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The little plant that could! (help)


New member
Sorry for not using the template but I've had this little female (outdoors) since July. Its growth was stunted for a long period because my dumbass put it in miracle gro. I transplanted it to potting soil and started to do alot better and started feeding it nutes. I topped it at some point and it never really grew back, and the two top leaves are weird looking. I've been watering it once a week and it seems to be in flowering stage. I've been keeping it alive because its definately gonna produce some bud, I dunno how long until it will finish but I hope I could ask some questions. All the new growth looks healthy which is why I'm hopeful.

1. What seems to be wrong with it?
2. How much bud should I expect? I was thinking a bit more/less than 3.5 grams.
3. Should I remove the top leaves so it can grow healthy new leaves, or will this hurt more than it could help.



The topping was done a long time ago, it grew two little things out and that was kinda it.

Dice 420

How much lite was the plant getting?

Putting it in miracle grow was a bad choice, but it would not have stunted the growth like that.

Id say you were letting it get to dry.

Also your soil looks hard i dont see any perlite or wood chips to break it up
so the roots can grow and so can the plant.

I would expect little to no bud.

Was this bag seed?

Sorry bud.


New member
The other plant I had was pretty big and planted in potting soil from day 1. This is my only female I had, and it was bagseed.

I don't care if it produces a little bud, but is there anything I could do to help it yield more or atleast be higher quality.

Its been getting plenty of light where I've had it


Soil looks indeed soggy and if you say that they had nuff light then the only thing that crosses to my mind now is that the might be rootbound. Had the same with a plant last year and it just would not grow while all the others were doing a great job at it! She flowered but I got something like 15 grams of her which in the end was not really worth for the effort put into her.
I am not sure you will be able to finish flowering if you live in Europe and you want to do it outdoors. Check the pics in my signature from my outdoor grow. See how far away into flowering they are compared to yours? I am still doubting if mine are going to finish on time...
Taking these into account I would say better luck next year. Prepare a proper soil, get some good genetics, take good care of them and you will be very well rewarded.

Dice 420

Id say no. Sorry. At this point at least based on how it looks, it would herm up b4 budding up.

Try planting it in all day sun in fresh compost.


New member
I'm afraid to transplant it because I'm afraid I'll damage the roots or something. Its flowering too, so I don't think its gonna try to get much bigger, but I'll make sure it gets light. Btw I live in PA (East Coast, US) when should flowering end for this? I mean it doesn't have any fully formed buds yet.

I didn't think the pot would be too small, my big male was growing fine.


New member
I just watered it and fed it today, I've been using half as much of plant food as I would use during veg, but it seems like those top leaves are getting worse. Should I just cut them off, or leave it go? I want to plant to be able to focus on buds, so I'm not worried about it getting bigger, I just want some weed out of this plant.

I wish someone could diagnose this for me.


I personally don't cut leaves until they yellow out completely, or if I'm trying to get light down to a bud site below the main canopy and bending isn't an option. Plants will let you know when they no longer need a given leaf, and with a plant that small and stressed, don't rob it of any photosynthetic power it has left.

I seriously suggest getting it indoors under one or two small CFLs. Colder temps and low angle light at this time of year might finish that poor little girl. Indoors, she might actually show you something.


New member
Wish I could do that, but unfortunately I do not live by myself.

I'm gonna start leaving it around in direct sunlight when nobody is home, I can only do this for like 3 or 4 days out of the week. It gets sun where its at now, but I have it concealed, I dunno if its big enough to worry about anybody seeing it.

From another site: Phosphorus (P) is necessary for photosynthesis and works as a catalyst for energy transfer within the plant. Phosphorus helps build strong roots and is vital for flower and seed production. Highest levels of phosphorus are used during germination, seedling growth and flowering. Deficiencies will show in older leaves first. Leaves turn deep green on a uniformly smaller, stunted plant. Leaves show brown or purple spots.

Could this be the issue? I was hoping I could do something, and somebody told me it could be nute lockout and that I should cut back on my plant food even more.


Wish I could do that, but unfortunately I do not live by myself.

I'm gonna start leaving it around in direct sunlight when nobody is home, I can only do this for like 3 or 4 days out of the week. It gets sun where its at now, but I have it concealed, I dunno if its big enough to worry about anybody seeing it.

From another site: Phosphorus (P) is necessary for photosynthesis and works as a catalyst for energy transfer within the plant. Phosphorus helps build strong roots and is vital for flower and seed production. Highest levels of phosphorus are used during germination, seedling growth and flowering. Deficiencies will show in older leaves first. Leaves turn deep green on a uniformly smaller, stunted plant. Leaves show brown or purple spots.

Could this be the issue? I was hoping I could do something, and somebody told me it could be nute lockout and that I should cut back on my plant food even more.

Just stick with an all purpose plant food at a half dose every time you water, and get the plant as much sun as possible. And only water when the medium has dried out.

I don't think that plant has time to recover/ mature outdoors this year, but I'm pulling for both of you.


hey hircine, tbh mate the best thing to do is to stop fussing.what I would do is repot it into a slightly bigger pot( dont worry you wont damage any roots if your careful enough), lightly water it in and dont give it ANY nutes for at least two weeks, and water it ONLY when the soil below the top layer is nearly bone dry.As for light, just give it as much as you can.

thats what id do anyway...good luck mate, hope i helped a bit :)


New member
I may move it to a bigger pot, but the only bigger pot I have is WAY bigger and I don't want to use all my soil that I was saving for next year.

I'll see if I can move it and I will def cut back on the plant food. I'm afraid to move it to my backyard again as I had a few seedlings back there and they were gone in a few days, something must of ate them.

I'm hoping I can harvest whatever I can by the middle of October before the weather gets too bad. The falls here really aren't that bad, stays around 40 degrees or so, I don't think its gonna freeze.

This was my first grow, I'm definately gonna do it all right next summer, saving all my seeds, gonna plant more so I won't end up with only one female this time. I'm also gonna use potting soil from the beginning and maybe growing one or two plants in the same pot.

A bit off topic: How many plants can you grow in a pretty large pot (maybe as big as a 1 gallon bucket) I was thinking two.


If your gonna plant two plant in a 1gal container, dont let them get much bigger than about a foot, cause theyll start competing for root space.All i no is that thats not a good thing.


looks like you have spider mites to me ill check the underside of the leaf if i we're you also i would put them in a bigger pot and put some peat moss,vermiculite,perlite and some soil amendments like worm casting there no sense of rushing because your plant doesn't look that healthy i wouldn't worry about plant stress from transplanting,they look stressed already


New member
I don't think there is any, I never felt any webs or seen any insects on the plant. Only bugs near it I seen were potato bugs and a beetle and neither were on the plant.

I'm getting worried about the weather, it was really windy and cloudy today, I don't think everyday of October is gonna be like this though.

I looked at it today and the leaves looked a little better to me, I'll take a pic next week for an update.

I've had larger plants in the same size pot by the way, here's a pic of my old male I had in a pot of the same size.


Next year I'm thinking about planting in June or May.


New member
It appears the one leaf is getting worse, the middle section is getting more brown looks like its just gonna fall off.

I heard its better to let it fall off naturally than to pull it off, its getting pretty windy and cold so I hope it can make it to the middle of October and be ready for harvest (what little bud it produces)

The pistils seem to be getting longer, the buds aren't big enough to see yet though. I really hope it can make it!

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