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The Media's Top Five Lies About Marijuana


Active member
This piece reviews five myths about marijuana that the media and governments have conspired to spread to drum up opposition to marijuana legalization. It mentions some recent studies that contradict the anti-pot propaganda.

We must confront the media on their reluctance to tell the truth about marijuana. These lies must not be allowed to stand!


I would also add to this list the UK's unceasing propaganda about how pot supposedly destroys your lungs. They don't have any controlled studies, just incidents where unexplained holes appear in pot smoker's lungs.

Note that such findings seem confined to Britain, and the hype suddenly appeared when Gordon Brown was ramming thru his reclassification of cannabis. This is because those lung holes were not caused by marijuana but by the SHIT that was added to it by unscrupulous criminal gangs, including glass, lead, and other tiny items used to up the weight of the product for greater profit.

Likewise the awful soapbar that the English have been consuming over the years that is full of harmful adulterants, and of such low quality you must smoke 5 to 10 times as much to get a buzz.

So the crime is against the PEOPLE, because when governments keep it illegal, people suffer at the hands of criminals. Legalize it, and the gangs will disappear overnight!

Owl Mirror

Active member
"Legalize it, and the gangs will disappear overnight!"

Natural crime is one that is mala in se, or wrong in itself. This means that it is known as being wrong regardless of the circumstances. Legal crime is mala prohibita, or wrong only because there is a law. Someone made a law against it.

I do not believe it is necessary to eliminate the legality but, the impetus for criminal behavior.
That impetus is greed.
Eliminate greed in the community and those who seek profits through such practices as adding glass, lead, and other tiny items used to up the weight of the product for greater profit would disappear.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The UK itself is destroying lungs!! There's a bunch of bacterial sponges in that damn soaking mess of fog and myst ;)


Active member
Ever notice how, in any discussion about marijuana, the detractors cannot separate marijuana use from substance abuse? All the years of propaganda has deeply affected the US citizenry.


The government keeps it illegal and still taxes California growers and distributors

I think we win this thing by being smarter, one step ahead of them, and keeping our mouths shut. They have the power, maybe not the right, to shut your ass down. So why lead em to you :smoker: practice a little more discretion in your business and personal use if you ask me.