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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread



I have some friends who got real happy with the guano who would beg to differ on this one :laughing:

Bat poop can be a great stress stabilizer. When I push the plants a little too hard thats what i dial back to. sometimes as much 1200 ppm of bat alone. If your friend managed to burn something up w/bg i would guess it was in dry unrefined form and probably top loaded into dirt rather than liquid that has been bubbled and ph balanced. Maybe you could explain haw that happened in better detail for us.


what semi organics are you using in veg?.

Fox Farms- liquid bat- nitrozyme- diamond nector- superthrive. Fox Farms doesn't cause rapid production but I believe its worth the wait to have a smoother flavor.


Active member
Bat poop can be a great stress stabilizer. When I push the plants a little too hard thats what i dial back to. sometimes as much 1200 ppm of bat alone. If your friend managed to burn something up w/bg i would guess it was in dry unrefined form and probably top loaded into dirt rather than liquid that has been bubbled and ph balanced. Maybe you could explain haw that happened in better detail for us.

Couldn't tell ya exactly, and I'm not a big guano man myself, so I'm not sure of the specifics of how it can burn, I only know that it definitely can if given the right opportunity :dunno:


Active member
yeah,they look to be getting a mag def again. my thought is this....the gh floranova one part nutes are real "dirty" that is to say it leaves a residue. it seems to be much more than gh flora three part nutes. im thinking that the salts have loaded up to the point i have lockout. i can fix that with flushing but i would like to keep from having to deal with it all the time and am thinking of just going to flora three part again. along with bat guano and mollasses. i try to keep ph at 6 so i was thinking of flushing with ro water at a ph of 6 till runoff is at 6 and then feeding with the gh flora three part. the floranova drops my ph quite a bit so i have to ad ph up every time i feed witch is every two days.the girls dont like too much so im at about 1/4 strength. the strain is super skunk,and black domina. and some sort of bag seed we call jane doe. smells a lot like garlic when its in flower! but is killer weed! also im using white buckets and wonder if that has anything to do with my problem. all the plants in darker colored buckets are ok,just the ones in white buckets are lookin sad. what do ya think?

hmm i would say to get some drip clean from h@g. if you want do a quick search on it see what comes up :)


in the thick of it
tinman-I bubble guano tea (5gal at a time) pour off 1gal. I will use that 1 gal in a little over a week. The remaining 4 gallons are still being bubbled. I make my nutes 1 gallon at a time and will feed 12oz. per plant everyday. My plants range in 5gal to 15gal. containers. In my experimental plant (5gal) I feed w/ the 12oz. 3 part + 6oz. tea. It seems as if my plants in veg can only handle 1/4 tsp ea part, 1 tsp. liquid karma, 1 tsp. kelp, 1 tsp. molasses. The plants in flower recieve twice that amount (three times molasses) and they all do pretty well. I run perpetually and harvest 1 plant a week and gain about 5oz. dry. This is going to increase due with my lengthy veg times I'm getting. Of the clones I took 5 months ago, I have 12 remaining to veg. I should end up with a plant with almost a 6 month veg so I should get a terrific yield. sorry for being so wordy.


hey,thanx happy! i've been using ff tiger bloom and im liking it. i upped my ppm's by almost 700 with tiger bloom and it didnt burn her one little bit! bud production is great and they're tight and solid. much better than when i was using floranova bloom. i'll give these nutes a shot.
dub,can i use powdered guano to make this tea? i am assuming so. and how long should i bubble it before i use it? do you adjust ph as you use it or do you adjust the whole 5 gals. at once? sorry for the stupid questions,but if i didnt ask i would skrew up.


in the thick of it
hey man, no worries...I use the dry bat guano (10-2-1) and I bubble for 24 hours before use. I bring my ph down a little bit before mixing. I've not been doing it long enough to say how great the tea works...So I may be wrong about some of this. I will know a whole lot more about this in a month or so (with this strain) A different strain may work a little differently I hear. I'm hoping the combination of the tea w/ my regular feed will produce some real lush plants. Hope this helps.


as allways,i find something i can use from your advice. t y i'll keep ya posted on the results i get. guna try this with my black domina first.its funny how small things can make such a big difference.i have cloned and vegged over 150 plants so far,from one mama, and have flowered only seven of them. i only flower the best of what i veg. but this run coming up will be my biggest run in flower,nine plants. if all goes well i will do a perpetual so i can harvest one plant a week. so i was surprised to read that you do the same thing. when im ready i'll want to touch base with you and discuss how to start. when you say you gain 5oz dry does that mean yer getting 5 off one plant?!


dang,dub! i gotta talk with you more! i got just over 3 from six plants! wtf! what strain? are they from clones? what kinda light r u using in veg.? how many watts in flower? man and i was feelin all acomplished and shit! i guess i have a long way ta go. check yer pm,im sendin ya a note.


Hey Tinman, I worked w/ a domina-juicy fruit cross and the buds are real small and popcorn like except for the tops. 30day veg is a must for the sativa types. I also used an indica in the center of the lamp footprint and linrd the edges w/sativas.


Hey hempy growers I need some help. I just put 4 seedlings in a 3 gal hempy tub with a 3:1 mixture of perlite to verm. I think the tub is holding way too much water as all the seedlings' leaves have been curled down since I put them in. It's been 4 days since I last watered and the medium is still moist and the seedlings still looking unhealthy.

I've grown hempy before, but with straight perlite, and never had a problem with overwatering.


Hey hempy growers I need some help. I just put 4 seedlings in a 3 gal hempy tub with a 3:1 mixture of perlite to verm. I think the tub is holding way too much water as all the seedlings' leaves have been curled down since I put them in. It's been 4 days since I last watered and the medium is still moist and the seedlings still looking unhealthy.

I've grown hempy before, but with straight perlite, and never had a problem with overwatering.

I've only just started with the hempy buckets, and I've never grown a tub style hempy before... Did you check your drainage hole? did water come out when you filled it? How far down did you plant the seedlings?


in the thick of it
thiz-I've grown out a few in tubs before and have not had that issue....be sure that your roots are well established before putting them into a tub. Also, a consistant feeding schedule will help this process along. I like to move up from 12oz. cups to 1 gal container to 3 gal container then onto either the 5 gal, 12 gal, or 15 gal container where the plant will flower & finish.
tinman- I veg under 500w t5, and flower under 1000w. My initial harvests were not that great at all. I began running perpetually back in August and the first 4-6 harvests were pretty weak (as far as weight). I'm very fortunate to have such a nice size area to grow in, and so I am able to veg out for a nice long time which will yield well. I began LSTing a few plants months ago and in the past two weeks I was able to flip 2 of 'em, and they are getting huge. I'm very happy with the LST and will be sure to LST my plants from now on. I was getting one nice cola and tons of popcorn....this time I'll be getting 4-6 colas (hopefully) and little to no popcorn. Hope this helps.


The drainage looks adequate, though I should have drilled a larger hole. The tub itself is around 6" deep, with the hole drilled around 1.5" high. The plants aren't very deep, just deep enough for the starter plugs to be covered up. Last time, I still had success with putting plants with unestablished roots straight in the bucket.

Anyway, I'll wait a few more days and hopefully the seedlings will perk up and start growing again.
The drainage looks adequate, though I should have drilled a larger hole. The tub itself is around 6" deep, with the hole drilled around 1.5" high. The plants aren't very deep, just deep enough for the starter plugs to be covered up. Last time, I still had success with putting plants with unestablished roots straight in the bucket.

Anyway, I'll wait a few more days and hopefully the seedlings will perk up and start growing again.

just tap ur finger over the hole if its blocked this will unblock it and allow extra water out.


Active member
Hey hempy growers I need some help. I just put 4 seedlings in a 3 gal hempy tub with a 3:1 mixture of perlite to verm. I think the tub is holding way too much water as all the seedlings' leaves have been curled down since I put them in. It's been 4 days since I last watered and the medium is still moist and the seedlings still looking unhealthy.

I've grown hempy before, but with straight perlite, and never had a problem with overwatering.

You should grow those seedlings out in some smaller containers before putting them right into the 3 gallon container, so they can build up a large enough rootmass to be able to take advantage of the constantly moist medium. It worked for you last time, doing the same things?


6" is too short for hempy if you're putting the hole 1.5" up in a container that big. It's going to take them forever to drink all that water at the size they're at right now.
Hey hempy growers I need some help. I just put 4 seedlings in a 3 gal hempy tub with a 3:1 mixture of perlite to verm. I think the tub is holding way too much water as all the seedlings' leaves have been curled down since I put them in. It's been 4 days since I last watered and the medium is still moist and the seedlings still looking unhealthy.

I've grown hempy before, but with straight perlite, and never had a problem with overwatering.

They are probably in shock, give them time. if they are in shock they are not taking up a ton of water, thus it is so wet. Also, the root mass hasn't had time to penetrate to the res, or the whole mass of perlite/vermiculite, and therefore it probably still feels wet.
