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The Official 1 sqft Challenge


New member
I'm out.
The temptation to finish these in my new 320w cab is too much, plus there's a total lack of input from others on this thread.
:tiphat: pretty buds. thanks for tryin to keep this thread alive

What are the qualifications to be up in here is it 1ft^3 of total grow space minus the equipment or all together?

Nice buds there Sgt.Stedenko this is the only time you want your bitches fat lol keep feeding them

rules are on the first page, but don't try to bend them because breaking the rules is evil.... or something...


Crotchety Cabaholic
The fatter, the better. Here's hoping the extra 150 will help.
I'm just starting to see some cloudy trichs so we'll probably go the full 60.
Thanks for the kind words fellas.

Here are the girls in their new home for the final stretch.




a micro scrog

a micro scrog

This was a screen grow of mine. 13x13x18 started with 4x42w for most of the grow. Blueberry and Strawberry Cough.

Harvest day.
for the most part it grew around the bulbs (with a little encouragement). 107g dried and cured.

I have switched to a perpetual grow. I am going to start a grow journal soon so you can see how I do it... if you want. :tiphat:

This was a screen grow of mine. 13x13x18 started with 4x42w for most of the grow. Blueberry and Strawberry Cough.

Harvest day.
for the most part it grew around the bulbs (with a little encouragement). 107g dried and cured.

I have switched to a perpetual grow. I am going to start a grow journal soon so you can see how I do it... if you want. :tiphat:

you got 102 g dry from 84 watts of cfl?


ITGROWs- Haters gonna hate. Looks right about 107 to me. It's not like there's a prize, a scale shot would be nice but looks like it was some fine smoke! :rasta:


Crotchety Cabaholic
I don't think Hazy's hating.
Making the claim of a QP from a 13x13 cfl grow takes balls and proof.
The canopy is tight, but having grown in a 11x15 under 170w of cfl many times, I call bullshit.


Sgt.- Maybe your misunderstanding. It dosent take balls and proof to stake a claim like that. As you can see, it merely took a few pictures and a post, silly.
i still dont get how vertical circular growing hasnt caught on with u cfl growers, one 150 watt cfl , plants around it, done, i mean with all theese bulbs n the coil design your only getting half the watts anyways, the light just bounces of the coils inside itself and the top part has to go up then back down to hit your girls=weak dimished intensity. this was a nice grow but i dont see 3+ ounces . but i hope u get it.


The proof is in the pic. If it doesnt look like 107 ok... but less than 1gr/w is not great. So not sure why you want to call BS but that's up to you.

Also wtf is a scale shot going to prove. Nobody knows how to fake weight on a scale? MMMMK lol

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
I'm in (but not up and running for a few days yet)

I have a 12"x18"x29" steel medicine cabinet that was in my garage wasting space.

My 180w Blackstar just came off the UPS truck. I plugged it in and my wife began screaming, "it's hurting my eyes!" LOL!! She had her back to me at the time. Its the 2011 6 band flowering light with UV.

I''ll be growing four LR2s in peat based medium.

Damn thing fills up the cab pretty nicely.

I plan to cut a circular whole in the top and mount the light so that the fans vent directly out.


I'm going to throw my hat into the ring as well. Not necessarily to "compete", but just because what I'm using fits here perfectly and you guys are an awesome resource for that.

Eventually I'm going to build a flowering cabinet for my 150w HPS that will be about 2'W x 1'D x 3.5'H, but it's still in the design and early construction stage. For its veg and clone chamber, I built the little cab that I'm currently using. 13"W x 12"D x 25"H. After reading this thread (and running out of smoke lol) I was inspired to start some plants going, and maybe use it right through flowering for them depending on my motivation to finish the 150 cab.
I'm using 2 bagseeds and 6 seeds of unknown pheno that were gifted to me. Fortunately they all turned out to be female. I germinated them on Jan. 1 and vegged them until Jan. 15 before going 12/12. Lights I'm using right now is 2 x 42w 2700K and 1 x 42w 6500K CFLs, for a total of 126w.

So today they're on day 28 of flower. I'll try to get some photos up tonight or tomorrow.


What is the deciding factor of this challenge? Best gpw? Most yield period?

The concept is nice but its too easy to fudge numbers. You have the human element and emotion involved, that always skews things :)

I could just dry my buds until they are still damp and have a significantly bigger harvest on paper, but over time as the last 10-15% of water evaporates, there will be less weight.
Should be standard rule to weight the bud wet and take 20% of that number as the final yield.

So in general this "contest" has issues and needs some standards that we must follow or its too easy to fudge weights, but then we are all human and want to impress others, so fudging numbers can still happen.

Anywho, I will post my results in the PC cabinet I have going. It is .56 feet squared and has 21 Watts of LED. Flipping to flower this weekend I think. Been vegging for 31 days today.


From what I can tell, it seems to be either grams per watt, or overall yield per square foot. I think the general consensus is that everything is in the spirit of good will, so dry weight results stated would be at the near-optimal-for-smoking stage of curing. Or that's how I tend to see it anyway. Others who have been posting to this thread for a while may have a bit better clarification though.

I think there has been some question on how to rate LED results. I seem to remember some debate about it a while back in this thread. I don't have or use any LEDs so I kind of skimmed over it. Again, some of the veterans of this thread might be of more help.


As promised, here is a pic of my cabinet and a couple of the little ladies. Day 29 of flowering. You may notice that one of them has a bit of a boo-boo on the top. I came home yesterday to find that she had reached up and touched the light. Aside from the actual damaged parts, she seems to be doing ok today. Lesson learned: during the stretch, don't leave them a half inch from the bulb.


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im going to join with a room that is 1.2sq ft and i am running mix wattage n spectrum of lighting out of it and a few different strains 2-3. with 215w of cfl lighting. my camera is on its way i left it out of state and im waiting on my seeds to arrive then i will post pictures but i am in on this challenge.