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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Ingenious! I'll be implementing that at the end of my current plant cycle. K+
Thanks! I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I was going to do. My original plan was just to get a 4x4 flood tray and let them all drain into there, but that would require some way of draining the flood tray. The other option was to remove all the buckets for watering, and that didnt sound very appealing either.

In the end I just got some 1/2" fittings with gromets, and fit it all together. The only problem is the perlite sometimes clogs the drain holes, but it seems to still drain out OK. That may just be because I got the XXXtra chunky perlite though.


I use 4 gallon square trashcans from walmart for my hempys...and they only cost 2 bucks a pop. They look at me crazy walking thru with 20 of those shits at a time....lol.



Active member
I use 4 gallon square trashcans from walmart for my hempys...and they only cost 2 bucks a pop. They look at me crazy walking thru with 20 of those shits at a time....lol.


I hear ya. Just rolled out of Lowes yesterday with 2 big stacks of 5G buckets. Gonna check on the walmart 4g's today. Sorry for the shitty pics: Here is a shot of the 4x8
And these are awaiting room for the 5g buckets


No Jive Productions
hey, people!

giant, sorry, but i have to throw the penalty flag on you. i call "innovation violation" and am going to penalize you 1 oz.

i was just in lowes this morning to buy more buckets and lids to butcher up and i have gotten those "looks' in wally's when i bought unusual quantities of plastic. it's funny how similar are lives are.

bostrom, nice looking group, you seriously want some weed.


in the thick of it
good day good people. I've got to say that although the drip to waste addition giant has made looks very neat and usefull....I don't really see where it is necessary with this method of growing. My last two months of perpetual growing has been much more successful then previous attempts and I don't have runoff. Well...let me correct that a bit..I only have a little tiny amount of runoff, but only on the plants that I'm flushing. I feed about twice as much water to the girls getting flushed then the others that are still blooming. The taste of our bud has improved, the density of the bud has improved and the mess (runoff) is a thing of the past. It seems like when you're using perlite and it begins to change to an orange/rust color....I'm overwatering because next it will turn green. Since noticing this, I decreased my amount @ feed time tremendously...At first I fed until I had about 10% runoff....and now I feed about 2 cups at each feeding.
I got the crazy (you're not a painter) stare the last time I got buckets from Lowes...10 of them and not a speck of paint to with it.


good day good people. I've got to say that although the drip to waste addition giant has made looks very neat and usefull....I don't really see where it is necessary with this method of growing. My last two months of perpetual growing has been much more successful then previous attempts and I don't have runoff. Well...let me correct that a bit..I only have a little tiny amount of runoff, but only on the plants that I'm flushing. I feed about twice as much water to the girls getting flushed then the others that are still blooming. The taste of our bud has improved, the density of the bud has improved and the mess (runoff) is a thing of the past. It seems like when you're using perlite and it begins to change to an orange/rust color....I'm overwatering because next it will turn green. Since noticing this, I decreased my amount @ feed time tremendously...At first I fed until I had about 10% runoff....and now I feed about 2 cups at each feeding.
I got the crazy (you're not a painter) stare the last time I got buckets from Lowes...10 of them and not a speck of paint to with it.
I suppose you are right, but I would rather put $5 in to parts and not have to deal with even catching 2 drops of runoff from each bucket. If anything, it will make things easier if I ever need to flush. :santa1:


Active member
bostrom, nice looking group, you seriously want some weed.

yes sir, just xplanted 9 more into 5gal buckets. Doing it a little different with these. I mixed a few totes of 6 parts Perlite, 2 parts Biobizz coco peat/fiber mix and 1 part Sunleaves coco fiber. I did the 2 inches of straight perlite on bottom too. time for a break:smokeit: Im gonna start rotating them in at the end of the month. couple at a time when room permits, with the addition of the 600. the plan(for now) is to have 3 buckets a week coming out. so im gonna need 12 or so in veg.
Dub im with you on the run off, i really don't have much either.




New member
Mistress thank you very much for posting that.

I just called a family member who works at the local supermarket bakery.
She lives in a somewhat rural part of the state, but still goes through about 10-20 buckets a day. 3.5 and 5 gallon, among many other plastics.

I asked her for about 18 of each type, and she said no problemo. I figure picking up buckets is as easy as making a phone call and waiting for the bakery to close and wash up.

I just saw a homer bucket floating on the shore locally the other day. ARrghhhh.


in the thick of it
:peppermintstick:mistress, thank you thank you thank you. I had never even considered those sources. I will be making a trip to a few places like that real soon.
smoke-that's a great connection to have! good for you!


No Jive Productions
bostrom, i don't know how your floor plan is set up but with those #'s and your newly increased wattage you should be able to pull off 18-24 zips a week.

mistress, i used to dive almost daily and over a twenty year period i saw pristine snow white beaches in the tropics turn into your photo. also when i first started diving some areas they were clean underwater, no debris floating around, by the time i left there was all kinds of crap floating by. it is truly sad.

sometimes dairies also bottle their own label of oj. they get it as concentrate in usually green 5 gal buckets.


Active member
bostrom, i don't know how your floor plan is set up but with those #'s and your newly increased wattage you should be able to pull off 18-24 zips a week.

Well its 4x8 with 2x1000 and 4x3 with a 600. i'll be happy with 2o's a bucket.lol would be one of my best.


No Jive Productions
you are talking about running them perpetual, rotating in and out in groups of three per week.
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No Jive Productions
i have to confess to being wiped out right now. i've been on interferon therapy and one of the side effects they warned me to watch for is sleeplessness. no shit! 4 days now. smoking bowl after bowl laced with electrostatic kif trying to get tired enough to sleep a little. 10 months to go.

i was thinking my isis plant in a 5 gal hempy full of perlite would be ready at 9 weeks. it's not quite there. but the odor has backed down noticably. so weeks 6-7-8 it stank really bad. i'm walking around the house and up and down the road, sniffing the air like a beagle.

the photos show the all perlite tip burn. if you blow it up a little, on the right side you can see the edge of my 70/30 perlite/coco plant. no tip burn. you can, however, see the leaf i scorched when i left it a little too close to a light. i get that every so often but usually 8-10" is the right distance. i have 3 all perlite plants, all with tip burn. none of the perlite plants with amendments shows it. none of the plants containing any coco or turface show it. all of these plants are in the same room with the same fert schedule.

the isis is being heavily flushed right now and is 5' above the medium. it's got me thinking about scrubbers.
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sorry if this question is silly .
I want to do a hempy bucket . the lady is fully vegged already and her roots are at the bottom of the pot . Just went into 12/12 .
Is it to late to transplant into a hempy bucket ?
And can I use all rockwool ?


in the thick of it
THC- I don't think it's impoossible, there would be a little bit of stress, but she should pull through just fine. Be extra carefull when making the transplant. 2nd-I wouldn't use the rockwool (IMO) due to the water retention qualities.
giant-hey man, I wasn't trying to dog your diy...not at all. Keep on doing the good things and trying to make your setup better and better.


thanks bro for the tip . so your saying rockwool would hold too much water ?