankful for this incredible spot where we can share and exchange ideas & information.
Peace to you all.


Active member
Poina :

I just did all perlite not too long ago. i wouldn't recommend it, perlite wicks, but it also dries really fast. my perlite on top dried out much faster than the perlite in the middle and bottom. i had issues with the roots up top drying out and causing parts of my plant to always be underwatered. i would do at most 70% perlite and 30% something else for the portion above the hole. you can keep the part below the hole 100% perlite.
I use rockwool for propagation and have transplanted 4x4x4 and 6x6x6 blocks into Hempy buckets without any problems. Just make sure that the bottom of the block it a couple of inches above the drain hole.



Active member
My first try at Hempys

My first try at Hempys

I feel like this grow is going real well for my first time using the Hempy method. I have 10 ladies underneath 600W HPS all in 3.5 gallon buckets with a perlite/vermiculite mix at about 70/30. I've been using Maxibloom one part dry fert from the beginning, a total of 6 weeks in veg from seed and now 3.5 weeks into flower. I am amazed at the healthy growth I've seen from using such a simple fertilizer regimen, especially with the F13 that seemed sensitive to feeding the first time I ran her.

I decided to try this grow style because I was looking for a simple approach with good results, and if the momentum keeps up I should have very good results in the next 5-6 weeks. And things couldn't be any simpler. I mix up nutes every 2-3 days and water each plant with about 1/2 gallon. I haven't even worried about runoff, sometimes I get some or a little and sometimes I get none.

I really can't wait for the next round after this harvest. I should have this method a little more refined for myself (I did have sluggish growth to start but I believe it was from under-fertilizing) and I should have these genes dialed in (all plants are from seed this run so I'll have a better grasp on how to care for the clones next run) so the next group to flower should be even better than this round.

Thank you to all who have contributed to this thread!

Here are a couple pics

Sweet Deep Grapefruit bud @ 26 days

Group shot F13, Sweet Deep Grapefruit, and Critical + @ 26 days 12/12; Pure AK and Grapefruit @ 7 days 12/12



Thanks for all the tips! I'm outta pot so I'm gonna give it a try since I have lots of seeds. Gonna try to get the dry Maxibloom and guess you don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure the ph.
Thanks for all the tips! I'm outta pot so I'm gonna give it a try since I have lots of seeds. Gonna try to get the dry Maxibloom and guess you don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure the ph.

Go for it man! We're not noobs here at ic....were Growers In Training!!! Im a few weeks away from my first harvest ever running solo cup 100% perlite hempies
Go for it man! We're not noobs here at ic....were Growers In Training!!! Im a few weeks away from my first harvest ever running solo cup 100% perlite hempies

You're a new grower and be proud. We was all new growers at one stage.

Noob is a bit of a nasty term. That's one thing that Warped1 and I can agree on:smoke:
I've been reading a lot about people starting out their little clones in the same bucket they will finish up in to avoid transplant shock.
As this isn't an option for me, I'd like to ask:
is there a more severe transplant shock when using perlite/hempys as compared to other mediums/methods?
Are there any special tips for transplanting from a smaller hempy to a larger hempy or is it just the regular routine?


Active member
Whew, read the whole thing, AGAIN
I need the easiest system for a complete NOOB. This seems like it.
My biggest obstacle I see is environmental. I'm on the southern Med and humidity is just oppressive. Mold, rootrot, would be distinct possibilities.
Here there is no online shopping but have seen Flora Nova at garden shop but is prob quite old, is there a shelf life? I do have roots organic, would this work. Planning 100% perlite.
I plan on a sog from seed in 4 liter containers, I would start seeds in jiffy plugs first, then in the 4L, and I guess it's a nobrainer to wait until roots reach bottom before 12/12.
I do have eagle 20 for pm but have read that is a lower humidity problem.
PH, I don't have a clue how to use it, read it, adjust it. I do know that my water leaves flakes when I boil for coffee, so quite high mineral content. However, I can get distilled at Carrefore (french Walmart) and mix the 2.
This would be in 2X2X4 cab under 250 HPS. S&P fan with c filter and vaportronic so my airflow should be ok.
Sorry to be such a rambling dumbass, I would appreciate any comments and feedback!

I would add something to the perlite, like 20% vermiculite mixed, or coco, or just use perlite in the rez area, and coco on top. Supposedly this is what gives the fastest growth according to Hempy.
I would add something to the perlite, like 20% vermiculite mixed, or coco, or just use perlite in the rez area, and coco on top. Supposedly this is what gives the fastest growth according to Hempy.

i definitely agree with this, i rushed my seedlings into their cups before i could get my hands on some vermiculite (they were stretching quite a bit) so i threw them right into the perlite in their starter cubes. I have to water my girls pretty much twice a day at this point. Not saying the 100% perlite doesnt work, but it definitely takes the labor aspect of it up. I don't really mind, since this is my first grow i love to spend as much time with my girls as i can! I will definitely have some vermiculite in my mix next time around though


in the thick of it
@spanishwilly- If you are gentile with the transplant, it's not hard. Allow for the medium to dry out just a little before you do it. Lots of folks move up container size during stages of growth. If you start with your final container, I've found that you've got to top water at a more frequent and less quantity rate. Whereas if you begin with a "mini hempy" and around 2-3w into veg move up to your container then, it works out fine (IME). You've got to adapt your setup to suit your needs. If the footprint is too small, go with taller containers, but if height + floor space is an issue, then look into scrog with just a few plants. There's many ways to skin a cat.
@spanishwilly- If you are gentile with the transplant, it's not hard. Allow for the medium to dry out just a little before you do it. Lots of folks move up container size during stages of growth. If you start with your final container, I've found that you've got to top water at a more frequent and less quantity rate. Whereas if you begin with a "mini hempy" and around 2-3w into veg move up to your container then, it works out fine (IME). You've got to adapt your setup to suit your needs. If the footprint is too small, go with taller containers, but if height + floor space is an issue, then look into scrog with just a few plants. There's many ways to skin a cat.

Thank you SIR. I appreciate it.


Active member
Some of the advice that I've seen regarding starting in the final container (well, after seedling stage of course) was related to autoflowering strains and usually autos in hempys.

With standard photoperiod seeds transplant away! Hempys do complicate things a little but dubwise has some fine words above.

What do people think of the fact that if you transplant a small hempy you are forcing the "water table" roots to have to grow new roots and in effect become more of "oxygen take up" roots? This being said I have never seen too much shock with hempys when transplanting them.

I have since switched to drain to waste hand watered coco pots with some of those being potted up to hempy. Trying to see what works for me.

I feel like this grow is going real well for my first time using the Hempy method.

Welcome to the Hempy revolution mate. You've done an excellent job for the first time. Great grow method isn't it?

What's your average RH in that grow room? I only ask coz I don't want you ending up with budrot and all them big leaves act as humidifiers. Your room's quite crowded. Ever considered pruning a bit, just a few big leaves here and there (don't go crazy lol) to get a better airflow and to allow the light to hit the lower budsites?

Once again excellent job mate:tiphat:
I've been reading a lot about people starting out their little clones in the same bucket they will finish up in to avoid transplant shock.
As this isn't an option for me, I'd like to ask:
is there a more severe transplant shock when using perlite/hempys as compared to other mediums/methods?
Are there any special tips for transplanting from a smaller hempy to a larger hempy or is it just the regular routine?

Hi Spanishwilly (lol funny name). Me and my crew plant rooted clones in small hempy cups then xplant into their final buckets. After a week or so we notice great growth. Take a look at this...


(Carefully get the rooted clone out of the cup, without damaging the roots. Nice roots huh?)


(TIP: use the hempy cup to create a hole in the medium, them plant clone into final bucket)


Although the above's medium is with perl/verm 3:1 with a tiny bit of hydroton, all perlite will work just fine IME. Works for me and my crew. The other hempy cups will be going into their final buckets tomorrow, when the other guys in our crew get their grow rooms ready. Hope this helps some :tiphat:

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