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The New & Improved [ROLS MEGATHREAD].

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Nice Durdy!

BTW I found 2 lbs of gray Morels in my back yard today. lol I am stuffed and cannot eat all of them.

BTW that one is poison.


Haha yea was definitely not planning on eating any of those!

Out of curiosity though what type is it and how do you know it's poisonous?


Because I do not recognize it as an edible variety. I would have to get my book out for its exact name. Identifying mushrooms like this I need a book to sit and go through. It is white with a sloping hood and black veins is my first indication. That last picture is most likely when it is mature. There are only a few in North America that are deadly as most will just make you sick.


MAW - welcome aboard dude - I'm sure you will do fine with your mix and the most important part of working with a new mix is being observant of the plants responses and learning to read them and over time knowing what best to topdress with or reamend with.

When I add new sphagnum peat I mix just the peat with 1/2 cup limestone, I think that's what's called ag lime, its a pure white powder and dirt cheap 96% calcium carbonate, and 1/2 cup gypsum, gotta get that sulfur in there, per 1cuF of peat. Dolomite lime is easy to overdo and tightens up the soil in such cases, the magnesium holds a tight bond to the calcium so its not available except in the very long term. I'll personally never use dolo lime again in indoor potting soil mixes....my plants seem to enjoy life just fine without it......I'm actually thinking of removing the limestone in the future...just keeping the gypsum for a lil extra calcium and the sulfur.....EWC and crab meal have plenty of of CaCO3....the living soil as a whole and its interactions with the plants regulate the PH.....

Topdress all those extra goodies when they come in, like the neem, a mainstay for me....did you mention rock dusts? Mineralize! Your soil and your plants will thank you....

Rock dusts

Supremo (vermi)compost

That's all my pet soil sees these days on reamending, which rarely occurs as most containers remain no-till for a few to several cycles.....I messed around with adding all sorts of things, after the novelty of so much goodies wore off and not knowing which or any of the myriad of additions were causing a particular issue. Keep it simple, less is more, when in doubt, add less lol.

Thanks for taking the time to throw your advice my way man much appreciated!!!!

Yeah i agree with you totally on the dolo lime now that ive done like 3xtra weeks reasearch, ROLS and alot of college studies (7days a week 4 hrs on the comp a day.........DAUNTING what ive learned in the last month DAUNTING)

I defnietly fear i over did the Mg this year(especially with adding magnesium sulfate on top of dolo lime...) but i am growing outdoor for 6+- months...

Neem will 100% be getting topdressed in at a light rate 1 cup per pot...(plus neem foliars 1x week for veg) ( i wont be getting it until the time i put my ladies into the greenhouse due to curent fundage(went broke getting a greenhouse and mixing soil hahaha)

Yeah i definetly got rock dust up in there
greensand(lots of potassium tons of trace)
azomite(a-z minerals)
planters trace II(like 60 diff minerals & 16ish% silicon...)
rock phosphate(phosphorus and several micronutes)

And good to know your only remamending with 5ish ingredients....

Ill have to keep that in mind this greenhouse soil will get amended and turned into my indoor soil in the fall for as long as i can cycle it(hopping 4-5 yrs)
I run 12 plants scrog'ed under 6 600w currently in 18 gal totes each but wanna do 45 gal smart pots 2 plants per pot when i go ROLS indoors in the fall(getting ambitious and trying to catch up to everyone....)
Pluss the medical cannabis in my state is a JOKE at very best.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Can anyone in the pdx area let me know what stores besides nw concentrates I can get bulk stuff at. I remember CC mentioning a pottery place to get bentonite at..

My missing ingredients are;
og neem seed meal (source from dte?)
sul po mag
Bentonite (the same or replaceable with azomite, glacial, and basalt?)

im going with coots mix on page 141 plus alfalfa, oyster shell flour and possibly "live earth humates" and the missing ingredients above if I can get them.
Coot mix page 141
1 bale Alaska peat 3.8 cubic feet
2 cf worm castings
1cf Malibu compost
1cf Oly Mtn fish compost
3.5 gals basalt
2 quarts kelp
2 quarts neem
2 quarts crustacean meal"

Any suggestions im all ears. Seems like I should I add some pumice to this mix?

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Canna woop - I'm sure Von will chime in on the viability of shiitakes in our containers...I enjoy the sight of my volunteer mushrooms but couldn't speak on intentionally and successfully growing a specific strain of mushroom in the ganja pots.

MAW - welcome aboard dude - I'm sure you will do fine with your mix and the most important part of working with a new mix is being observant of the plants responses and learning to read them and over time knowing what best to topdress with or reamend with.

When I add new sphagnum peat I mix just the peat with 1/2 cup limestone, I think that's what's called ag lime, its a pure white powder and dirt cheap 96% calcium carbonate, and 1/2 cup gypsum, gotta get that sulfur in there, per 1cuF of peat. Dolomite lime is easy to overdo and tightens up the soil in such cases, the magnesium holds a tight bond to the calcium so its not available except in the very long term. I'll personally never use dolo lime again in indoor potting soil mixes....my plants seem to enjoy life just fine without it......I'm actually thinking of removing the limestone in the future...just keeping the gypsum for a lil extra calcium and the sulfur.....EWC and crab meal have plenty of of CaCO3....the living soil as a whole and its interactions with the plants regulate the PH.....

Topdress all those extra goodies when they come in, like the neem, a mainstay for me....did you mention rock dusts? Mineralize! Your soil and your plants will thank you....

Rock dusts

Supremo (vermi)compost

That's all my pet soil sees these days on reamending, which rarely occurs as most containers remain no-till for a few to several cycles.....I messed around with adding all sorts of things, after the novelty of so much goodies wore off and not knowing which or any of the myriad of additions were causing a particular issue, or benefits more-so. Keep it simple, less is more, when in doubt, add less lol.
my first ROLS attempt was a crash and burn disaster. I vegged the clones up for two weeks everything looking great. Two weeks after the flip they yellowed up heavily and growth stopped. I wondered at the time if I got too much dolomite lime in the mix?

I add 1cup dolo and half cup calcitic lime to 14 gallons soil!

I lowered those levels now by about a third but I have been bitten once...

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Check these guys out! They have aloe and alfalfa OTCO!


Ive been eating raw for a while now so all this living soil and teas really rings a bell with me. I am really curious about juicing and I think I will experiment with dandelion first. I might as well start growing a patch of alfalfa, because I know that fresher is better.


Neem will 100% be getting topdressed in at a light rate 1 cup per pot...

careful with this sir...i find that neem can easily burn as a topdress.

a few weeks ago I topdressed a bunch of 1 gallon pots with 1tsp of neem each...two weeks later and 30% of the plants have burnt curling tips/a bit stunted growth. just be careful...neem is strong - especially the Ahimsa (neemresource) stuff.

highlife - you juice your cannabis leaves right? cause as far as health goes..raw juiced cannabis leaves is one of the best things out there.

CBDa, THCa, etc - the acid forms of the chemicals we are all familiar with - are found in very high amounts in raw leaves. these acids have very positive health effects, and we can ingest thousands of times more (by weight) of these beneficial substances because the leaves aren't orally psychoactive. pretty awesome stuff. found out about juicing cannabis months ago, and i've been juicing most of the scrap leaves from veg since - when I clean up the undergrowth or cull a plant or something - straight to the juicer! and then the juicer scraps get fed to my worms :dance013: they love it.

either that or I dry the ganja leaves out and then crumble them - "canna meal" good for topdressing, making into botanical teas, or feeding to the worms :huggg:

EDIT: picture of the neem meal topdress leaf burn

FTI- If he is adding 'granite' rock dust at 1tbs per gallon is it actually gonna be a problem if it smells of sulfur a bit? Would even adding 1tbs of elemental sulfur per gal cause a problem? Not like I'm planning on doing this anytime soon...just curious.
Thanks for the replies in the previous page. the shitake curd was for sale at the farmer market so I thought I'd give it a whorl. I don't know any thing about shrrooms and never really eat them so the ready to go curd for $17 seemed like a good deal. I covered it with a plastic bag and placed it in the corner of the cab, here are some plant pix, they are a bit heat stressed and i have been slacking on tea's since some animal or bird is tearing my seed sprout trays up outside.

males n/h


females n/h





fulvic acid?

fulvic acid?

Greetings to you all!
I've been doing some catch up between the old thread and this one, I have been recycling for a year though. I always get a best plant out of other ok ones.. I am patiently (!#÷π√!) learning I suppose?

Anyway, I am trying to get some good advice on liquid fulvic acid, do you guys use such a product as ful-power (as suggested by CC)?
The problem is sourcing ful-power in EU. They do have a EU distributor, but if you compare the us rrp of 1q bottle $19.95 to the EU version €29.95 + €13 shipping... That's a ducking joke right!? (That's equivalent to $56.12!!!)
The UE distributor said, a discount only if spending over $100 + free shipping, so if anyone in the UK is up for a group buy? Moderator, is that all right? Sorry if it's not.


As for what CC let us intend
Fulvic from Leonardite is a joke
Any chemical heated extraction process is also an inferior product
The natural cold fermentation process that bioag employs is prob the best and maybe the only worth it?

The closest I found is dry flower liquid gold no leonardite yes fermentation process... But when I asked if that was a chemical free no high temps job the answer was: - sorry that's proprietary-

What the duck!

I do incorporate humates and are easily sourced in UK, that seems a legit product from viresco.

Guys, should I just not bother with the fulvic?
or any alternative product?

FTI- If he is adding 'granite' rock dust at 1tbs per gallon is it actually gonna be a problem if it smells of sulfur a bit? Would even adding 1tbs of elemental sulfur per gal cause a problem? Not like I'm planning on doing this anytime soon...just curious.

Almost certainly not a problem, but I don't like mislabeled stuff. Unless the "granite" came from a place with hot springs and/or fumaroles, it's not granite. Sulfur is a good thing and available in gypsum, which is in every hardware store without any questions as to what it is.

Just don't go adding halite LOL.


Almost certainly not a problem, but I don't like mislabeled stuff. Unless the "granite" came from a place with hot springs and/or fumaroles, it's not granite. Sulfur is a good thing and available in gypsum, which is in every hardware store without any questions as to what it is.

Just don't go adding halite LOL.

The granite dust I got that smelled of sulfur was from a monument (gravestone) co. There's all different colors of headstones, so all different kinds of stone I guess. I'll put a call into the place tomorrow to see if they know of the different kinds. I'd really like to use this stuff since it was the right price. I was pretty psyched not to have to buy the glacial rock dust.
Don't sweat it then, a mix of all kinds of different rocks are sure to cover all the bases. Rock on as hard as you can now that Slayer is down a man, headbanger.

The only reason i use glacial rock dust is because a local biodynamic nursery had a bucket of it that sat on the shelves until they reduced their exorbitant price and lost hope on it. When i asked about it, they dug it out from a distant corner far from the sales floor. Even then they asked why I wanted it lolz.


careful with this sir...i find that neem can easily burn as a topdress.

a few weeks ago I topdressed a bunch of 1 gallon pots with 1tsp of neem each...two weeks later and 30% of the plants have burnt curling tips/a bit stunted growth. just be careful...neem is strong - especially the Ahimsa (neemresource) stuff.

Thanks for the advice Cann ill make sure to double do some math and see if thatll be overkill...

Its a 60 gallon pot ill be topdressing, to medicated to figure out if thats more then 1tsp per gallon atm but ill check it later if it is ill dial it down to whatever a 1/2tsp per gallon is and top dress that per pot...

And it is ashima neem seed, its from an organic supply company that supplys about 90% of all the organic growers in maine(veggies potatoes and corn(huge corn and potato fields up maine HUGE) and now they supply this fully organic cannabis grower hahaha)


New member
hello all.
i plan to reuse my 1 year old roots organic soil. it was always fed only plain water from a well and top dressed with worm castings and guano once last lear.

i was going amend with tom hill recipe from the growing large outdoor plants thread. scaled down by a third because I'm in 100 gallons instead of toms 300 gallon pots.

so I'm thinking :1 bag stuntman chicken manure 1 cf, 10 lbs steamed bonemeal, 5 lbs gypsum or oystershell
i was going to mix this into each of my 100 gallon pots of used roots soil.

also i had planned on mixing in 3-5 gallons of worm castings per 100 gallon too. (good idea ? or a waste?)

i plan on watering the mix and letting it cook for at least 2 weeks

so what do you guys think? toms mix with or without worm castings? does this sound like an ok ratio per 100 gallon?

before i decided to go with toms amend mix i had just planned on using: 1 full bag of malibu compost bu's blend, 1 full bag of buckaroo worm castings. and some bat guano 7-3-1 maybe a 3 cups. into my 100 gallons pots of used 1 year old roots organic soil.

again thank you all for your thoughts and ideas.


Active member
"Would even adding 1tbs of elemental sulfur per gal cause a problem?"

this soil I'm in is 3-4 runs old and sulfur def. I used dusting wettable sulfur for roses... instead of Epsom Salts... and the interveinal chlorosis on my growth tips cleared right up... without any other issues that I can see... Sulfur is used as a fungicide though... and w/o a scope I don't know if it has totally wiped out my hyphae...
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