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*The K.I.S.S. Method*

Are you using 2tsp for the entire grow? From start to finish?

Uhhhh, no. Now I'm wondering about a contest. Like a yogurt cup challenge...

2 tsp per gallon, not the entire grow. I read the package and it said 1-2 per gallon for heavy feeding. My point is that this isn't rocket science here. You get good results with 1 tsp, and you get good results with 2 tsp. Yes, some strains will do better than others at high feed rates. This is weed. Stop taking it so seriously and smoke a joint. This should be fun, not civil war.

Ganja Maker

I also use the small side of the scoop (which is supposed to be a teaspoon) without weighing it. I weighed it once and it was very close to seven so that was good enough for me. Now I just scoop it.
I know maxi isn't the best you can get, but it makes it so much easier to not have to mix up all different batches of nutes for all my plants.The only time I use less than a scoop per gallon is like the first week after my clones root or small seedlings. Then I'll use a half teaspoon.
Like someone said above I believe it's more important to get your PH correct than worrying about the weight being off a bit.
Everyone has to judge on your own what works for YOU. I know I would never use more than one scoop/g because I think I come to about 1.8 ec with one and that should be plenty.

tip for mixing- I got one of those paint mixers you put on the end of a drill. Works awesome. I use a five gallon bucket and mix four gallon batches at a time.


Active member
You want "short/squat", not stretchy plants. Stretchy means not enough light. Plants stretch for the light. Short/squat means thicker stems and stronger, better yielding plants. You do not need more "N"....
to each his own_ plants are 6" tall and have 6 sets of leaves..to short and squat can yield less...to stretched out can yield less.. im trying to find a happy medium.. :thank you:
the small side of the scoop was around 6.3-6.4grms


Active member
What do you guys mean the small side of the scoop? If I get a teaspoon scooper for baking, will that work?-is that what you guys use? Thanks again!


Active member
What do you guys mean the small side of the scoop? If I get a teaspoon scooper for baking, will that work?-is that what you guys use? Thanks again!
...MaxiBloom comes with a double-ended scoop in every bag, one end is 1Tablespoon and the other end is 1teaspoon.

...what's been advocated by many is that you should weigh your dry ingredients, aka MaxiBloom powder, rather than just eyeballing scoops in an effort to be more precise in your measurements, even a slight roundness in your sscoopings can create fluxuations that are eliminated by weighing, 7 grams is 7 grams.

...consistency is key, you want predictable, repeatable results that, once achieved, can then be tweaked with additives if you choose, and one additive at a time in measured doses is strongly recommended.

peace, bozo


Active member
Ahhh, I getcha' now Bozo-thanks for the info! I will weigh 7 grams out when I switch to Maxibloom.
...you're welcome man although i have to admit that while i loved my MaxiBloom, a couple other growers convinced me to try Jack's Pro Hydro and i've been using it for almost 2 years now and i just love the stuff.

anyway, here is a thread by a grower using Jack's so you can begin to look into it, ...i personally find it to be far superior to the MB, and my plants seem to agree.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=255735Jacks 5-12-26

btw, if you go looking there are several other threads discussing the use of Jack's, ...there are many other happy customers.

peace, bozo


why would you not just use the smaller side of the scoop?

ive bee doing it for ~3yr w/no issues and im curious what i may run in to if i dont weigh it.

am i right in assuming you have experience w/mb?


Sorry for the late reply but using the scoop does not give you 7g every time. The scoop is a volume measurement and the weight of the MB can change depending on moisture levels and human error. So a scoop can weigh more or less depending.

You dont have to do anything but what works for you. If you wanted to follow a specific formula with specific ratios as stated in the first post, you need to measure out by weight.

And I have been using MB for the last 2 cycles. 7g/gal for most except one strain that doesnt respond well to the higher EC.

it isnt 7g/gal or something bad will happen, its just 7g/gal comes closest to a widely used formula only easier (one part) and cheaper. If a scoop is working for you and your plants, I wouldnt change anything.


Well-known member
ive been using the mb kiss before ioni made the thread and i guess my point is for me weighing the exact ammt is not necessary.

you are dead on about moisture throwing off the ammt per scoop if not weighed so be careful.


Sorry for the late reply but using the scoop does not give you 7g every time. The scoop is a volume measurement and the weight of the MB can change depending on moisture levels and human error. So a scoop can weigh more or less depending.

You dont have to do anything but what works for you. If you wanted to follow a specific formula with specific ratios as stated in the first post, you need to measure out by weight.

And I have been using MB for the last 2 cycles. 7g/gal for most except one strain that doesnt respond well to the higher EC.

it isnt 7g/gal or something bad will happen, its just 7g/gal comes closest to a widely used formula only easier (one part) and cheaper. If a scoop is working for you and your plants, I wouldnt change anything.


New member
I have found that my meters are affected by the electromagnetic field put out by my light/ballast. Anymore I take my water sample out of the room the light is in and my funky readings have disappeared.

Thanks Maj cottonmouth you've been a great help and i'll be sure to +rep when i get to my comp. i was watering on the lower side (6.3-6.5) because i've always noticed my RO when using ocean forest is a few points higher than what I originally watered with.
I have a feeling my PH meter is actin a little funky... My bluelab guardian arrives first thing in the morning so ill make sure to empty the rez, go with 7g exact and make sure my PH is on point. If that dosent fix the problem im stumped! Good thing my next run is with Coco :)


New member
Whew...this is the second time I've read through this thread, lots of good info here. Thank you for sharing it all. I've finally made the decision to switch over to the KISS method. I am running it as suggested in the first post, nothing less nothing more. My only concern is I hope it is not too strong for 2 week old seedlings, if it is I'll be dumping some water out of my rez and adding fresh water. I've been running Hydroponic Research Veg + Bloom 16-10-30 with good success, however it is $100 for 5 lbs. Looking at the photos of plants grown with KISS it looks like I will be doing even better, I've been averaging 3 oz a plant in DWC scrog I hope this kicks it up a notch for me.


Active member
Whew...this is the second time I've read through this thread, lots of good info here. Thank you for sharing it all. I've finally made the decision to switch over to the KISS method. I am running it as suggested in the first post, nothing less nothing more. My only concern is I hope it is not too strong for 2 week old seedlings, if it is I'll be dumping some water out of my rez and adding fresh water. I've been running Hydroponic Research Veg + Bloom 16-10-30 with good success, however it is $100 for 5 lbs. Looking at the photos of plants grown with KISS it looks like I will be doing even better, I've been averaging 3 oz a plant in DWC scrog I hope this kicks it up a notch for me.
new babies should be fed at 1/4 strength until they enter the vegetative stage, say somewhere between 3 and 4 weeks, ...after that you can up them to full strength.

...btw, i'd also like to note that while weighing your MB will be more accurate than just scooping it, moisture in the air will still have an impact, ...more moisture means more water weight and less powder weight.

...and a little fluctuation isn't necessarily a bad thing anyway so i suggest not sweating the small shit.

peace, bozo


New member
Thanks Bozo. Too late I had already started them on full strength, 2 days and they are growing and don't see any problems yet. A few people here have said that's what they do, I was leary but for the sake of KISS thought I'd give it a shot. Hope it don't bite me in the butt. I live in a dry climate so clumping doesn't seem to be a problem and like you say don't sweat the small stuff, I'll go by EC/PPM, right now I'm at about 850.


New member
hey guys, just wanted to say thanks to every one for posting and sharing this great wealth of knowledge! should be growin like the pros in no time!!


The best way to mix maxibloom is by adding it to a full gallon of water.

No electric mixers, blenders, hot water, jars.... Just fill up a gallon jug with water and dump the MB in it. I flip it over and if I have to, I tap the jag to dislodge the small chunks of undissolved sediment from the bottom, give it a little shake and viola!
My kiss formula is:
Aspirin 325 mg.
Protek 5 ml.
Cal mag 5 ml.
Maxi grow or bloom 5 ml.
Z7 0.5 ml.

Kool bloom powder 1.25 ml. (Week before flush)

Ph is automatically 6.0


Active member
My kiss formula is:
Aspirin 325 mg.
Protek 5 ml.
Cal mag 5 ml.
Maxi grow or bloom 5 ml.
Z7 0.5 ml.

Kool bloom powder 1.25 ml. (Week before flush)

Ph is automatically 6.0
...i use 1/4 teaspoon of Jack's Pro Hydro and 1/4 teaspoon of Jack's Pro Calcium Nitrate and then i season it with 1/2ml of ph down and that brings it to a nice piss yellow, ...good enough for me.

...i feed my seedlings lightly for the first few weeks but after that they get the same feed as everyone else.

...the whole point of the KISS concept is simplicity, and i'm a big fan of simple.

peace, bozo
...i use 1/4 teaspoon of Jack's Pro Hydro and 1/4 teaspoon of Jack's Pro Calcium Nitrate and then i season it with 1/2ml of ph down and that brings it to a nice piss yellow, ...good enough for me.

...i feed my seedlings lightly for the first few weeks but after that they get the same feed as everyone else.

...the whole point of the KISS concept is simplicity, and i'm a big fan of simple.

peace, bozo

Thanks, I'm considering trying this brand, also I'm liking the Grow More line up. Good values also because they're manufacturers.