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ud think the green party would have to bring the issue up all the time since its one of their policys..isnt it a bit like false advertising to say its a policy if they dont take any notice of it.


I'd be surprised if the greens will ever do much about this policy, especially leading up to election, as they are too busy trying to court the more conservative parties hoping to be needed to make up majority.

This is one of the reasons why I don't think greens will have as much support this election as they did in the last- they pissed off their original supporters by watering themselves down in order to please the majority, and pissed the majority by flexing the small amount of power they did have on rediculous things like the smacking bill.

What a waste of energy.

Either vote a major party in order to ease this country in the vague direction you want it to or go totally alternative and vote legalise marijuana party, either way greens should get the message that if they're in government they should do what they say they do, or at least try.


i think u hit the nail on the head FarmerGreen, green wil hav lost a major % of their votes after last election. especially kza the anti-smacking bill..that was weird..then again not quite as much as the death threats over it.
Somehow we need to rally together all the stoners and mj supporters to vote alcp and get it done. how though i dont know..


Problem is, there are issues more important than smoking weed (sorry black haze), and they are the things that governments are chosen for.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a heavy smoker and think life would be better for a lot of people if it was legal, not just the smokers, but society on the whole needs to be reeducated to realise cannabis isn't as evil as made out before it gets anywhere near parliament.

Once the majority of people are ok with the idea of cannabis in the main stream, then the mainstream parties will be jumping at the chance to support it.

Until then, I got plenty of weed, and it really isn't that bad of a thing to keep it on the DL.


"but society on the whole needs to be reeducated to realise cannabis isn't as evil as made out" Its not easy though. most people dont want 2 listen


I dunno man. Be a functioning pothead, don't let the stereotypes about stoners be true.
Hopefully society's view will slowly change with time. I'm sure already pot is more accepted by the mainstream. People seem to know now that people don't go nuts on it like they do alcohol and the p.


yea i think theres more of it in the media. Was happy to see some of it (sadly not all) showed an almost positive view of it. I think things like J-day and the Auckland Cannabis Cup should be far more advertised. Even sending texts to the right people hu could send it on etc etc. If even quarter of the people who smoke up turned up to one of those events itd send a clear message to the politicians.


Here are some pics from years ago....

this was some outdoor rommy from 2005

and this was some indoor rommy before we worked out how to control stretch, pretty funny looking back...

Ohh wait, are we still alowed to talk about growing in this thread :p
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haha, just takin the piss there goldy.

the worrying thing for me is that I don't have any genetics confirmed for the outdoor 08 season yet. I've got a few amazing spots that have been pain stakingly prepared. And about 50 bag seed clones, most of which have rooted but I don't know sex yet.

Just waiting on a few hookups to come thru in the next few week for some proven genetics which could possibly include big bud, affies, reclining buddha, something with no name but blows minds, and another nameless thing that blows minds.

Hopefully atleast one of these four potential hookups come through before it's too late... Will be letting ya know if they do, believe me!


Active member
SOunds interesting NZG!... good luck man... best of luck.
maybe ill be able to hook you up with some proper genetics when i come home man...

hate to see good growers grow badseed :D heheh

oh btw, i was NZjay. :) sup brother.
howsit going NZ? Growing in welly here got 6 hindu kush under a MH and 6 unknowns under a hps in 4X4 tents. Cant posts yet tho sorry. Anyone here headin to PHAT 09 this shits gonna go off!!
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hopefully the season is going well....i just got here a month ago and haven't seen anything impressive...so when harvest season comes along, i'm hoping that changes.


New member
help please

help please

hey all hope your all havin a good season down under while i'm freezin ma butt off here in the highlands of scotland lol names dragon
i'm looking for some info on the strain NZ Purple Indica can anyone throw some light on this for me be much appreciated

take care and be safe



sup all im from north of auckland. just found this nz/aus thread so will post here a bit more. everyones pics look good, trying to get some better genetics at the moment for a indoor we will see where I get from there.

i got a few things going may get some pics up sometime. keep this thread alive!

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Kiwi Star

Another NZ grower signing in!

About to start my second ever grow, will use blueberry this time. Hopefully I'll have something to brag about..

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