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"The NEW" 600w Soil Club.

All ya need is 600 watts and dirt, now who's in?
Post em' up boys and girls!
The 600s weren't getting any love in the hydro section so we'll just start our own, but everyone is welcome in. No haters allowed.
Runnin' TWO 600s? Cool! Post em' up! Runnin' THREE 600s? Damn! Post em' up!

Heres mine,
9 fem AK48s from Nirvana
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom
8 week veg
currently week 4.5 of 12/12
This is only my 4th try and so far the only sucsessfull one, so far. Hehehe. We'll see.

Now whos next?


Active member
Farmer, good thread!!! My 2nd grow (see link) is 5 weeks from completion. Plan on building 3 more 4 x 4 with 600 Hortilux for a perpetual... Perhaps not the best, but definate DANKNESS comes from within the set-up
COOL!!! brother farmer,count me in got my own thread but no one will talk to me.(c link) i don't no why i'm just a nubb trying my best,but i love your thred man your girls look so good.i'm growing nirvana seed's, 5 super skunk #,5 papaya,4 barney farms vanilla kush,5 green house seed's king's kush 2 auto's by sweet seed's (fast bud &seed devil) and i'm useing 2 600/watt h.p.s but for my veg i got conversion bulb's by sunmaster.and for my soil we have fox farm happy frog,for my nirvana ss/papaya.but i'm tying a mix of my own with my kush seed's not sure if that was the best thing to do being a NUBB,there not as big as my ss& papaya take a look at my album and u can see what i mean.
let's show them 6 week's of veg

let's show them 6 week's of veg

going to start flowering in 13 day's got some pics :tiphat:


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getting busy

getting busy

Lookin' goooooooood there sweeperman! :tiphat:
You gonna be gettin busy shortly ain't ya?
ooooo yea man going to start flowering soon.but like i said my kush has ben a pain in my ass they will not bloom!! don't no why,maybe someone will help me with them.ther eatting the same as super skunk & papaya.but they have no cutt's on them at 7 week's any advice??
here a pic the kush is the small one's but there the same age. thank you sweeperman. can i still flower with out bloom's?? the pics on left is king's kush/vanilla kush


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Rabbi Reefer

I'm subscribed..always interested in seeing what kind of goodies 600 watts can produce.


Hey Farmer Stealth! Good idea man looks like u are experiencing severe dankness with your setup which is always pleasant to see..

I got 600 watts here too, ive found they work a ton better than the 400s (better light coverage per watt + far more intensity) going for 1lb per light with 6 babies veged for about 3 months approx.. Have achieved before with little trouble straight soil mix with worm castings, dolomite lime, neem powder, feed a bit in veg with seaweed nutes and use another ocean based fertiliser for flowering.. I keep that shiit organic yo.. Easy as pie!

Yes i know theres only 5 there at moment btw.. theres more to room and its all evolving etc..

These little babies are 6 weeks old from seed and range in height from 1.5 - 2.0 feet. Ive topped twice as of today.. and will veg for another 5-7 weeks before flipping

Peace and Happy Growing


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New member
I will use this to post the first pics of my grown.

but first i am skiing then i iwll bring up a few pics this evening

Armen Tamzarian

I will jump in on this one. Don't have a camera right now but I am running two 600's with some Hawaiian Skunks and a few L.A. Confidentials and one Sour Diesel that is way to big for the space. I love my 600's! Everyone's pics look awesome so far.


Awwww Ski Phan, SO jealous of your snow at the moment.. im surrounded by heat and humid conditions what i wouldnt give for a day or 3 of hitting the slopes! I might donate one of my little fingers although im sure i would regret it later..

Heres a pic of my cuttings taken today.. taken from mums veged under 600MH, its my first time taking cuttings ive read a ton of info on doing it but nothing compares to the actual process. TO kick things in i indulged in 2 bottles of red wine... As of today i refused myself to purchase any more dankness until my babies are ready.. I cannot stand paying top $ for crap wet buds grown by imbeciles that have less clues than my dog!!


Enjoy All and Lets Overgrow dis biitch!!

Peace Out


I think the red wine is effecting my senses somehow... go figure.. Picture should be in this post

Fairly straightforward setup, cuts taken.. put in glass of water.. then trimmed.. placed in jiffy peat pots... peat pots sitting in 2 inch layer of sterilised pumice so the roots can grow into for a few days.. Humidity Dome, Placed under fluoro lights.. An inbred fool with 1 arm could do this imo..

Peace out


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P.S Hey Sweeperman,

Are you sure you dont have any light leaks in your flowering section? (In response to your saying you couldnt get some plants to flower properly..).

Hold your hand in front of your face in the dark component of your 12/12, if u can see your hand you need to improve your darkness..

Sorry if thats painfully obvious.. It can often be the catalyst of your lack of bud problemos

peace out
Nice Im Subbed Ill be started up my Veg Tent Soon. I will Be Using Subcools Super Soil Recipe :D Cant wait to get this show on the road


New member
I will start with a teaser while I put some juice in the cam battery.

I didn't snap any photos of the grow itself first time through but I have the results.

First grow in this new location (maybe 7th cycle of my life):

Grew six plant. 3 durban poision and 3 UK cheese. My end result was 13oz with the 600 watt. .6 per watt with soil (FFOF) and fox farms nutes.

Here are two pictures of the cured bud.

pics of actually grow still coming

Soil: FFOF and happy frog 50-50

nutes: FF big grow, tiger bloom, black strap molasses.

The pictures up coming have the same feed but add big Bud and holy crap can i tell the difference.


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