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The Most Basic Of Cloning Polls...

The Most Basic Of Cloning Polls...

  • just plain old water and nothing else...'cept time

    Votes: 37 34.9%
  • any other method that goes beyond plain water

    Votes: 69 65.1%

  • Total voters


I had my first personal experience with cloning was quite successful. I was extremely nervous and thought for sure I'd fucked up. My buddy just handed me a cup full of water with three cuts sitting in it. They were in the cup for a few hours before I got my hands on them and got home.

Via his recommendation I trimmed the three big cuts into seven clones and scraped the outer skin off the bottom of the stem with a razor. Then I let them lay dipped in some Clonex for about 5+ minutes. Then I just inserted them in some jiffy cubes, and threw them under a 23w CFL.

After a week I thought two had survived and five were doomed so I started neglecting the other five in the corner of my veg cab and took good care of the other two which are super healthy. Then a week later I'd been to lazy to throw away the very dead looking clones, and when I finally went to toss them they had a set of fresh new leaves out of nowhere.

So after two weeks I had a 100% success rate on 7 clones. And three or four of them I transplanted after a week of rooting and the roots are already poking out of the bottom of their new pots.

I know for a fact that i was extremely unprofessional about the entire process and really regretted it at first. But then they all magically pulled through. My honest opinion is that it was just a truly vigorous super healthy happy strain/mother plant that just didn't give a flying shit that I was an amateur, it's mission was to keep growing, and it didn't let anything stop it.

So... in conclusion. Any cloning method works, I just believe the most important thing is to have a super healthy mother plant with extremely vigorous growth. Not which cloning powder or gel you use. I'll be honest, the only reason I buy clonex is because it comes in little single use packs which is enough for about 20+ clones, not because I researched a bunch and found it was the best. It's just a little bit of insurance, if I was too broke to drop the $3 I'd just use water. But I'd rather spend the couple dollars and save myself a week or two. Plain water is slooooooooooooooooow.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


Sweet roots there Stainless...but, please illuminate further...just what IS that wet contraption...in layman's terms:D

Dirt Nasty

I use coco and soak cut clones in seaweed for 12 hrs and have beer cups full of roots in a week at the most. I re-cut all clones underwater with a brand new razor blade.


Active member
Try this idea of mine...


Put one of these in the bottom...Your all set...

You should have roots in 4-6 days..
Water is 5.8, with a drop of Superthrive...

Good luck,


I asked around a little to see how some of my friends have been doing it lately.

One of them, all he said was "kelp", and smiled. Apparently it has some great hormones. No details though on his process though.

I personally wouldn't risk the bubble cloner with such varying results across the table, which if I'm correct is what that is, correct bobby? At first I thought it was home made but the tray with neoprene inserts looks like it's from an EZ cloner.


Active member
I have an 8 site daisy cloner that I love, I cram 2 cuts per site so I get 16 per time, I'm thinking I could even squeeze 3 per site.
I was the kiss of death to all clones before the daisy, now 95% or better always.
Cost me like $60 including a jug of clonex, I would have happily paid 3 times that amount if I knew how well it was going to work for me.


my apologies for the incessant bumping....trying to get 100 votes total.


I'm surprised at almost 60/40! I would have expected 80/20... 90/10 maybe?

Lots of people cloning in straight water.


Yeah, I'm surprised too MileHigh. Hopefully this poll can get 100 voters, for accuracy's sake.


I use plain water in a bubble cloner. Occasionally, I'll add a few tablespoons of H2O2.

Other methods I've tried with varying degrees of success:

Perlite/wick - I think 1/10 rooted...I didn't like not being about to check progress w/o disturbing/stressing the clones

Water Bottle/Peat Puck - Better success rate, but would occasionally experience mold
Water in a cup - Hit or miss for me. Took FOREVER.

Maintaining water temp <80F is the key. I also change the water about once a week.


master shake

Active member
Cloning in plain water has been a waste of time and cuts in my exp. I now use jiffy peat pellets with no root homrmones and will have a root sticking out within 7 days. Just keep em under a humidity dome and keep the peat moist.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I've always used the method of cloning straight into a 5-gallon SmartPot with my soil mix. I've always been happy with the results.

Based on your thread, I went down to the local 'grow store' (I took a shower later) and purchased some 'Clonex' rooting compound and used it on a strain that I've grown for over 18 years.

Bottom line - I saw rooting (using a RapidRooter-type product) in conjunction with Clonex and I found that I saw MUCH faster rooting using Clonex.

So I was wrong. Just simply using water is not the best method for this ancient strain.



Here is an interesting side note to this poll....

There have been 868 views of this thread (at this point), and 88 people have voted...approximately 10% of the total.

Given the widely held practice of finding a "keeper" and maintaining those genetics for future use...I would have thought a higher percentage of viewers would have cast a vote in this poll.

Even if we chalked up 200 views to folks revisiting (hehehe, 15 for me), that would still leave a total of 668 views, which would mean about 14% of viewers have cast a vote.

Is it possible that so few of us growers are actually involved in cloning our favorite plants?