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The Mars Volta


Well-known member
Any fellow Volta fans here? I've been a fan since '03 when I first heard De-Loused in the Comatorium. As a musician myself, I was sick of the majority of music up until hearing them, blazed I might add.

In fact, in case anyone is wondering, my screen name is the 2nd song off of their 3rd album "Amputechture".

I had the pleasure of seeing them in Chicago, on 4-20-2008, it was a night I will never forget, and one hell of a performance.



would not call myself a fan, but i have seen them live and they put on a good show.


Big fan here:wave: I came home with a burn of De-Loused in the Comatorium in 2004 that a friend kid gave to me got hooked immedietly,I think Frances the Mute is a great album, I listerned to prog rock since the 60's so Mars Volta sits in with what I like to listen to:gday: 1 band i would like to see!


deloused is one of my favorite albums of all times. they are one of those bands that you can't truly appreciate unless you sit down and listen to their albums from front to back nonstop. the intro to that cd gets me so pumped
i grew up heavily on At the Drive-In which led me to mars volta in 02 when they were still touring in a van. I loved deloused and is one of my tops favorites to this date...but after that album I wasn't into theyre newer stuff..


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
At the Drive-in and Mars Volta are two favourite bands of my own.
I just find Cedri and Omar the real sonic knights.
Went for my old CDs and AtTheDrive-In "relationship of comand" is blazzing loud through the speakers.
"pattern against user- dilated
bastard waitting for nothing
circus carny guarding
the gates of heaven
pact stuck in limbo abduction
wormed our way through
distant earth"

I love these guys because they put it ALL into words&sounds



Well-known member
Sweet man, now I'm listening to Relationship of Command. It's one of my favorite albums of all time. I also love Vaya EP, that EP has a few tracks that remind me a lot of old Modest Mouse.


ICMag Donor
I had never seen or even heard them before ....Then........They played at Bonnaroo ,i didn't even know who the band was until after the show was over.....Best live performance of any band ive seen in 15 years ...completly mindblowing ..It was like a abstract ,psychedelic painting transformed into music .....I later found out by listening to mp3's they played what i think is called the "Francis the mute" album in its entirety...The album has weird song names like "cygnus something cygnus'...Simply fucking amazing!!!!

Leon Brooks

i saw them once in san diego in 05 i think it was. it was absolutley mind blowing. it was an indoor show with prob 5-7k ppl. half of which sparked up when they started the show:smoke out: they are our modern pink floyd.


Hell yeah I found the Mars Volta thread!!!

Yes I love The Mars Volta. I started listening to them when someone handed me DitC and was like check this trippy shit out.

I've been hooked ever since.

I've been to 11 shows, I've seen them with APC, RHCP, and SOAD.

I love very few things in life, herb being one and TMV being the other.

Did anyone think Octahedron was too much? :biglaugh: I really believed them when they said it was the TMV acoustic album. Its not acoustic but it'd TMV's version of what acoustic is. And its BADASS!!!



Hey guys ! I love the Mars Volta too ! Greetings of Czech Republic :tiphat:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
ATDI is way better :joint: but i'll admit, when de-loused came out, i was blown away just like everyone else :joint: very very talented musicians :joint:

Saw them in 2003 (I think) at King Tut's just after ATDI split and they sounded half way in between ATDI and the first Mars Volta album, different line up too. Fucking amazing. Not a fan of their albums but that first ep was really good.


New member
I have listened Octahedron couple of times and im liking it. Such powerful groovy drumming, that's something i always like to hear.

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