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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


i have noticed within the last two days that the pearlite has a bright green tint to it! is this a mold or scum or sumthin?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Its just algae, it doesn't hurt anything, its just ugly.

If you want, you can gently rub off the top layer that has the algae and replace it with new medium. If you want to reuse the algae medium, just soak it in a light bleach solution.
Just in case no one else mentioned this; you do NOT mix the 3 part ferts together and then add water...no way. You are supposed to mis one part in very weell and THEN add another nute, then another...NEVER dump all 3 parts together and then add water...it can lock out all the nutes and end up ruining the mix.

The instructions clearly state that you are not supposed to mix them together in the manner shown on the first page of this thread and so caution should be taken.


Would it be possible to get a hempy infirmary thread going? (for both types: verm/perlite & coco/perlite).

Health/plant abuse directly related to growers that use this style. Such as what problems are more prevalent in hempy's than in the other modalities like soil, hydrotone, aero, etc...

As well as how to fix the problems, what to look for, tips/tricks with hempys.... all for sick plants.. cause these hempy threads are just getting giant and hard to read threw. Yay or nay?:coffee:

Just my :2cents: .

On the surface this is a good idea. But, after a bit of thought, I fully agree with Sam. The only real problems I have read about, is, 1) when someone uses coir (it is recommended to rinse the coir and to take into consideration the differences in properties between it and vermiculite) and, 2) the use of RO water (and its properties...i.e. you might have to add cal-mag).

As for pathogenic and/or herbivorous attack, I would think it has little to do with Hempy's and one would be much better off taking it to the Infirmary. If someone presents it to any particular Hempy related thread, anybody could give you an opinion...even me, but I will tell you up front, I probably won't know what the hell I am talking about! In the infirmary, you will get
consistently better responses from those who do know.

One could pm the OP of those giant threads and ask them to concentrate any tips or hints in the first post. Still, I suspect that if someone did start such a Hempy thread from the beginning, it is going to get giant and hard to read through anyway. After that, you and I know how to use the search function, but it wasn't until just recently I realized ( :pointlaug ) that it also works within the threads themselves. It certainly cut down on the time I spend wading through each page looking for relevant info on any thread.

Namaste, mess


Just in case no one else mentioned this; you do NOT mix the 3 part ferts together and then add water...no way. You are supposed to mis one part in very weell and THEN add another nute, then another...NEVER dump all 3 parts together and then add water...it can lock out all the nutes and end up ruining the mix.

The instructions clearly state that you are not supposed to mix them together in the manner shown on the first page of this thread and so caution should be taken.
you are totaly right,smoky,i dont believe it was hempy his self that made that statement i think it was the guy tryin exlain hemps methods. maximum yeild has an artical on mixin nutes that address exactly the thing yer talkin about! i'll try to find the link!


in the thick of it
If there was one, I wouldn't have anything to say. I've never had any problems other than my plants giggling in the other room.

I think the only thing you could possible screw up is mixing the nutes or your choice of nutes.

I agree with Sam. Good idea, but the problems I've had were problems of over doing the nutrients. This method is pretty forgiving and pretty quick to point out if you're doing something wrong.


What do you guys think of the bell curve method of feeding where you start with a low concentration, 25% and then incrementally raise the concentration level as you move towards flower. End of veg and beginning of flower is when you have your highest concentrations and then you start to incrementally decrease the concentration amount as you move towards the end of flowering, finally the last 1/2 weeks no feeding at all.

Whats your take on the above described method vs blasting them with full nutes the whole way through?


in the thick of it
What do you guys think of the bell curve method of feeding where you start with a low concentration, 25% and then incrementally raise the concentration level as you move towards flower. End of veg and beginning of flower is when you have your highest concentrations and then you start to incrementally decrease the concentration amount as you move towards the end of flowering, finally the last 1/2 weeks no feeding at all.

Whats your take on the above described method vs blasting them with full nutes the whole way through?

I can't ever get my plants to take on that much nutrient. If I push above 1/2 strength things go bad. for what it's worth...I run 1/4 strength in veg and 1/2 in flower....three weeks toward the end I back down a quarter, then to flush for the last 2-1/2 weeks.


mess-those tubs are badass. I just finsihed one a month ago and was happy with the results, wish I had vegged longer. Good idea about contacting the municipal water supply and getting the low down on what's in the water.

Shamefully, I had seen the tubs in a thread, but couldn't remember who's they were or where I had seen them, so it may very well have been yours I saw. So, Thanks man! I appreciate the idea!

I have only ever grown 4 plants at a time to keep myself under misdemeanor laws. But, something came up and I needed a quick turn-around. So, I bit the bullet and decided to go with a 24 plant SOG in the tubs. Ya...ol' dad is gonna be puckered up for the next few weeks!

They were something like 25L or 30L and came with a lid. I had about 3 to 3-1/2 cubic feet of perlite and when I mixed in the vermiculite, didn't think I had enough to fill all three. So, I cut them down and made my mix, poured it in and only had a couple gallons left. Rough guess is about 5.5 gallons ea. Thanks to the Hempy's, I have some serious pruning to this coming weekend!:watchplant:

Namaste, mess


in the thick of it
that's good stuff mess. I too remember that tub you're talking about. Wasn't mine, matter of fact, it's where I got the idea from too! I pushed four plants in a 12gal. tote and pulled about a half ounce per plant w/ a 2 week veg. I should have vegged for a month at least. I've got two more right now that are in containers of that size and they will get about a 4 month veg time. LST'ing them ladies too. I hope to get super results for that long ass veg time. btw-love the sig.


New member
I agree with Sam. Good idea, but the problems I've had were problems of over doing the nutrients. This method is pretty forgiving and pretty quick to point out if you're doing something wrong.

So now that I have corrected my pH about a week ago, but my lower leaves are yellowish and even brownish then I guess my problem is over doing the nutes? I have some yellowish in the tips of other leaves too.

I have been going with full strength with the nutes so I guess I should just go 1/2 strength for a while.

It seems that I have been giving 1/10 the strength of nutes than what is told in the instructions...am I dumb or what :).

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If its only on the lower leaves and moving up on the plant, it sounds like N deficiency.

N deficiencies will start to yellow the lower leaf edges first and work its way in and eventually working its way up to the rest of the plant. From what I've experienced, too much N will effect the whole plant immediately.

Too much P, from what I've seen with my plants will burn just the leaf tips starting with the lower branch larger fan leaves and moving up the plant.

There is plenty of info in the cannabis infirmary on plant deficiencies, so It doesn't need a re-post here. Try searching the infirmary first.


a little off topic here, but I'm excited because today I found, less than five minutes from my house, a gardening/feed center that sells the following: 40lb bags of Perlite $13, 40lb bags of Vermiculite $16, Pro-mix, bat guano, chicken poop pellets, worm casings, root stimulators, cloning powders and gels, various fish and seed weed products and a whole host of organic nutrients to numerous to list. The place was the Walmart of outdoor and indoor gardening and I'm in a small town. I found out from the owner that farmers and ranchers come from wide and far to buy there so they stock almost everything.

Jeez, what a find!

OK, back to Hempy's


in the thick of it
ditch the 40 pounds of vermiculite.

I bought a bunch of vermiculite when we first started and now I hardly use any. I think you could use 4lbs. with that 40 lbs. of perlite. In our situation, we were overwatering and had too much vermiculite for the schedule we are on. It seemed to allow that ugly algae to show up.
great deals to find though! great news.