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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


i don't see why the bleach soak wouldn't work at all.

Hey dubs have you given your plants bleach before. Next feeding I was going to give them 2ml per 10 gallons. Hopefully that will clean things up down there. I was going to mix up 25 gallon of food then add 5ml of bleach. Do you have any idea what that would do to my ph. my meter is fried.


in the thick of it
I don't know what it will do to the ph. I don't know if you'd see anything with 5ml mixed into 25gal. I don't know if you'd see any "cleaning" action and I don't know if that amount would do anything noticeable to your ph....But I may be wildly wrong. I've cleaned my medium with bleach before and I think it was a cup per gallon, keep in mind no plants were in the medium during cleaning.


Active member
oh yeah i forgot i said i would post a picture.

the last hempy.

i can't be certain how many weeks im at now without going and doing some digging but its like around the same length in flowering as the rest of my plants are from seed. so about 8-10 weeks of flower.



No the girls are in straight vermiculite.Seems to be working fine for me:D.I now put them in a flat bin filled with vermiculite and clay pebbles about 1 inch on the bottom and they seem to be loving it.:jump:Would this still be considered hempy?Ill put pics on as soon as i find my sd card wify had camera.lol


in the thick of it
hey toker I've got a couple of large bins that I run three plants at once in and they do pretty good. I think it's a good idea if you're planning on vegging for a long time or if you plan on taking a ton of cuttings. Best of luck to you.


Im going to put 3 to a bin as showen but lst them to the direction its facing.Theres going to be 2 bins should fill the closet pretty nicley.how long does it usely take to feed again?


Hey guys and gals, I have just a few quick Q's for y'all. I'm starting the process of a PC grow design/build, and i've been mulling over the soil/hempy decision for a few days (its always better to read BEFORE you weep). I'll be running straight perlite in a 1.75L pot, with 2 maybe 3 girls.

Do any of y'all have problems with germination in straight perlite, or would transplanting jiffy pucks with rooted seedlings work well?

And as far as nutrients, I have 2 options:
-h3ad's adaptation of the Lucas method (6/9 with espom). I'm considering this because of the simple method and the copious amounts of proof to its claims.
-Technaflora's recipe for success starter kit. I like that I get a full line of micro-sized nutrient bottles because I doubt ill use the full bottle of whatever I get, and this way I get more fine-tune to my feeding. If you're not familiar, check it out here (although my hydro shop has 'em on sale :) )

Both run around $45 including the cost of ph strips and Up/Down

Some background about the PC design:
-(2) 55w 2700K CFL with air-cooling
-Joey Weed's C99xA11 from seed

Thanks in advance for any help, and be on the look out the THiCk PC coming to the Micro forum soon

EDIT:: Or should i just KISS and go SOG's route?

...i have been using 35.5 ounce Folgers coffee cans as my buckets with perlite in the res and straight coco for the rest and I have been feeding straight Maxibloom (seen you in that thread too brother dubwise, lol) with Silica Blast as my ph up and the growth has been phenonenal, ...just fucking awesome!

Anyway, I don't see me EVER growing ANY other way, the results are just too good and it is the easiest way to grow I have ever tried.

@SOG-Im assuming since you only use pH up that Maxibloom lowers pH below 6? So do you ever even use pH down? Any other nuances about the KISS Lucas method in hempy?



I also use the Technaflora's recipe for success starter kit.its easy to use and has great results.You will pretty surprised.


Active member
you can germ in perlite just moisten the perlite and bury the seed like an inch down and keep a dome on it till the leaves pop then make sure it stays moist and doesn't dry out like any other seedling.


i germinate in perlite, i prefer it. and i believe 6/9 lucas is for coco. i do 8/16 and find in very easy. i do all perlite hempys.


in the thick of it
I germ in perlite as well. As stated above, simply set the seed an inch or so below the surface and keep it moist. I usually water about 1/2cu every other day and have sprouts about 4-5 days after. No need for a dome.
@tolker-That will work. I put a small rack on the side of the container (similar to a ventilated shelf) in the medium, anchor it down and LST the plants to fit threw the screen. All of the growth that is not going through the screen I use as cuttings....so the side which only has one plant ends up donating many more cuttings that the ones on the opposite side do. (Make sense?). They are fed every 2nd day and between the three plants they get about 2 quarts of water/feed.


half cat half man half baked
Do any of y'all have problems with germination in straight perlite, or would transplanting jiffy pucks with rooted seedlings work well?

-Joey Weed's C99xA11 from seed

EDIT:: Or should i just KISS and go SOG's route?

Like others have said, germinating in perlite is fine. I like to put a cover over the container until they break the surface. I also love jiffy pucks especially for cloning. If you have some pucks already, put them in the perlite and start everything from there.

With that strain, I think it would be easier to do a small SOG with 6-8 plants. Maybe top them once and clone what you cut off so you can replace any males you might have. Ya could harvest an ounce from that space even with one plant, but having 6-8 or 12-16 larger buds of that strain instead of lots of smaller buds would be better in my opinion.

Sounds like you've been doing your home work and you'll be happy with either nutrient line. I think more people have used 6/9 lucas for you to learn from and ask help if needed, but I've heard Technaflora's line is very easy to use.


tolker, dubwise and stihgnobevoli - thanks for the advice, much appreciated! :tiphat:

@bobman - Have you run into any cal/mg problems with lucas in hempy?

@catman - Believe me, if i could run a SOG, i would. Theres just simply not enough headroom. Its roughly 9" to the bottom of the lights from the top of the pot, so I just have to tie my ladies up. I already have the perfect wire training shelf that I nicked from my mini-fridge that fits perfectly. But I've been watching pinstripe's PC grow and he did fairly well with LST:

To yield well in a PC case, I think you should not be afraid to keep the plants in veg for some time. As long as you have decent sized pots and good ventilation, the worst thing that can happen is you have to throw a plant out.
Just be persistent with the LST and you'll have a PC case crammed with buds. Having a screen to tie the stems to really helps out.
Here's how I handled the stretch:

So here's what the 38 grams look like:


If you haven't seen it, check it out here

edit - 38 grams aint bad for a pc


no, but i mix tap and ro. if i do 60/40 or 70/30 ro/tap i do not have to adjust my ph. my water is real hard here though.


Heres a little update on my hempy bin.Five days later


900 ppm
1 teaspoon surger daddy
1 teaspoon magcal
3 drops of superthrive

:thank you:tolker


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in the thick of it
Looks pretty good so far tolker. Did you add more medium overall to the bin? Also, FWIW, you can probably cut out the sugar daddy right now. We use to use it a while back, but got no noticeable differences when we removed it during veg and only had it during bloom. We quit running it all together about a year ago because it didn't seem to do much at the end of the day. Making a molasses tea was way cheaper and just as helpful. We didn't run the molasses while in hempy buckets so I'm unsure about its benefit but will be testing it out in hempy buckets real soon.


Well, I just wanted to update my experiments going on. First, Bayer Complete kicks ass. I think my white flies and crawlers are on their last legs. There has been mass death from the white flies and my crawlers are lower in numbers and exhibiting weird behavior. One crawler actually let me pick up a piece of perlite he was crawling on and then crawled around my finger and up my arm for a bout five minutes. Before this I could not get within an inch before they bolted or hopped away. Still a few, so my fingers are crossed but I think I got em.

Secondly, I gave the plants some bleach last night 2ml per 10 gallons. Plants did not seem to mind. I don't know if it helped the roots or not.

Lastly, sometime in the next few days I will be giving them enzymes. but not the expensive ones from the hydro store. these will be either lake and pond or septic enzymes. From my reading they should have the same effect has the hydro ones.

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