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If the group your working with sees your posts and how you've been acting online they may reconsider working with you. You clearly have some issues, and from that pic of you,I''m just laughing. And so is everybody else.

I think Med-Man is just having some fun with his posts...


Active member
And for good reason. I wish Chad and his brothers all the best in their endeavours.

agreed, all the respect in the world for what they (The McLachlan Family Non-Profit Cannabis Farm) are trying to do. On the other hand, MM and chefboy the other 2 people who have outed themselves being involved in the mmpr/corp stuff. man. once you sign up for the corporate side of things do you become retarded instantly? respect to Chad and crew for at least trying to do some good.. and i hope that it works out well for them. MM and chefboy, seriously. maybe need to lay off smoking so much pesticide.
Lot of people over at MedPot cheering for Pangea and his brothers.

Well it was good to see someone actually using proper horticultural techniques with green houses and free light to grow the product but after seeing Pangea going off on med man and swearing at him (the original post has since been changed/removed) my view of him has changed.

I'm pretty sure this is just a troll post to rattle his haters which he seems to have done a good job with it although maybe not the smartest thing to do public relations wise.


I think Pangea was just having a bad day when he went off like that on mm. He's probably under a lot of pressure. I agree Buds, it wasn't a smart thing to do.


For someone too busy to post anything to back this up, it rarely takes more than a few minutes for him to reply to any post. I would reckon two or three pages of this thread is just medman slapping himself on the back.

If you aren't looking for accreditation from basement dwelling stoners, why are you posting anything?

If you're actually going to be running something this large, investing in a few highschool English courses might be wise.

nail on the head


Active member
Well it was good to see someone actually using proper horticultural techniques with green houses and free light to grow the product but after seeing Pangea going off on med man and swearing at him (the original post has since been changed/removed) my view of him has changed.

I'm pretty sure this is just a troll post to rattle his haters which he seems to have done a good job with it although maybe not the smartest thing to do public relations wise.

agreed, but it seems that was the original purpose of the thread, trolling, and the attitude displayed by MM got on more than one of our nerves. And i don't blame Pangea a bit. A lot of us who have no 'skin in the game' who are, or know sick people that really need help.. cant help but be disgusted/offended with the attitude. At the end of the day, this shit needs to stop. leave your corporate LP/im superman bragging shit at the door. we are all in this together... or should be. Competition is good. period. enjoy it, don't mock it. in a year or two, we will see who ends up on top.. not that it matters. in my mind, the highest quality, and imho organic/pesticide free, least expensive effective strains is what 'wins'.. but what do i know. but i do know what i would recommend to my friends with health issues.

its almost like we forgot what the point of LP were already. to fucking help sick people. and ya, i swore too.



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
of course, but what i'd really love to see is pics of ANYTHING to backup all the shit you talk...

me on the otherhand, i am "nobody" but i still deliver

beans packed with a label printed in comic sans??? what a fucking joke

View Image

just curious ceosam

are you one of the testers that just took the sseeds and never posted?

real nice delivery....thanks for that. no honor among seed thieves eh? (if thats the case)

and nother thing, nothing to talk about and you are making seed with the stock lol

you must be a gemini like me homie. difference is, i remember what i post up here, and rarely have any polar statements even in the same thread

thanks for sharing though. if you actually read my posts instead of jusging them, you would know i have instagram pics up tuesady and prob icpics up fri.

anywho, people wanna hate go ahead. you have the right to behave however you feel

i need this fuel for my fire. ic has halped me sooooo much from this apsect

as far as chefboy, we are on some 1990 east vs west now!



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
agreed, all the respect in the world for what they (The McLachlan Family Non-Profit Cannabis Farm) are trying to do. On the other hand, MM and chefboy the other 2 people who have outed themselves being involved in the mmpr/corp stuff. man. once you sign up for the corporate side of things do you become retarded instantly? respect to Chad and crew for at least trying to do some good.. and i hope that it works out well for them. MM and chefboy, seriously. maybe need to lay off smoking so much pesticide.

been at this 7 years NFP. and still going



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
You are old beyond your years, you see things
others only dream of.

Yet you persist on your trip. What's up with that?

hi dropped cat

you as well are one of the few

lets just say, we will be able to look back at this in 5-10 years and go "wow, theres actually a winning formula here, not some arbitrary abstract displays of egocentiricties" chefboy does enuff of that for everyone lol

unlike a lot of critics on here that have never ran their own corps, but have advice for me on it. where is their "success" i will give them some real, free advice. "success" is not money like in the movies and media, that a bullshit lie we all choose or not choose to buy

respect dude, havent seen you enuff around here.

if anyone cares to understand me a bit more

google "INTJ - the scientist"



Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
What's with all the 'haters' talk? You sound like girls on Instagram talking shit to each other.

You're fucking grown men. Act like it. Jesus Christ. Wtf happen to this Canadian forum.


OverGrow Refugee
What's with all the 'haters' talk? You sound like girls on Instagram talking shit to each other.

You're fucking grown men. Act like it. Jesus Christ. Wtf happen to this Canadian forum.

People have been on the hate bandwagon since the MMPR companies starting popping up, I have been following the MMAR and MMPR for some time

as most know...and i remember the posts that were saying" it WILL FAIL and all this shit...and now that it is actually working and soon be the law of the land

and the mentality has turned from a community feeling to just pure HATRED and NEGATITIVTY and just very very emotinal people DUE to meds and moeny being taken away

The criminals are pissed because this MMPR will most definitely cut into their profits and livelihood, some of the growers might actually have to get JOBS LOL(jokes aside)

and the actual real individuals who need the medicine well they are getting screwed so...


i have had the brunt of it for sometime now

members here seem to think i represent the MMPR side

and they represent the MMAR side

but it has become a mud slinging match and had been that way for the past 6 months

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