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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


in the thick of it
I don't know what kind of bugs you've got, but you've got to really clean and dry that medium out before reusing it. I had/have problems when I've not cleaned it out properly. I can always tell if I had rushed or not with cleaning it out real well. It helps to have new medium on standby for this case, but for the future, be sure to clean as much of it out as you can.


yea i think this is a bug for sure. i cant identify though. These things are grayish and very small. They pop up and then go back down and they move pretty good. They have antenna and there body seems have ridges(centipede like) and they are also thin but I could not tell how many legs they have. I trying to rule things out so I do not think these are aphids but I heard they have so many different stages. I did just find a full grown dead gnat in my veg room but I have seen no flying insects besides the white flies and there are no other bugs in my sticky traps. Anybody have a clue I was thinking symphylans was the closet thing but there are some inconsistencies there too. If you are not sure maybe you could rule out gnats and aphids for me.


in the thick of it
sorry if I missed this....how are these bugs affecting your plants? That may help in identifying the pest. Also, have you tried spraying the room with something along the lines of Zero Tolerance? This stuff has worked very well for me in the past. Perhaps getting some mosquito dunks? These work well too! Lastly, where did they come from? How are they getting in? That loose end has got to be tied up or you'll be battling issues such as this forever.


I think I figured out what they are and every hempy grower needs to watch out for them. believe or not I think they are springtails. from research they seem to thrive in a hempy like environment. they eat organic material and since the only organic material is my roots thats what they are feeding on. these fuckers are small real hard to spot. I had to use a potato to find them. I am about ready to wack them, they are not hard to get rid of thank god. I think since I have been reusing my perlite I just built up a nice colony of them. I noticed after my last round my roots were not as white and lush but yield did not suffer. This round plants still look fine but they are taking longer and the yield will be affected.

Dub after i whack these fuckers are there any products like h2o2 and any zyme products to help out the rootzone from the damage. Never used anything like that before.


after i trashed one of my plants i noticed a buncha tiny white silvery bugs in the perlite really microscopic and hard to see unless you look at the right angle. see if you see anything under a bright light like fluorescent. the cool ones that give off white light.

Sounds like the same thing. Mine are silvery white, almost metallic looking and when they turn direct light flashes off them. These things are small, real small adults are only 1mm. The only thing that seems to match is springtails. They also jump like fleas when scared. Even though most say they are harmless I have come across some things that say in the right environment they can cause havoc. And hempy is the perfect environment for them. Did your plants show symptoms?


in the thick of it
I'd maybe make a tea with the dunks and wash it through real well. I'll read up on the ZT, but I've sprayed that on medium that had bugs and the plants didn't suffer...so I'd be willing to try it. I've had no luck with Neem oil. I probably didn't do something right with it, but it turned out to be a gooey mess and ended up not helping. But I'm sure others use it well.


I just want to see if there is anything I can use to disinfect and clean that root zone. I want to help those roots out.


Hey guys,
I've lurked and read a lot of pages here. I am thinking of going hempy with my c99 bx1 I just started. As far as reusing medium, could you not soak in a bleach solution, then rinse and reload? That would sterilise and kill most eggs and critters. Scuse me if bleach has been discussed prior and I missed it.


Hey guys,
I've lurked and read a lot of pages here. I am thinking of going hempy with my c99 bx1 I just started. As far as reusing medium, could you not soak in a bleach solution, then rinse and reload? That would sterilise and kill most eggs and critters. Scuse me if bleach has been discussed prior and I missed it.

Good question, there has got to be a way. On a side note everything in the veg room got a bayer complete dip last nite 20ml/gallon. Those things came up when I flooded, in smaller numbers than I expected, and I still have no idea what they are. I am thinking springtails but I just cant tell.


Active member
Sounds like the same thing. Mine are silvery white, almost metallic looking and when they turn direct light flashes off them. These things are small, real small adults are only 1mm. The only thing that seems to match is springtails. They also jump like fleas when scared. Even though most say they are harmless I have come across some things that say in the right environment they can cause havoc. And hempy is the perfect environment for them. Did your plants show symptoms?
i didn't see any noticeable damage stemming from the bugs, who knows how long they were in there, they appeared to be a new development. it was a sick plant but i traced the issue down the a root problem, they just stopped growing down halfway through the medium when they moved from the coco to the perlite portion and just got rootbound. they were in the perlite section which is why i never saw em maybe? it was coco on top perlite on the bottom.

anyway i just found a tiny (like 1/4th inch long, bout the size of the letter i on your keyboard) centipede in my soil, it was just in there walking around and looking for something to eat i guess. its a soil plant and i use clear containers so it was kinda freaky, like i was looking down on a section of the forest floor a million years ago when only giant bugs roamed the earth.

google tells me they kill harmful insects so it gets to stay and i hope he has friends i can transfer into other pots.


I am not seeing any damage either. that is the weird thing. plants look fine. last round my roots looked a dull white with a little brownish not that usually real healthy white. this round i can tell my yield is going to be down, at least I think, and the plants are taking longer,again I think. something is not right I can just tell. i think these little fuckers are chewing on the roots and causing just enough damage because there is nothing else organic for them to eat in there. from my description does it sound like the same bug.


Active member
nah, i looked up springtails, that shit looks gross, its nothing like a centipede. this centipede i saw was tan colored, i googled and eventually stumbled across someone with similar centipedes, but his pics show more translucent baby centipedes. this thing i have is full grown just reaaallly tiny.


Active member
nah only bug i ever had before were spidermites, fungus gnats, and whatever those little silver bugs were in my perlite. i don't know what the silver bugs were, but they were really tiny and hard to see, and they were fast, like so fast it looked like they were just teleporting from place to place. wasn't fungus gnats i know that for sure. all the fungus gnats i ever came across were black and annoying and quite easy to spot.


this sounds like the silver bugs, which from what is said are springtails. if this is the same as what you have going on it might be springtails.

this link says theyre harmless thrive in moist environments and feed on decaying matter and algae, all of these were present in my hempy. the solution should you want to kill them is to allow the pots to go dry completely, or just live with em.


Im doing hempy buckets this go around with my green house seeds kalashnikova.thay are about 25 days old.Thay been in the cups for about 5 days and WOW thay are taking off.
