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The Landrace Indica thread



Have a look at a REALLY BIG AFGHAN!!!!!!

Have a look at a REALLY BIG AFGHAN!!!!!!


6 month monsta,with landrace sativa flowering time only!
Everything else is all ganni.....she is almost done 1 more week.


Ras Pablo

Well-known member
jingles said:
Wiked lil plants mriko. ras, your leb looks real nice..

Thank's bro!! This one was the only one without hermie traits...from 20 seeds, only 3 females and one show me 2 bannanas finishing flowering..I'm working to eliminate the hermie traits!..

rainha Ginga

Ginga don't sell seeds
mriko said:
Rainha, glad to see someone growing the Hunza ! How old are they ?
Do you know if the seeds you have are coming from a selected reproduction ? Haven't grown them myself but I know from other reports that some are rather hempy (grown for seeds in Hunza so that's not a big surprise).

Hola mriko

I have read many times on your Hunza.

These seeds germinated in mid-May, for more than a month they have been neglected by me, little water, no food. I hope now able to take better care of them.
And no, they are not coming from a selected reproduction. They come directly from the district of Aliabad.

Take care
Peace RG


Mriko The Af/pak is a home made cross,
It's like my "Indica Haze" as in I've crossed my fav Indica's into it every year.

Jingles and Ras - super sweet pics of your Lebs.

Ras - I understand yours is from Bekaa valley,
Jingles - where does your leb originate?

Hard to say whether these sorts of strains (Like Moroc, Egypt, Leb etc)
Are pure Indica or Sativa...
I think they could be old crosses or grow this way (intermediate) because of latitude or selection for hash?
Your lebs certainly look more sativa than mine, I also have some Leb 27 and
she has surprisingly wide leaves now, but I think these will thin out and end up
looking pure sativa by flower - funny old plant this hemp eh? :bashhead:


levant said:
Mriko The Af/pak is a home made cross,
It's like my "Indica Haze" as in I've crossed my fav Indica's into it every year.

Jingles and Ras - super sweet pics of your Lebs.

Ras - I understand yours is from Bekaa valley,
Jingles - where does your leb originate?

Hard to say whether these sorts of strains (Like Moroc, Egypt, Leb etc)
Are pure Indica or Sativa...
I think they could be old crosses or grow this way (intermediate) because of latitude or selection for hash?
Your lebs certainly look more sativa than mine, I also have some Leb 27 and
she has surprisingly wide leaves now, but I think these will thin out and end up
looking pure sativa by flower - funny old plant this hemp eh? :bashhead:
mines leb27 also, they seem to have a look of sinai types from the middle east also.. i look forwards to smoking my leb........


Green Mujaheed
That's anice Afghani lady you have here Lougrew !

These seeds germinated in mid-May, for more than a month they have been neglected by me, little water, no food. I hope now able to take better care of them.
And no, they are not coming from a selected reproduction. They come directly from the district of Aliabad.

They look pretty good for uncared plants ! can't wait to see how they come !
There's no Aliabad District actually (except in Afghanistan). Aliabad is a village in Hunza valley, this is actually where is the valley's seedshop ;)

Hard to say whether these sorts of strains (Like Moroc, Egypt, Leb etc)
Are pure Indica or Sativa...
I think they could be old crosses or grow this way (intermediate) because of latitude or selection for hash?

I don't think we can compare Maghreb and Mashreq strains actually. If Mashreq strains are grown (and have been selected) for hash, the Maghreb strains aren't. There cannabis is rather linked to the Berber civilization and, I might be wrong, but, it is my theory that those represent a genetic pocket of isolated strains introduced in the area way before the Arab invasions.

Irie !


Ah, very interesting mriko, so the Maghreb strains were being used by
Berber people before the arabs arrived
(Am I correct that this was around the 7th Century?)

Do you have ideas about how the Berber people used cannabis as herb or hash?


Green Mujaheed
Ah, very interesting mriko, so the Maghreb strains were being used by Berber people before the arabs arrived (Am I correct that this was around the 7th Century?) Do you have ideas about how the Berber people used cannabis as herb or hash?

Well, that's only a theory of mine, and I've not even been to Morocco. :pointlaug

Still, it is in the Rif, which has always remained a Berber land, that cannabis use is customary and the King of Morocco actually allowed the Berber people to keep growing it as nothing else would grow in the dry and rocky mountains.

From when does kif smoking date, I don't know. Does it coincide with the arrival of tobacco in the Old World ? I don't know. What was the use of cannabis before ? I don't know.
Alas, the hashish industry has gobbled to Kif one and little is known about the History. I know about only one work about cannabis in morocco, a huge thesis written by a Spanish guy. I dont know if it's been printed beyond the very very few volumes I've seen (maybe 10 or 20 exemplaries actually...) or made available. My former boss has it, I'll try to get in touch with him to see if more is available.

That's just a feeling I have, intuition. yeah, I just can feel it !

By the way, some close ups of my Uzbek lady. Was supercropped yesterday. I'm flabbergaste by the seeds. The buds were dusted with some Tajik Polm 10 days ago and look at those beans !!! Never seen such a rapid seed growt, calyxes were already opening one week after pollinization !

Resin is building up nicely, but still very very low odor level, close to nothing ! Rubbin some resin on bud leaves revealed a flashy scent strongly reminding of this blue liquid gel used to clean toilets eheh.

Irie !


About hashish production and kif, it has been said that hashish production in Lebanon only really began after it was made illegal to produce hash in Greece (1932). There is a German documentary called Hashish where they interview a kif farmer and he says it was a Moroccan who travelled to Lebanon to study who brought the knowledge to make hashish back home, he gave the date as the mid 1960s.

That seedshop, you can see how the introduction of commercial genes could be disastrous, imagine if they got a stock of Dutch commercial skunky crap in and the whole valley was growing it, man that would fuck the genepool overnight!

Here's a plant I grew from Egyptian seeds, looks similar to Lebanese types. It took 75 days indoors and I would call it a sativa by it's bud structure, btu it has an indica stone and wasn't that tall and lanky. Didn't flower that well indoors, would probably rock outdoors, like the Leb27 and Female Seeds Maroc.




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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Ganja Pasha said:
About hashish production and kif, it has been said that hashish production in Lebanon only really began after it was made illegal to produce hash in Greece (1932). There is a German documentary called Hashish where they interview a kif farmer and he says it was a Moroccan who travelled to Lebanon to study who brought the knowledge to make hashish back home, he gave the date as the mid 1960s.

According to Clarke (HASHISH! page 153) :D

"Abu Ali,age 88,a Lebanese farmer from the Bekaa Valley,was interviewed in 1986.He claims to be the first to grow Hashish plants in the Bekaa Valley (in 1935),from seeds smuggled from India inside of the walking stick of his friend Naif Ali Abbas(Favret and DeMulder 1986).It´s very unlikely that hashish production came to the Bekaa Valley as late as 1935,but is not surprising that someone would bring an improved variety from India"


I would expect hashish has been made in Lebanon for a couple of centuries, but it was only a small-scale production for local consumption, and that after the end of Greek production, the Lebanese expanded their kif cultivation dramatically, so I would expect that tale from 1935 is partially correct and that Abu Ali was one of the new wave of kif farmers that arose after the Greeks ended porduction.

As for seeds from Inida, I would expect that whatever genes the Greeks were growing were also grown in the Lebanon too, so Naif Ali Abbas's Indian seeds would have been an addition to what was already there. I've not got any idea what Greek genes would have been like, perhaps similar to Turkish varieties extant today, probably modern Lebanese types are a blend of the existing Greek.Turkish/Balkan cannabis varieties with seeds smuggled from northern India, Afghanistan and Persia, although I'm guessing.


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
I feel bad saying this but GanjaPasha that plant is way outa wack..I wouldnt use it to judge anything as it wasn't grown correctly IMO..I can even tell you how n why..but Im not gana as Ive been preaching it for the last few yrs...Ive got some India landraces to run myself..I had said somethin on them in the ask Sam thread but Mirko helped a bit on info/comments..

-Punjab near Fridkot/Moga
-Punjab near Amritsar - close to the Sikh Golden Temple
-Kerala - south India
-Manali (Kasol actually. it's a about 1hr hike before manali. IMO this is where the really dank hash comes from)
-Chandigarh ( Foothills of Shivalik mountains. the begining of the Himiliyan chain i believe)

LouGrewl...that plant Looks spectacular....but Ive said this already brah

Just started some WOS PakistanValley...and really hope I can grow them properly to give proper examples..
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Pure Uzbeki :D

DC (f) x Uzbeki (m)
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The problem with that plant was that it wouldn't flower properly indoors, vegged superbly but didn't flower properly at all. That Egyptian was grown side-by-side and in exactly the same manner as my Purple Afghans and those turned out great.

Outdoors it would probably be a whole different kettle of fish.

Dried indoors buds, leafy and airy but very foxtailed, taste was earthy and not nice but potent with a nice balanced head/body effect, I gave most of it away cos I hated the taste. The dried buds have very little green colouration, they went all shades of brown and purple and maroon.






Those WOS Pakistan Valley aren't landrace at all, WOS just buys Dutch seeds in bulk and repackages them, and their Paki is riddled with hermies. Pistils declined to sell their seeds after he expereinced many hermies and other problems with their test grows, the Paki had several hermies.


Green Mujaheed
Sweet Sally in the Alley ! Raco, you're kiling me again! what a gorgeous Uzbeki lady !

About Lebanon, cannabis has probably been there since a while. One Pharaon (a Sesostris if memory serves me) actually imported Egyptian cannabis to Caucasus and most probably went through Lebanon, if not Bekaa itself which is an age-old intercontinental, intercultural crossroad. I'm not telling the man sown some of his seedstock in Bekaa, but it surely went through the valley.

Let's not forget about the Mountains on the Coast, which are mainly inhabited by Christians. I wouldn't be surprised that the strain they grow (different from the Bekaa's one according to Clark) is directly related to Greek hash strains (Greek are counting for about 8% of Lebanon population and was probably larger than that a century before or so).

About the Indian seeds beeing brought back, let's not forget that the India of those times is way different than today's as it emcompassed Pakistan and Tribal Areas. So which India is this old man talking about ?

Still, considering the importance of Bekaa valley in History as multicultural crossroad, I'd be tempted to think that the cultivation of cannabis (at least at small scale, not the expansion seen after Greek Prohibition) is way older in Bekaa than what this old man claims.

Irie !

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